She let me suf er al these years. I hate her.”
“Maybe it hasn’t been years.”
“Yes, it must have been, because she’s been reporting from there for years, and obviously she’d know about something like that. How could she be so cruel?”
“Maybe it was real y hard for her,” Ra said. “Maybe she thought that if Daniel real y didn’t want to see you, tel ing you his address wouldn’t do anyone any good.”
“Don’t defend her. Anyhow, who cares. The main thing is that I’m going to see him!”
“I hope it goes wel , Dana.”
“Yes. I’l bring him back here. I’l bring him back and we can start having a life again, both of us.”
“He may not want to come back. Why not wait and see?”
“I wonder how he feels, knowing I’l be coming tomorrow?”
“I wonder how he feels, knowing I’l be coming tomorrow?”
“Probably even more nervous than you.”
“I don’t know how I’l survive until tomorrow. Yes, I do know. Can you stay? Can you stay with me, or do you have to be home?”
“I can stay.”
“I stil love you.”
“I know.”
“But Daniel comes first.”
“No one has to come first or second.”
“Maybe not in the way people feel, but in what people do they have to make a choice.”
“That’s true.”
“I want to be with you until tomorrow. And then it wil be over.”
“Don’t plan everything, Dana. Life’s easier if you don’t make too many plans.”
“You think it won’t work out between me and Daniel, but you’re wrong. You don’t know how close we were.”
“I just think you need to take things a step at a time. It’s been eleven years. A lot has happened to Daniel since then. Try to imagine what his life has been like. He must have found a way to integrate into that society. He might be a dif erent person now.”
“No, he’s not dif erent. His personality was too strong. And our societies aren’t that dif erent! We have a lot in common.”
“Whatever happens, I’l stand by you.”
“Thank you. Let’s go somewhere. I don’t want to stay here, I want to feel this is his place now.”
“We can go to a hotel if you like.”
“Yes, I’d like that. You know, Coby of ered us a room.”
He laughed. “Are you sure that’s not too far? We don’t want to get carried away.”
“It doesn’t have to be another part of the country, just another place. Am I being selfish?”
“No, it makes sense, Dana. I’m surprised you haven’t asked me to leave altogether.”
“I’d like to, but I can’t.”
“Dana, are you punishing Daniel?”
“What do you mean? That I’m using you? Using you to get back at him for leaving me? Is that what you think?”
“I’m asking.”
“I’m not using you.” Tears rol ed down my cheeks. “That’s the second time you’ve made me cry.”
“I’m glad. You haven’t been crying enough since Daniel left.”
“No, I didn’t cry, because I knew I’d see him. I knew we’d be together again. And I was right. Let’s go across the street and check in.”
“Yes. Good old Coby.”
“Nice room.”
“That was very moving, the way the two of you said hel o.”
“You and Coby.”
“What do you mean?”