Флп. 3:3; Наиболее надежные рукописи поддерживают именно такое чтение, а не «служащие Богу духом»; в греческом оригинале различие состоит в одной или двух буквах.
О том, как израильтяне брали в жены чужеземных женщин и отдавали своих девушек в жены иностранцам, тем самым «смешав семя святое с народами иноплеменными», см. 1 Езд. 9 и 10.
For the full details see Edersheim, vol. I, pp. 311, 312. Cf Also an early description of a Pharisee as 'one who separates himself from all uncleanness and from unclean food and from the people of the land who are not scrupulous in the matter of food' (article 'Pharisees' by D. Eaton in Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible, Clark, 1898–1904, vol. Ill, p. 826).
The Life ofChristby F. W. Farrar (Cassell, 1874), p. 448.
В Мф. 9:9 Левий назван Матфеем, а в 10:3 он назван «Матфеем мытарем».
The Synoptic Gospelsby C. G. Montefiore (London, 1927), vol. I, p. cxviii and vol. II, p. 520. Quoted by S. C. Neill in Christian Faith Today (Pelican, 1955), p. 165.
Edersheim, vol. II, p. 253.
Revolution in a City Parish by Abbe G. Michonneau (Blackfriars, 1949), p. 21.
Quoted by R. Kenneth Strachan in The Inescapable Calling (Eerdmans, 1968), pp. 97–98.
From The Witness of the Congregation in its Neighbourhood, being the report of Section 111 of the meeting of the Commission on World Mission and Evangelism at Mexico, published in Witness in Six Continents edited by R. K. Orchard (Edinburgh House Press, 1964), p. 157.
Missions In The Modern World (Patmos Press, 1968), pp. 12, 13
Dialogue with the World by J. G. Davies (SCM Press, 1967), pp. 13, 14.
Quoted by Carl Henry in Evangelicals at the Brink of Crisis (World Books, 1967), p. 74.
The Uppsala Report /96<?edited by Norman Goodall (World Council of Churches, 1968), pp. 317, 318 and 320.