77 Interception Capabilities 2000, by Duncan Campbell, April 1999. (Report to the Director General for Research of the European Parliament).
78 US spy system under attack, BBC News, 23rcl February 2000.
78 Why We Spy on Our Allies, R. James Woolsey, The Wall Street Journal, 17th March 2000.
80 Nicky Hager Appearance before the European Parliament ECHELON Committee, 23rcl and 24th April 2001.
81 Настройка в QAM довольно сложная, и для этого необходимо знать, по меньшей мере, четыре характеристики: частоту, уровень QAM, скорость передачи данных и ширину полосы. Для проведения испытаний эту информацию можно получить от клиента. Однако для шпионажа телефонный звонок целевому объекту неприемлем…
82 Whiteout, The CIA, Drugs and the Press, by Jeffrey St. Clair and Alexander Cockburn, Verso, 1999.
83 The Dark Alliance, by Gary Webb, San Jose Mercury News, August 1996.
84 Hearings before the Subcommittee on Terrorism, Narcotics and International Communications, 1988, Chairman John F. Kerry.
85 Nicaragua: A Tortured Nation, by Richard Grossman.
86 Testimony to the Subcommittee on International. Organizations of the U.S. House of Representatives, 1976.
87 Nicaragua: A Tortured Nation, ibid.
88 Remark by Reagan at a Campaign Fundraiser for William Clement in Dallas, 23rd July 1986.
89 Contra Terror in Nicaragua: Report of a Fact-Finding Mission: September 1984 to January 1985, by Reed Brody.
90 From the Shadows: The Ultimate Insider’s Story of Five Presidents and How they Won the Cold War, by Robert M. Gates, Simon & Schuster, 2007.
91 Ibid.
92 Ibid.
93 Report of Independent Counsel Lawrence E. Walsh on the Iran-Contra affair (Congressional record), chapter 28.
94 Фрогмен
95 Blood – кровь, кровопролитие (окончание “s” образует множественное число).
97 South Los Angeles, Wikipedia.
98 Bloods, Wikipedia.
99 Rodney King, Wikipedia.
100 For example, LA’s Homeless Blog, 24th September 2005. The real figure is unknown.
101 Beatings Alleged to Be Routine at Rampart, by Scott Glover and Matt Lait, Los Angeles Times, February 14, 2000.
102 Judge Says It’s Unfair but Keeps Perez Behind Bars, www.streetgangs. com, 13th July 2001.
103 Justice by Consent: plea bargains in the American courthouse, by Arthur Rosett and Donald R. Cressey, J. B. Lippincott Company, 1976, page 7.
104 For the original and derived data for the graph – see Site.
105 «USA vs. Green, Olivero, Pacheco, Mills & Doe», sentencing memoranda written by Judge William G. Young, 18th June 2004.
106 Ibid.
107 Ibid.
108 Interview with Koo of Department of Commerce, 14th February 2005 – see Site.
109 Homeland Security Nominee to Come Out Swinging, Newsweek, 6th February 2005.
110 Google – Negroponte, “butcher of Honduras” for numerous blogs on this theme.
111 Inspector General Investigation – The California Story, report to Congress 25th May 1999, Section C, «Allegations that the Return of the Seized Money to Zavala Was Caused by Intervention from the CIA».
113 Big Bay Area cocaine ring tied to contras, by Seth Rosenfeld, San Francisco Examiner, 16th March 1986.
114 Reported in New York Times, 18th March 1986.
115 Kill The Messenger: How the CIA’s Crack-Cocaine Controversy Destroyed Journalist Gary Webb, by Nick Schou, makes a convincing case that Gary Webb’s death was suicide.
116 Interrogation of Denis Sugrue, 21st January 2005, – see Site.
117 В оригинале написано Creama вместо Cream (сливки), чтобы показать калифорнийский говор, растягивающий слова, что отмечено словом sic.
118 FBI spy chief asks private sector for help, CNN.com, 10th February 2005.
119 '… he supervised the Thomas Patrick Cavanagh and John Walker espionage cases.” Quoted in «FBI agent describes agency’s changing focus with fall of Soviet Union», by Clyde Noel, Los Altos Town Crier, 12th June 1995.
120 raison d’etre
121 War by Other Means; Economic Espionage in America, by John J. Fialka, W. W. Norton & Company, 1999.
122 Air France Denies Spying on Travelers, International Herald Tribune, 14th September 1991.
123 Congressional Record, Countering Industrial Espionage In the Post-Cold-War era, Senate 24th June 1992.
124 Пробация
125 The Tragedy of Russia’s Reforms, by Peter Reddaway & Dmitri Glinski, United States Institute of Peace, 2001.
131 Collision and Collusion: The Strange Case of Western Aid to Eastern Europe, by Janine R. Wedel, Palgrave MacMillan, 2001.
132 Ibid.
133 President Vladimir Putin address to the Federal Assembly, 25th April 2005.
134 Collision and Collusion – ibid.
135 Agreement for release, 25th April 2005, – see Site.
136 Sugrue Family History, – see Site.
137 Танк
138 An t’lolanac
139 An Sebhac