desk.” He nodded to the desk in front of him and I noticed a plate of food.
“The special,” he explained. “Fried scallops, julienne potatoes, cole slaw, rolls and pie and coffee for seventy-five cents. Not as good as eating at home but the next best thing.”
He opened his palm and pointed to a chair next to the desk. I sat down and watched him eat for about five minutes.
“My name’s Daley, Richard Daley,” he said, pushing a fruit cup toward me like a short college lineman giving a handoff. I took the fruit cup and a spoon. “I’m a state senator,” he went on, “and I didn’t shake your hand for a reason. You picked the wrong guy for a patsy, fella. So, eat your fruit cup and walk out of here.”
He spoke with what seemed a careful choice of words, almost rehearsed, but delivered with an accent that said he would never get rid of the old neighborhood where guys said
“Your name’s not Derry,” he said, sitting back warily with his hands on the desk while I ate the fruit cup, almost choking on an unseen watermelon seed. “If your name’s Derry, you changed it from Nathan. You’re a Jew. And you’re no businessman looking for investments. Businessmen looking for investments aren’t jumping unannounced into City Hall offices. They’re downtown setting up lunches and having lunches set up for them. So, as soon as you finish choking, you can say goodbye before you pull whatever you were going to pull on me.”
“Hold it,” I said, drinking the juice from the fruit cup to stop my spasm. “O.K. I’m not a businessman. My real name’s Pevsner.”
He nodded with his eyes on me.
“I make my living knowing the difference between a Pole and a Rumanian and a businessman and a con man.”
“Democrat?” I guessed.
“Right,” he said soberly. “You?”
“Democrat,” I said.
“All right, fellow Democrat. Why don’t you tell your tale quickly while I digest my lunch?”
With nothing better to do while I hid from the cops and nothing much to lose, I told Senator Daley of Illinois my story. He was a damn good listener who threw in two or three questions to be sure I wasn’t making it up.
“I’m from a part of Chicago called Bridgeport,” he said when I had finished. “It’s a tough neighborhood, but it’s a good one. When you first came in, I thought you were someone I once knew in the Valentine Club from the neighborhood. We were taught not to kill people and not to cheat people. You might have to shake a few hands and a few heads and pull a few deals, but you do what you can in this town and it’s a good town. When the Republicans had Chicago with Thompson, people like Capone did what they wanted. Not just with the city but the whole state. The Democrats are changing that. It’s not going back the way it was.”
He had gradually gotten more and more excited by his little speech, which had started as an explanation to me and moved into a statement to himself and an unseen public. His face flushed and he gave me a lopsided Irish grin.
“The Nittis and Capones and Servis are through,” he said. “The gang killing is going to stop. Chicago and Illinois are going to be the best run city and state in-”
“I’m not even a voter,” I threw in.
He chuckled, which was better for his digestion than turning red and angry.
“A man who wants to get somewhere in politics has to know when to trust people,” he said, wiping his mouth with a napkin. “If he makes too many mistakes, he proves himself a poor judge of character and doesn’t deserve the trust and loyalty of others. That’s a small campaign speech, but I believe it. Sit still a few minutes and I’ll see what I can do.”
He left the room and I polished off the roll he had left while I waited. I wasn’t sure whether he had decided I was someone to trust or someone not to trust. If I was the latter, a couple of cops would be coming through the door. If I ran now, I might make it out of the building if no one was waiting for me, but I had the feeling that if Daley wanted me to stay he would have taken care to see that I didn’t try to run. When he came back in five minutes or so, Daley was smiling. He moved back behind the desk and pulled out his wallet. Before he sat down he handed me his card.
“This isn’t my office. I’m just using it for a few days. You can reach me at the number on that card. You’ve got twenty-four hours to take care of Mr. Marx’s troubles,” he said. He looked at his watch. “That means you turn yourself in by two o’clock tomorrow afternoon and do what you can to help the police find out who killed those men. The police won’t pick you up or bother you till then.”
“Thanks,” I said. “I’d like to say I’ll pay you back some day, but I can’t even vote for you.”
“That’s all right,” he grinned. “If you know any Illinois voters, you might suggest that they stick with the Democrats. By the way, I trust you, but I also called a friend with the police department who had records on the case. They don’t really think you did it. Trust is one thing. Stupidity is something else. It’s a good idea to back up your trust with information.”
“Mind if I have that embroidered and hung on my wall?” I said, giving my best pleased grin.
“Be my guest,” he said, and added, “If things get a little out of hand and you need a good lawyer, I may be able to make a few suggestions. I’ve got a law degree from DePaul.”
He seemed particularly proud of the last statement, and since it was the only sign of vulnerability he had shown, I nodded in respect.
“One more thing,” I said, moving to the door.
“Yes,” he said, looking up from his work.
“How do I get to Henrici’s?”
“Out the door on Clark Street, north to Randolph and turn right. You can’t miss it.”
I went out to Clark Street and walked past the cop at the door who had obviously received the word on me. He looked me over to be sure I knew he was looking. I looked back and moved slowly up Clark Street with my hands in my pockets. I found Henrici’s. It looked a little fancy but Daley had assured me the special was seventy-five cents. He was right.
By the time I had downed a half dozen scallops, the restaurant was filled with Loop lunchers and I hadn’t worked out a better plan. I passed on the fruit cup and had a chunk of orange cake, but that didn’t help any thing either. I eyed an almost good-looking secretary downing a tuna on toast at the next table, but she didn’t look at me so I left a quarter tip and walked into the cold with my head up.
Two of my difficulties were taken care of. My stomach was full, and the cops and the crooks were giving me a little time.
“You got friends in high places,” Kleinhans said.
“Yes, and in medium places too, I hope.”
I was calling from a Woolworth’s on State Street. In one hand, I had the phone, in the other, a hot dog sandwich. The hot dog was skinny with nothing on it but a little mustard. The phone had more mustard on it than the dog.
“What can I do for you, California?” he said.
“Two things. I’ve got a meeting set up tonight between Marx and Servi. That should clear Marx, but a thought struck me. What if Servi’s the one who’s been knocking off the multitudes? What if he pulled this caper on the mob to pick up a clean $120,000?”
“Then he’ll just identify Chico Marx as the Chico Marx who owes the mob a lot of money,” Kleinhans concluded.
“Right, and Marx either comes up with the money or they start playing games with him and me-games that end with the two of us in small, mailing-size boxes.”
“So, why doesn’t Marx just pay if it comes to that?”
“Hasn’t got the money,” I explained, putting the stale hot dog bun down in the phone booth ledge. “His