she had Scotty’s mammoth cock filling up her mouth. She massaged his balls and sucked him in as deep in as she could, feeling him swell inside her and hearing him groan in pleasure.

The men behind and underneath her had started their own rhythm and they were moving faster and faster, thrusting deeper into her and she pushed back as hard as she could, feeling Hugh’s balls slap against her and her clit slamming against Jason’s hard belly.

As she ground against them, she felt another orgasm coming and it was coming hard. She rode Jason faster and felt Hugh pounding even harder into her, his breath hot on her back. Scotty’s hands were on her head, caressing her and she felt Jason’s cock swelling as he said, “Here I come!”

“Same here!” cried Hugh and she felt them both pulsing inside her as the found their release.

She was close to coming but hadn’t quite gotten there and before she lost the chance, she climbed off, pushed Scotty down, climbed on top of him and looked him dead in the eyes.

“Make me cum Scotty,” she moaned and placed his cock head at her swollen pussy lips.

He smiled and put his hands on her hips, gently guiding her down on his massive pole. She felt like she was being split in two. “I don’t know if I can get it in,” she said almost fearfully but he allowed her time to adjust. She couldn’t imagine what would have happened if she hadn’t already been “warmed up” by the other sexy men.

Carefully, she lowered down and unbelievingly, she watched as his cock, inch by inch, disappeared into her. In a million years she wouldn’t have imagined anything that big would fit in her and she felt a mix of pleasure and pain shoot through her as he stretched her to her ultimate limits.

Soon, she was fully on him, her engorged clit against his muscular groin and as carefully as she could, she began to ride him. He pulled her to him and began to lick around her nipple, tongue flicking and lashing it until it was hard in his mouth. As he plunged up into her and sucked her nipple deep into his mouth, she slammed hard down on him, feeling his muscular body beneath hers, an animal, taking her and filling her, bringing her to the brink.

The delayed orgasm began to grow and as Rachel fucked down on Scotty, she felt a warmth begin to fill her. All pain was gone and had been replaced with a deep pleasure that radiated out from her full pussy, up to her breasts and all the way down to her fingers.

Then, just like that, her orgasm hit and she lost the ability to think. She started thrashing and moaning on top of Scotty then wrapped her arms around his neck and gripped him to her as tightly as she could. “OH FUCK I’M CUMMING!” she screamed into his neck and with one final thrust, he plunged deeply into her and held her to him as he found his own release.

Shaking as the orgasm subsided, she brushed the hair out of Scott’s eyes and smiled weakly at him.

“Wow,” she said. “That was amazing.”

Just then, the intercom crackled and the pilot announced they were almost to their destination.

The other guys had already gotten cleaned up and dressed, so she stumbled back to the front room and gathered up her clothes.

Trembling and weak, she barely made it back to the couch before the plane landed.

Everyone was grinning at her and her stepfather gave her a big hug.

“We all voted and you’re welcome to join us next year,” he said with a smile.

“Let’s not get ahead of ourselves,” she said tartly. “That really depends on how you guys do this week.”

Jason burst out laughing and cheered, then high-fived her.

“She told you,” he laughed.

Of course, if the rest of the week was like this, Rachel didn’t even know if she could survive it.

Well, all a girl could do was try…

Swimming With Curves By Jessie Carson

“Is Mark’s cock really as big as I’ve been hearing?”

Cherie looked up and realized she hadn’t been paying attention at all.

“Sorry, WHAT?”

“Mark’s cock. You know. That thing between his legs that drives women wild. The source of limitless pleasure. The reason Jessica couldn’t cheer at Homecoming. His COCK!”

“ Will you please keep your voice down? GOD, Heather!” Cherie looked around, hoping no one had noticed them.

Heather grinned and wiggled her eyebrows. “Look, if anyone would know, you would. I hear all sorts of rumors so I thought I’d just ask you. You guys are tight, right?”

“Not THAT tight. I mean, we’re good friends and all, but I haven’t seen his… his…”


“ Shhhhhhhhhhhhhh!”

“Oh my god, Cherie. Seriously? You can’t say the word?”

“I can, but I choose not to bellow it in the quad. Unlike SOME people I might mention.”

“Whatever. So? Is it huge? Is it gigantic? Does it have its own zip code? TELL ME!!!!”

Cherie wished she could crawl away and die. “I don’t know!” she hissed. “He’s my brother’s best friend and this may come as a shock to you, but when he’s over at my house, he wears clothes.”

“You’ve never been swimming with him? He’s never fallen asleep on the couch and had himself a little dream, you know the kind, the ones that cause certain things to grow bigger, harder, and longer? You’ve never accidentally walked in on him in the shower?”

“Heather, I love you, but if you don’t keep your voice down, so help me god, I will beat you to death with my book bag.”

Heather pouted, then her face cleared. “Ok, well, now you’re on a mission. I need you to find out for me. I’ve been hearing all sorts of things, but you know how those skinny bitches lie. Promise you’ll do it?”

“NO!” Cherie responded. “I’m not going to sneak in on him to see how big his… his…”

“Cock,” Heather said helpfully.

“ Cock is,” Cherie finished.

“So? How are you going to do it?”

“I’m NOT! Besides, what do you care? You didn’t break up with Brett, did you?”

“Bless his stupid little heart, no, I didn’t break up with Brett. My reasons are my own — call them idle curiosity but you are going to do it. Look Cherie, I don’t want to have to resort to emotional blackmail, really I don’t, but who has been your best friend all through high school and college?”

“You have been.”

“That’s right. And who was on your side when those skinny bitches were making your life a living hell?”

“You were.”

“That’s right. And who let you copy her chemistry homework an entire year?”

“You did.”

“Now stick with me. Who wants to know how big Mark’s cock is?”

“You do.”

“And who’s going to find out for me?”

Cherie sighed. “I am.”

“Damn right. Go get ‘em Tiger. I’m an inquiring mind and I want to know.”

Cherie laughed. Heather was always getting her into trouble and pushing her out of her comfort zone. Heather mockingly shook a warning finger at her and took off.

Was her brother’s best friend really that well-endowed? It would make sense. When he was in high school, it seemed like he was always dating someone or other. But since they got to college, she hadn’t seen him dating much at all.

Unfortunately, the thought of Mark, nearly naked, with a giant cock wasn’t good for her studies. Cherie knew she’d never get any more work done, so she closed up her books and headed home. If her brother were home, she could probably ask him, or maybe she would be really lucky and run into Mark herself. Then all she would need is a way to bring it up — so to speak.

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