the harbor. Anxious to take stock of the damage to Hulburg’s defenses and deal with surviving pirate gangs, Kara chose to stay behind. But Sarth and Hamil joined Geran again, and most of the warship’s company remained aboard, including the first mate Worthel, Andurth Galehand, Larken the prelate, and the rest of the officers. Seadrake’s warriors and sailors had only lost a handful of souls in the taking of Wyvern, so the crew was still at full strength, or close to it.

Geran paced anxiously across the quarterdeck, watching Galehand steer the ship past the Arches. By his count, Kraken Queen had a five-hour head start. Pillars of smoke still rose from the smoldering ashes of burned buildings, climbing skyward in the morning light. The rain and wind of the night had abated somewhat, leaving the morning with a steel gray overcast and a light westerly wind. “As soon as we clear Keldon Head, crowd on all the sail you can and steer south-southwest,” he told the sailing master. “The pirates are probably thirty miles or more south of us. I’m going to gamble that they’ll eventually turn west and make for the River Lis, so let’s see if we can cut the corner on their course.”

“What if they run t’ Mulmaster instead?” Andurth asked.

“I don’t think Kamoth will want to risk getting trapped in Mulmaster’s narrow harbor. He knows Seadrake will be on his track soon enough. If he goes east, he risks getting trapped in the Galennar, with the wind in our favor.” Geran shook his head. “Besides, I’ve got a feeling he has some place to hide near Umberlee’s Talons.” He remembered the way Kraken Queen had appeared with such startling swiftness when Narsk sailed Moonshark to meet the master of the Black Moon there.

They kept on their southwest course for most of the day without sighting the pirate flagship. At sunset Sarth made use of the privacy and space in the captain’s cabin to perform his divination again, and reported that Kraken Queen was indeed to their west, not much more than twenty miles off.

Geran gambled again on a long run to the north and back, to make the best speed westward possible with the wind, and kept up the pursuit through the night and the morning following. A little after noon on the day after they’d set sail, the lookout in Seadrake’s foretop cried out, “Sail ho! Two points off the port bow, hull down!”

Geran ran to the forecastle and peered over the bow. He could just barely make out the topsails of the ship ahead of them. Hamil joined him, climbing up the ratlines of the foremast to gain a better view. The halfling’s sight was quite keen, but after peering for a long moment he gave up with a shrug. “I’m not sure if it’s Kamoth,” Hamil said.

“It’s about where I would expect Kamoth to be if he’s running west toward the Talons. But we’ll have to close the distance to know for sure.” Geran studied the distant sails for a moment and then nodded to himself. “I’m going to assume that’s Kraken Queen and stick to her wake. Now that I have her in sight, I don’t want to lose her again.”

The afternoon seemed to crawl by as they slowly narrowed the distance to the ship ahead of them. Geran tried not to pace the decks or otherwise show the crew how anxious he was, but it took all of his willpower to restrain himself. Andurth had the ship in better trim than he could have managed, and they were making the best speed they possibly could. Instead, he leaned against the leeward rail near the helm and silently murmured prayers to every deity of mercy and fortune he could think of, hoping that Mirya and her daughter were simply being held on the other ship and not tormented in some way. The very idea of Mirya hurt or killed by Kamoth and his murderers made Geran’s heart grow cold. He didn’t know what it was that he felt for her; in all honesty, he had no claim on her heart and couldn’t imagine how he might even try to win her again, not after the years that had fallen between them and the grief he’d caused her. But he’d go to the ends of the world and lay down his life, if that would see her safely home again.

“Sergen knows her value, Geran,” Hamil said softly.

Geran shook himself and looked at his friend. “What?”

“Mirya. I can see you’re worried sick for her. Sergen has to recognize her value as a hostage. He’d be a fool to let her come to harm without trying to use her against you. Nothing will happen to her as long as he believes she might be useful to him.” Hamil reached up to set a hand on Geran’s shoulder. “Sergen is rotten to the core, but he’s not a fool.”

“I hear you,” Geran answered. “But that doesn’t mean Sergen will treat her well or protect her from Kamoth. It might not be up to him.”

“Hope for the best, Geran. There’s no point in dwelling on the alternatives.”

Geran snorted. “Since when have you become an optimist?”

“Don’t let anyone else know. I’ve my cynical reputation to think of.” Hamil squinted at the ship ahead of them and allowed himself a small smile. “I think that’s her. You can make out the black hull and the gilding on the stern now.”

Geran looked more closely and decided that Hamil was right. They were chasing Kraken Queen more or less directly into the westering sun, running as close to the wind as they could manage, but it was clear that they were gaining. The big pirate galley was not quite as slender or quick as Moonshark, and Seadrake held a noticeable advantage in speed over her quarry. “There’s an old saying in the Sea of Fallen Stars that comes to mind: a stern chase is a long chase. But we can outsail her, and I think we’ll overtake her in a couple of hours.”

“The afternoon is getting on,” Hamil warned. “We might run out of daylight before we catch Kamoth.”

“See? Now there’s the doomsayer I’m accustomed to.” Of course, the same thought had occurred to him, but the skies looked clear, and there’d be a half-moon early in the evening. He thought they’d be able to keep Kraken Queen in sight as long as they were within two or three miles. If they couldn’t catch her before sundown, he thought they’d catch her early in the evening.

The distance steadily narrowed throughout the afternoon, until sunset found Seadrake trailing her quarry by a little more than a mile. It was clearly Kamoth’s flagship they had in sight; ahead, on the horizon, the sharp pinnacles of Umberlee’s Talons rose out of the water. Soon enough the pirate ship would have to attempt some maneuver to break away from Seadrake, or she’d have to accept a fight.

Geran took a quarter hour to duck into his cabin, eat a few bites of food, and buckle on the scabbard of his elven steel. The blade felt good in his hand after the heavy, poorly balanced cutlass he’d relied on aboard Moonshark. Then he hurried back to the quarterdeck. Kraken Queen kept straight on for the stony pillars, as if they offered some refuge that the Hulburgan ship dared not enter.

I don’t like this, Geran decided. Kamoth was up to something, he was certain of it. He wished Tao Zhe was at hand; it was unlikely that the cook could have offered any real insights about Kamoth’s intentions, but he would have known these waters better than Geran. However, Tao Zhe was back in Hulburg, since Hamil had offered the old Shou a billet with the Red Sail Coster before they’d sailed. “Keep after Kraken Queen, but watch where she’s leading us,” he told Galehand. “Pass the word to clear for battle.”

“Aye, m’lord,” Galehand answered. The dwarf bellowed his orders over the deck, and Seadrake’s sailors and armsmen moved to take up their battle stations. The Shieldsworn and sellswords aboard the ship donned their armor, uncovered the catapult on the foredeck, and set up the arbalests in their mounts on the rails.

Kraken Queen raced on, just out of bowshot now. But Umberlee’s Talons loomed ahead. The pirate ship steered boldly between two of the outlying reefs without slacking speed and made for the narrow passage between two of the great stony claws.

“She’s threading a fine channel, m’lord,” Andurth warned.

“Follow her in,” Geran ordered. “If there’s enough water beneath the keel for Kraken Queen, there’s enough water for us.”

“Aye, m’lord,” the sailing master replied. He scowled but said nothing more, moving to stand beside the helmsman. Seadrake plunged between the towering stone columns, only a couple of hundred yards behind Kraken Queen now. In the pale light of the rising moon, Geran could see dark figures on the enemy ship’s quarterdeck-likely Kamoth, Sergen, and the Black Moon ship’s officers. He allowed himself a grim smile. They were almost through the Talons, and on the other side there was nothing but open sea, with no place for the pirate to hide and no way for them to delay the inevitable.

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