You can stop this, Aeron, said the wraith of Fineghal. The elven lord watched dispassionately from the side, his arms folded. If you have the will, you can end this or turn it to any course you desire. Defend yourself, escape, do anything you want.

'But how?' Aeron shouted. One of the faceless guards pinned his arms, while the other slipped the coarse noose over his head. 'What do I do?'

Magic begins in the heart and is shaped by the will. Decide what you want, then want it with all your being. Use your will to shape it into what you need.

Aeron gagged as the noose was drawn tight around his neck. For a moment he panicked, too stricken with terror to do anything except thrash and struggle, but then he tried to make sense of Fineghal's cryptic words. Decide what you want. . Right now, he wanted the noose off his neck and the fetters removed from his limbs. The guards stepped back, clearing the gallows for its grisly task. The structure creaked and swayed slightly in the wind. He kept his attention on the manacles, fiercely wishing them to fall open.

A faint vibration or prickling seemed to hum softly in the center of his chest.

He sharpened his desire to a white-hot fury, driven by his old grief for his parents and his simple desire to live. He became aware of a sea of discordant melodies surrounding him, a chaotic maelstrom of light and life and energy. The wind currents danced and sang in his ears. The faded life of the wood that made up the gallows smoldered dimly, a memory of water and sunlight. Multicolored auras burned around each of the men who stood by the scene, the potent fire of their life-forces burning like brands in the night. The rush he felt in his heart was the echo of his own life, the great magical power of being.

Aeron flailed out, trying to seize the strongest auras and bend them to his will. They seemed to slip through his grasp, and he felt panic rising in his throat.

Shape yourself to the Weave, Aeron. No one can bend the Weave to himself

The executioner threw his lever, dropping the trapdoor from beneath Aeron's feet. The world wheeled slowly as he felt the aura of his body fluctuate, gaining energy as he started to fall. A fleeting resonance sounded between the wind currents in the courtyard and his own motion, and with a sudden act of will, he altered the energy in his heart, matching the wind again, imitating it, imagining it beneath his feet.

He stood on a column of air, his fall arrested.

Tentatively he reached out, feeling through the stone and earth beneath his feet until he detected a faint resonance that matched the iron chains that bound him. With care, he softened them until they glowed cherry-red and sagged from his legs and arms. He basked in Fineghal's silent approval. 'I can do anything?'

A long silence stretched out for a dozen heartbeats as Aeron marveled at the sensation of magic in his grasp. Anything, Fineghal replied at last.

Aeron turned to confront the frozen statues of Phoros Raedel, the guards, and the ominous towers of the castle. He listened for a deep, powerful force far beneath him, heat and crushing power from miles within the earth. Fineghal's approval turned to astonishment as Aeron coaxed the incalculable energy upward, linking it to the cold and ordered stones that surrounded him. At the last moment, Fineghal raised a hand in warning, but Aeron was too caught up in his task.

From the center of the courtyard, a gigantic fist of red-hot rock smashed its way into the sky and shattered the castle like a man kicking apart an anthill. The towers almost exploded with the force of their destruction as Aeron deliberately battered Raedel Keep to pieces, allowing the hot fire of his rage to strike again and again. Phoros and the guards disappeared beneath tons of seething lava, crushed and burned past recognition. The white fury burned hotter in Aeron's breast as the world dissolved in raging chaos and incandescent destruction, until he lost himself completely in the storm of violence.

Aeron awoke on the Forest's Stonemantle, weak and disoriented. The sun was red and low in the west, and the air had taken on the cool damp of evening. The dark stone bluffs around the heights gleamed with ruddy light.

Fineghal gazed silently over the forest, wrapped in a cloak that fluttered softly in the wind. Aeron pushed himself upright, studying the elf's tall, weathered figure against the sunset.

'Aeron! You're awake!' Eriale scrambled to her feet beside him, rubbing her arms against the damp breeze. 'Fineghal wasn't sure if you would return.'

'I'm here, Eriale,' Aeron said. He pressed his hand against his head and stood. 'I… I think I'm all right now.'

The elven mage turned at his words. His mouth was a thin white line across his face, and he regarded Aeron with a look of such intensity that the forester took a step back. 'What do you remember of your test?' he demanded.

'I was in Raedel Keep. I watched my father hang. And then they were going to hang me. But then. .'

'Go on.'

'I touched the magic,' Aeron whispered, staring at his hands with unseeing eyes. He remembered the sweet fire singing in his heart, in his blood. 'I wielded magic!'

'Aye. And you used it to destroy Raedel Keep.'

'Assuran's tears,' he breathed. 'Is it truly destroyed?'

'Why?' asked Fineghal. 'Is that what you wanted? Is that the best use you can think of for the marvelous gift you possess?' The elf lord trembled with suppressed emotion. With a visible effort, he forced himself to relent. 'The castle is unharmed. It was only a test, an illusion you wove for no one but yourself.'

'Did … did I pass?'

Fineghal barked acerbic laughter. 'In the sense that you demonstrated that you can grasp and wield magic, oh, yes, you passed, Aeron. You have extraordinary potential; you nearly exhausted my power in your enthusiasm to raze the castle. I never expected such strength in a stripling.'

'Is Aeron going to be a mage?' asked Eriale.

The elven lord nodded. 'He must be, Eriale. He will consume himself if he does not learn to wield his power.'

'What power?' Aeron asked crossly, rising to face the elf lord. 'I've never even thought of magic before today. What's so special about me?'

'You don't understand yet what you are,' Fineghal said. His expression softened. 'Whether you know it or not, most people can't do what you did; almost anyone can learn to touch the Weave, if only for a moment, but those who can truly perceive it and seize it with will alone are rare indeed. It's your elven blood, Aeron. It runs strong in your veins.'

Aeron hugged his chest, pacing away in amazement. The memory of power tantalized him, and he furrowed his brow as he tried to reach out and gather the living magic again. 'But I feel nothing now,' he said.

'You will learn to see with new eyes, to hear with your heart. My spell of testing allowed you to borrow my strength, if you had it within you to touch the Weave.'

'So you'll let me stay and study with you?'

Fineghal's expression became stern. 'Yes. But you must swear to abide by my judgment of what you will learn, and when, and how you will employ your knowledge. You have great potential, Aeron, but it is potential for harm as well as good. Do you understand me?'

'I think so,' Aeron said slowly. But deep within his heart a dark, triumphant voice added, He fears me. He fears what I can do.

'Good,' said Fineghal. He held Aeron's gaze for a long moment before turning back to Eriale. 'Now, Eriale, let's see you home. Your father must be worried about you.' He started down from the windswept cliff.

Aeron scrambled down after him, but Eriale caught his arm as he passed her. She gazed into his face, her open features taut with concern. 'Do you know what you're doing, Aeron?'

He attempted a reassuring smile. 'Eriale, if you could have touched it, you'd understand. I have to go with him.'

She held his eyes for a long moment more and then smiled weakly. 'If you think this is right, Aeron, then I won't worry about you.' She caught him around the shoulders and hugged him spontaneously. 'Just promise me you'll be careful.'

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