'Hit her head on what?'

'Probably the car.'

'You're sure about that? Because there wasn't a mark on the car that I could see.'

'Mik, what the hell are you suggesting?'

'Are they doing an autopsy?'


'An autopsy!'

'I… I don't know that for sure. I mean, I suppose they might have to,' he added uncomfortably.

'And you didn't mention this to me when you called because why?'

'What would have been the point? They'll do the autopsy and we'll find out she had a stroke or a heart attack or something like that. She fell, hit her head.'

'Yeah, the head again. Did the police come?'

'Of course. And the ambulance. They were here when I got here.'

'Which of you four were there first?'

Michelle thought she knew the answer. Her brother Bobby was a police sergeant in the town where their parents lived. She listened to a mumbled conversation as Bill apparently consulted with his brothers.

He came back on. 'Dad called Bobby and he was here like within ten minutes even though he lives on the other side of town.'

'Great. Put Bobby on!'

'Jesus, what the hell are you getting so pissed off-'

'Put him on, Bill!'

Bobby's voice came on a few moments later. 'Mik, what is up with you?' he began sternly.

'Dad called you. You came over. Were you on duty?'

'No. I had yesterday off. I was at home helping Joanie with dinner.'

'What did Dad tell you?'

Bobby's voice rose. 'What did he tell me? He told me that our mother was dead. That's what the hell he told me.'

'Were the police there when you got there?'

'Yeah. Dad called 'em. They got there maybe five minutes before I did.'

'And Dad told them what exactly?'

'Well, he was in the shower, so he didn't know exactly what had happened. He found Mom and he called 911 and then he called me.'

'And what did the cops say after they looked over things?'

'They said it looked like she'd fallen and hit her head.'

'But they didn't know why she'd fallen.'

'They wouldn't know that. If she just stumbled and hit her head, okay. But if something popped in her body to make her fall, the ME would have to determine that.' He added fiercely, 'And it's making me sick to think of them having to cut Mom up.'

'Did you see blood on the Camry door when you went into the garage?'

'Why do you want to know?'

'Because, Bobby, she had to hit her head on something.'

'Like I just said, she could've stumbled down the stairs, bounced off the car, knocked her head on the floor. Or maybe on the stair wall. It has a sharp edge. You hit a spot just right, it's all over. You know that.'

Michelle tried to imagine her mother catching her heel on the unfinished riser-maybe on a nail head that had popped upward over time-stumbling forward, hitting the car without making a dent in it, falling sideways, and smacking her head with such force on the floor that it had drawn blood. Yet if the autopsy revealed a reason for her death?

'Mik? You still there?'

She snapped back. 'Yeah.'

'Okay, look, we don't know where you're heading with this but-'

'Neither do I, Bobby. Neither do I.' She clicked off, stopped the vehicle next to a small park, hopped out, and started to sprint.

She was having thoughts that were terrifying her. And all she could do right now was try and outrun them, even as the image of her father watching her from the window, his face seized into a solid mask of what she didn't quite know, chased her all the way.


WHILE HIS PARTNER was in Tennessee trying to confront family demons, Sean was finishing up some Italian take-out in his office and still studying the reams of paper he'd printed off the computer. He was hoping that buried in here somewhere was a clue that would tell him if Tuck Dutton had had his wife killed and his daughter kidnapped for reasons yet unknown.

The ringing phone interrupted his thoughts. It was Jane Cox.

She said, 'I want you to meet me at the hospital. Tuck wants to talk to you.'

'About what?' he asked warily.

'I think you know.'

Sean pulled on his jacket and walked down to his rental. His car was in the shop with about eight thousand bucks' worth of damage and his insurance company was telling him that a bullet barrage was not covered under his policy.

'Why not?' he'd argued.

'Because we consider it a terrorist act and you don't have a terrorism rider,' replied the insurance grunt, somehow managing to convey this denial in a cheery tone.

'It wasn't terrorism. It was a criminal act and I was the victim.'

'There were thirty-seven bullet holes in your car, Mr. King. Under our policy guidelines that is not a criminal act, it's terrorism.'

'You go by the number of bullet holes! How the hell does that make sense, lady?'

'You can always appeal the decision.'

'Really? What do your guidelines say the odds are of me winning that appeal? Less than zero?'

Miss Cheery had hung up on him after thanking him for his business.

He started up the car and was preparing to back out when someone tapped on his window. He looked around. It was a woman, early thirties, blonde hair, shapely, too much red lipstick, and with the dried-out skin of someone forced to undergo pancake face paint on a daily basis to fight the high-def cameras. She was holding a microphone with a built-in digital recorder like it was a grenade she was about to heave.

He glanced behind her and saw the news truck ease into view and block his exit.


Sean rolled down the window.

'Can I help you?'

'Sean King?'

'That's right. Look, I gave the media pool guy a statement. You can piggyback off him.'

'Developments dictate a fresh angle.'

'What developments?'

'Did you steal confidential records from the office computer of Tuck Dutton?'

Sean's stomach gave a heave and part of his veal picatta got bumped up into his throat.

'I don't know what you're talking about. Who told you that?'

'Do you deny going to his office?'

'I'm not admitting or denying anything.'

'Tuck Dutton's firm is a government contractor working on highly classified matters for DHS.'

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