“You didn’t wake me. I haven’t slept yet.”

“Oh, sweetie. You need to sleep.”

She tried to smile, but failed. “I didn’t…want to miss when you left.”

He leaned down and kissed her on the forehead. “I love you.”

“I love you, too, Dad.”

“Keep an eye on your brother.”

“I will.”

He went over to Brandon’s bed and kissed his sleeping son’s temple. “I love you, buddy.”

As he reached the door, Josie said again, “Be careful.”

Not wanting to lie, he said, “I’ll do my best.”

The four other members of the team who were at the Ranch met Ash in the kitchen for breakfast. Matt and Rachel were there, too. There were no big speeches. In fact, few words were spoken at all.

When it looked like everyone was done, Ash said, “I guess we should be off.”

One by one, they shook hands with Matt and Rachel. Ash went last.

“Josie and Brandon…” He couldn’t finish.

“They’ll be fine,” Rachel said. “There’s a whole group of people here who will take care of them.”

He nodded. “Thanks.”

He shook hands with Matt and headed for the door, but stopped and looked back.

“We’re planning on coming back.”

“Good,” Matt said. “We’ll be waiting.”

“All right. All right,” Madigan said between breaths. “Watch your left. You’re vulnerable there.”

“Like hell I am,” Chloe shot back. She faked with her left, hit him with her right, then finally let her left fly.

He grunted as her fist hit the punching mitt he was wearing.

“Not bad,” he said. “But I know you can do better.”

He moved to his left, and she bounced around to the right.

They were outside the gym, on the large padded surface near the side entrance. Matt had set up the training facility years ago in the hills outside Escondido, California, about half an hour north of downtown San Diego. Ramona, Madigan’s assistant, stood just off the mats, observing. Besides the three of them, there were only two others around, everyone else having shipped out on assignments.

Chloe had been waiting impatiently for hers, but it still hadn’t come. She knew why-her leg. She’d nearly crushed the damn thing in the spring. Sure, she still limped a little when she got tired, but the leg was better. Anything Matt needed, she knew she could do. She’d made Madigan call and tell him that much, but the assignment still hadn’t come.

“Getting tired?” Madigan asked.

“Maybe you are. Not me.” Her brown skin glistened with sweat as she faked again. This time, instead of following up with a right, she kicked out with her foot, pulling back at the last second so that her outer arch merely slapped his ribs as opposed to breaking them.

“Hey, now,” he said. “We’re not working kicks today.”

“Aren’t you the one who’s always telling me there are no rules?”

“Yeah, well-”

From out front came the sound of tires stopping in the gravel parking area.

“Hold,” Madigan said.

Chloe took a step back, dropping her hands.

From their position, they could just see the hood of an unfamiliar dark sedan.

Madigan tossed the punching mitt to Ramona. “Take over. I’ll be right back.”

Ramona stepped on the mat and raised the mitt. “Let’s go.”

Chloe watched Madigan until he disappeared around the front of the gym, then released a rapid-fire combination that pushed Ramona back a few steps.

Ramona tossed the protective pad to the side. “No mitts on the outside as far as I’m aware. Spar?”

“Fine by me.”

Ramona had always been more aggressive than Madigan. Chloe got her best workouts on the days she took over.

As they squared off, they could hear two car doors opening and closing again. Voices followed.

Ramona feinted left, then came in low and tried to land a punch to Chloe’s ribs, but Chloe was ready. She twisted out of the way, swinging her leg around as she did, and knocked Ramona in the back.

“Lucky shot,” Ramona said as she pushed herself off the mat. “My turn now.”

Unfortunately for Ramona, Chloe was a good student, and remembered everything she was taught. Over the past several months, as they worked on strengthening her leg and improving her overall skills, she’d kept a keen eye on Ramona, learning the assistant’s moves, perfecting them herself, and mentally marking the other woman’s flaws.

So when Ramona came at her this time, Chloe knew where the hole would be, and perfectly timed a right uppercut that caught Ramona under the chin, knocking her backward in the air and then to the mat.

“Oh, shit,” Chloe said, dropping down next to Ramona. “You all right?”

Ramona looked at her for a moment, unfocused, then said, “I think maybe next time we stick to the mitt.”

From behind them, a voice said, “I guess that answers that question.”

Chloe looked back and saw that Madigan had returned with two others. When she saw who they were, she smiled broadly. “And what question would that be?”

Daniel Ash shrugged. “Just if you were in any condition to join us.”

Ash had come to trust Chloe like he trusted no one else. She had been at his side when he saved his kids, had almost permanently sacrificed her leg in the process. If he had to pick only one person to join him on this mission, she was it.

Chloe White was not her original name. That had been Lauren Scott. But after she was captured by the Project on a mission for Matt, the Project had done something to her that erased any memory of her past. In essence, Chloe White was born the day she was rescued.

It hadn’t harmed her intelligence, though, nor robbed her of much of the education she’d picked up before the loss. The personal things were the areas most affected-the people who’d been in her life, her family and friends. They were like strangers to her. As much as she tried, she could remember none of them. Ash couldn’t imagine how that must feel. Somehow, though, she had learned to cope.

Ash and Pax had left the other members of the team at the airport while they drove out to see her. They’d come around the corner of the building just in time to see Chloe knock the other woman to the mat.

“Ash and I need to have a conversation with Chloe,” Pax said to Madigan. “Any quiet place we can talk?”

“You can use the gym. No one’s in there.”


Since Chloe was the most familiar with the facility, she led the way.

As soon as they were alone, Ash gave her a hug. “Good to see you.”

“You, too,” she said.

Pax was next. “I could get used to a beautiful woman like you hugging me like this.”

She playfully slapped his shoulder. “Well, don’t. If anyone asks, I’ll be sure to say I’ve never let you within five feet of me.”

Pax looked around, and motioned to some chairs in the free-weights area. “Why don’t we have a seat?”

Once they were settled, Chloe eyed them both. “So, join you doing what?”

Before Ash could say anything, Pax held up a hand. “First, we need you to be straight up with us. How’s the leg?”

She let out a quick laugh and nodded. “I get it. You need to be sure.”

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