imagined. Saw this day coming. Contingency planning was what they called it.

Stoke was happy. He’d always liked being somebody’s contingency.

Chapter Thirty-Five

Suva Island

SNAY BIN WAZIR RELAXED BACK INTO THE DEEP LEATHER cushions of the armchair in his sitting room and fired up another Baghdaddie. The ornately carved door hushed shut; he was alone. Smoking with the cigarette held between thumb and forefinger, he inhaled deeply, the long yellow cigarette going to ash like a fire-cracker fuse. He gazed out the large oval window beside his chair. The Mountain of Fire lay smoldering some three thousand feet below him. The peak of the active volcano, rising up from the dense green carpet of rain forest, was wreathed with swirling scuds of rain clouds and tendrils of fog.

He heaved a sigh of contentment and pressed his face closer to the glass. Everything was going according to schedule in London. An attendant had just handed him a downloaded e-mail sent via the high-speed air-ground data link from Lily’s Blackberry PDA. Lily and the Rose had just arrived at Grosvenor House and cleared security. The target was present. They were proceeding.

All good, he thought, gazing at the idyllic scene below.

But it wasn’t really. There’d been a second downloaded message from the Emir. Crumpled into a ball, it now lay on the Persian carpet at Snay’s feet. The message could not have been clearer. One of his flowers had grown too tall for the garden. She would have to be cut down to size. Bin Wazir sighed. His beautiful Rose. Ah, well.

Fanning out from the base of the mountain, he could see the farmers and their oxen spread across the vast rice paddies. The volcano had erupted just last year, the fiery lava flow killing hundreds. But the farmers had rebuilt their homes near the volcano because it was the ash that made this region of the island’s soil so fertile.

If you look at a chart of the South China Sea and, more specifically, Indonesia, in the area just south of the Equator and just north of latitude 15 degrees south, you’ll see that 120 degrees of longitude perfectly bisects the small island of Suva, due west of Timor. Like all of Indonesia, it is Muslim; the largest Muslim nation on earth. In the seventies and early eighties, Suva Island was a vacation mecca for wealthy Arabs and their families. A long landing strip was slashed into the jungle to accommodate private planes. And then came the jumbo jets packed with rich young Arab tourists. The men in search of, not sun and sand, which they had more than their share of, but whiskey, wine, and casual sex.

The one hotel on the island is a sprawling resort set amidst many lush acres on the southern coast, with beautiful curving white beaches gently washed by the blue Suva Sea. It is called the Bambah. The Pink Palace. For most of the eighties and early nineties, it was a very chic destination. When it later fell out of fashion, it lay vacant for years, crumbling into a state of decay. Islamic guerillas discovered it, and, for years, it was a terrorist training camp before the guerillas were finally routed by government forces. Once more, the jungle asserted itself. The once beautiful buildings and grounds of the Bambah were overrun with riotous vegetation; the old hotel was left to molder and rot.

Snay bin Wazir was a sharp-eyed man who knew a bargain when he saw one. He bought it, and poured his wife’s millions into it. But, after a brief renaissance in the late nineties, the hotel fell once more onto hard times. The rambling pale pink Bambah hotel below was the last remaining link in bin Wazir’s once-golden chain. Gazing down upon its steep, fish-scale blue tile rooftops, he had to admit that the beautiful old hotel, once the jewel of his global real estate empire, had been a flawed stone.

As his 747 banked sharply, lining up for its final approach to the 10,000-foot jungle airstrip, Snay’s mind was crowded with dreams of future glory. His efforts to destabilize and terrify the American diplomatic service had succeeded beyond anyone’s hopes. Here at Suva, he was to set in motion the final phase of the Emir’s Grand Jihad. His hashishiyyun had rocked the Great Satan back on his heels. Now he would lay him low. As the big jet touched down, reversed its thrusters and lumbered down the runway, he was filled with hope. After many humiliations, glory would finally be his.

Bin Wazir stood in the opened cabin door and thanked his trusted and very British pilot Khalid al-Abdullah, and his copilot, an Irishman named Johnny Adare, for a smooth flight. Their work had just begun. They would supervise a waiting army of technicians and mechanics. They would create the Angel of Death.

Snay took a long, loving look back at his airplane as he descended the aluminum stairway to the ancient black hotel limousine. He knew the next time he saw his splendid green and gold Boeing 747, one of only three such privately owned aircraft in the world, he would scarcely recognize it.

The long black Daimler wound its way through the tenebrous jungle. The old pink palace sat on a rocky point of land jutting out into the Suva Sea. The hotel boasted a vast jumble of blue-tiled rooflines and minarets and other Middle Eastern architectural conceits. As the big car lurched to a stop at the covered entrance, he could see that a fresh coat of pink paint had been hurriedly applied to the rambling main structure.

The doormen and bellboys, in their faded pink jackets, were bowing and scraping before he and his bodyguard, Tippu Tip, had even climbed out of the rear of the car.

He’d given Ali al-Fazir, who ran the hotel, a few weeks’ notice. The owner was coming. Snay bin Wazir was going to host a convention of some four hundred “travel agents” gathering for a two-day training seminar. The theme of the seminar, created by Snay himself, was “Travel in a Changed World.” The attendees were scheduled to begin arriving first thing next morning. Al-Fazir had arranged a lavish welcome dinner for them, a traditional Indonesian selametan dedicating various foods to spirits and combining Muslim prayers with this spirit worship.

As Tippu and the elderly hotel driver removed three antique Louis Vuitton steamer trunks from the cavernous boot of the old Daimler, Snay bin Wazir climbed the wide semicircular steps leading up to the verandah. He was surprised not to see the normally obsequious al-Fazir standing in the doorway to welcome him with open arms. Some feverish last-minute preparations for his arrival, no doubt.

“Hello, Saddam,” he said to the dragon.

The Komodo dragon, traditionally kept chained to a stout metal post in one corner of the Bambah verandah, strained at the heavy links of its leash and bared its sharp, saw-like teeth. The animal, at just over ten feet in length, weighed nearly three hundred pounds. Komodos were the world’s largest living reptiles. Very quick and very strong, with razor-sharp claws, the lizard could easily overcome wild pigs, deer, and even water buffalo.

Before he’d finally been captured and adopted as official mascot of the Bambah, Saddam had eaten at least fifteen human beings alive. Farmers’ children, mostly, and one very old woman. He’d been weaned from such exotic fare twenty years ago. But Snay believed the dragon had never really lost his taste for human flesh. When you approached him, you could see his coal black pupils dilate, sense his fetid breath quickening.

Komodos are extremely fearsome creatures. Contrary to popular belief, the dragons don’t kill you with their sawlike teeth. When they bite you, bacteria in their saliva goes right into your bloodstream. It can take you three or four days to die. A horrible death, knowing the dragon is tracking you, waiting for the chance to enjoy you at its leisure.

Saddam dreams of us at night, Snay had once told Ali al-Fazir, who was terrified of the dragon. Yes. Colorful, exciting dreams. Stalking us, playing with us, seeing how long he can wait, waiting until he can stand it no longer. Then pouncing, gripping us with his claws as he opens his jaws, the taste of our warm meat and hot blood not nearly so exciting to his reptile brain as the sound of our cracking bones. Look, Ali, look at those eyes! He’s dreaming of you!

For weeks, Ali would use another entrance to the hotel, avoiding Saddam at all costs.

Since human flesh was no longer a regular item on Saddam’s menu, however, he’d acquired a great fondness for monkey heads, and there was always a pail full of them at the top of the hotel steps. Bin Wazir reached into the pail, plucked out a nice fresh one, and tossed it at the hissing beast. The lightning speed with which Saddam managed to snap the monkey’s head up and pulverize it with his powerful jaws never failed to amaze him.

Despite the thick iron collar bolted round his neck and the heavy stainless steel chain that held the creature in check, the very sight of him was enough to cause heart palpitations in man, woman, or child. Saddam had long

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