“I don’t want to even look at a damn horse.”

“Is something wrong, darlin’? You’ve been acting funny all week.”

“No. Nothing’s wrong.”

“Listen. Those boys that rode down to Mexico were volunteers. Every last one of them. They all wanted to go. Their families wanted them to go! Look for their sisters or their girlfriends or whatever. All you did was swear them in. You thought you were doing the right thing and you did your duty. That’s all anyone can ask of a body.”


“You think you should have gone with them. Well, you couldn’t. You’ve got an obligation to protect this town. And God knows it needs protecting. You went down there and tried to do something for those girls and it didn’t work. You’ll think of something else.”


“You don’t want to talk. Fine. Go do something then. Turn on the television. Read a book. Dance a jig. You’ll go flat crazy sitting around here all afternoon staring at a telephone for lord knows what reason. Or, I will.”

“I am sorry to be such a bother to you,” Franklin said, getting slowly up from his armchair. “I reckon I’ll go on into the office now. Got some work to do.”

He plucked his short brim off the rack and started for the front door.

“Franklin, it’s Sunday afternoon. This is time you should be with your family.”

“I was trying.”

“I ain’t never seen you like this, honey. Don’t say hi to anybody at church. Don’t smile when you shake hands with the preacher. These are your friends, Franklin. Folks who love and admire you.”

“I’ll see you later on then, Daisy. I’ll take the pickup in case you decide to go on over to your sister’s in the good car.”

“You planning on being home for supper?”

“I can’t rightly say at the moment.”

“What can you say?”

“That’s all I can say.”

“I love you.”

“I love you too, baby girl.”

FRANKLIN DROVE slowly into town. Wasn’t any traffic to speak of, it being Sunday. Just a couple of good old boys heading out to the Wagon Wheel to catch the second half of the Cowboys on the wide screen. The sun still had a ways to go before it set down and that gave him a little lift. He’d do some deskwork, take his mind off things. Keep his eye off the clock.

He figured he’d try and get that report done, a short version of the one they had asked him to write up here about a month ago. It had been sitting on his desk, staring at him long enough. Just like high school papers, wait till the day before something’s due to write it. Most folks never got out of high school their whole lives he thought, but that was just his opinion.

Some time ago, he’d written what they called a White Paper. It was on illegal immigration. This he’d done at the request of the Texas Sheriff’s Association. He wasn’t special, everybody got asked to write the same thing and send it to some bureaucrat in Austin, whether they lived near the border or not. Well, he sent his in. Next thing you knew, somebody or other up in Washington had called up the governor’s office about his report.

The lady in Austin who’d called him here back in November had said something about how they were fixing to have a big government terrorism pow-wow down in Key West, Florida. State Department, CIA, Border Patrol, and who knows who all else was supposed to be there. Part of the program or presentation or whatever you want to call it was going to be about border problems with Mexico apparently.

The woman from the capital said they’d be real interested in a short version of what he’d put in his paper. The part about increased violence along the border and anti-Americanism. Border Patrol officers getting shot at, stoned on a daily basis by kids heaving rocks. Weapons coming across through tunnels. Drugs by the ton, above and below ground. And the outright lawlessness that prevailed in some of this territory just south of the border. How it was spreading this way.

And, if you can believe this one, they wanted him to attend the conference and maybe even present his report if there was time enough on the schedule. He hadn’t even told Daisy about it, it was so preposterous.

Somebody at the U.S. State Department had read his paper. If that didn’t beat all, he didn’t know what did. He hadn’t told anybody at all of course, even Homer or June. But, you couldn’t help but be a little, not proud of it, but gratified that somebody that high up in government was actually interested in what you had to say about things.

The Prairie County Courthouse stood in the center of the town square. It was a four-story building dating from 1914, still all original right down to the doorknobs. Even the big sash windows. It was made out of yellow brick and had four doors, one set on each side. The parking was on the south side, the main entrance was on the north, facing Main Street. One of his predecessors as sheriff, an old man named Wyatt, was now working three days a week as an unpaid deputy. Wyatt had a thing about landscaping. He’d put in some walnut trees that had grown pretty big now. They gave a nice shade on hot days.

His office, as well as Wyatt’s, was up on the second floor overlooking the main drag. There wasn’t much to see up there other than a spittoon, a hat rack, and a checkerboard. June and Homer spent a whole lot of time playing checkers most afternoons. When he walked in he was startled to see the place so empty and he realized he’d been so preoccupied he’d plain forgotten Daisy had reminded him it was Sunday. Then he saw June Weaver, who was sitting with her shoes propped up at a desk just outside his door.

There was loud snoring coming from Wyatt’s office. He came in on Sundays to get away from the Cowboys game his wife always had cranked up full volume. Wyatt was a good man. He’d taken over as sheriff when Franklin’s daddy had been killed in the line of duty. His father and Wyatt had gotten into a shootout with some bank robbers and a stray bullet had nicked Franklin Sr.’s heart.

June was a pretty little brunette gal. About Daisy’s age, she was in her early forties but looked younger. Always watching her weight, not that she needed to do that much. She had her nose deep in a movie magazine.

“Hey, Junebug,” he said to her, trying not to spook her.

“Hey, Sheriff. What are you doing here?”

“Thought I’d try to finish that dang report.”

“Well, it’s past due.”

“Anything happen I should know about?”

“Phone hasn’t rung once.”

“Well, we figured on that, right?”

“Yessir, I guess we did. I’m sorry.”

“You want any coffee?”

“I’ll bring you a cup.”

“I ’preciate it, Sheriff.”

He’d brought June coffee and then stared out his office window for a while, just watching folks stroll by down below. Then he’d gotten going on his paper pretty good and an hour or more went by before he knew it. He looked up and saw June was standing in the doorway saying Homer was on the radio and needed him quick.

“He say what the trouble was?”

“He said there was a big bunch of ’em out at the Wagon Wheel raising hell. Liquored up and smashing furniture. Somebody’s firing his gun in the air out back.”

“Cowboys must be losing pretty bad.”

“He said they were calling for your head.”

“Ain’t my fault the ’Boys are losing. All right. Tell him I’m heading on over there. Phone rings, some news about the girls, you let me know.”

“I got operators standing by.”

“Be good. I’ll see you in the morning.”

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