tenacity to stand in for her. Hey, that’s what twins do.” He smiled and winked at me. “And, I still want you”—he tickled me—I giggled—“to be my assistant with all the lies flying I need to keep you near, to keep an eye—two eyes on you.”

“I have never lied before in my life, until now.” I adamantly stated.

“Yes, I know that too.”

“Uh. How did you know?” I inquisitively beseeched him for an answer.

“Well, when you passed out I called my office and got your sister’s number. She was very informative. Besides being under the weather, she has diarrhea of the mouth. She told me everything I wanted to know,” He chuckled.

“Yeah, I bet she did.” I was suspicious of Rae. She wanted my dream man. Too late now, he’s mine, bitch.

“Hey, do I detect some sister rivalry?” His lips curled downward. I peeked up at him through my dark thick eyelashes. I ached to hear something positive. “Don’t be mad at her. She’s a good kid and loves you. I figured if you were willing to lie like the devil, you would do the same for me, and then some. You know… that’s a fringe benefit for me and I hope you will see it that way too.” I blushed. I knew what he was referring to.

“So what is the deal with the delicious apples and the juice—are they really special apples? They really turned up the heat in me.”

“Hummm… well you will have to decide that one for yourself.” Suddenly an apple appeared in his hand. He traced the smooth skin against my cheek and rolled it, stopping on my mouth. God, he was so romantic. He had skills. I looked up into his beautiful gray eyes… and sensuously licked my lips and took a bite of the apple. I slowly chewed; it was more delicious than the one before. Suddenly, I felt so naughty. Heat raced to my feminine core. Wow, was this sudden onset of feeling horny my imagination, or were these apples really the best aphrodisiac in the world?

“Mr. Maximillion… I am so horny again…” I squirmed in the seat.

“I feel that same way…” he winked, and lifted me onto his lap. I didn’t resist.

“So, if I work for you… are these apples something you give to all the women in the office?” I really didn’t want to hear the answer to this one… he best lie to me.

“Let me just say no one lies like you.” He winked raising a single brow.

“Oh I hate you.” I stammered. ‘I hate you more than anyone in this entire world.” I lied. Slowly, in a circular motion I grinded my hips into his lap. And, like my new growing lying habit, his manhood grew like magic too. I was never as hungry for sex, then I was in this moment. My body ached to feel him again, channeling his huge vessel deep into my chamber.

“An apple a day keeps the devil away.” Steele groaned, beneath my gyrating hips, as he kissed my neck.

“The doctor.” I retorted, giggling, as I unzipped his pants unleashing his massive snake. There’s nothing like bobbing for cock, I thought as I lowered my head. 


After spending the morning with the Master of the Universe I was the most satisfied woman in the world. In bed Mr. Maximillion sure new how to please me. Everything about him was larger than life, and more than I could expect. A lot more. After our sex-a-thon, we got a wild hair up our butts and painted his bedroom walls Fifty Shades of Red. Not sure what possessed us to do this.

We then showered the paint off our bodies, and made-love upside down, sideways, and backwards and hanging from the ceiling. Since, he was behaving so naughty I tied him up and he spanked me for all the lies I had told. We then made-love again, again and again. I think it was a total of fifty-fun times. Dang, I could hardly walk.

We finally got dressed and went and paid my sister Blue-Rae an unexpected visit. By the way, she was feeling much better. Steele offered her the opportunity to find a husband on his show: Do You Want To Marry A Billionaire. She was tickled pink. Her wedding day was gorgeous. Her marriage to Justin Weaver lasted three days and three nights. She is currently staring as the lead role in a new TV series Fifty Shades of Clay.

Steele and I continued to see each other, almost every night. Okay, that’s a lie we saw each other every night. Our entire relationship was based on lies; it has been one big lie after the other.  We all know what happens when I lied to him.

One year later, Steele and I were married. Our wedding was Fifty Shades of Pink. Soon, after I got prego with triplets. I guess Steele has big sperm too. Oh my, did I blow up. He told me he’d do his best to whip me back into to shape. I have been known to beg him to whip me on a few occasions. Of course we used safe words.

Steele said, “If you don’t get back to your petite slender figure, I’ll still luv ya baby… but I might not luv on ya as much.” He said imitating a smooth Texas accent. He was beginning to sound like one of our previous bachelors from a recent season.

Before we knew it, the day came I gave birth to our three beautiful children. Labor sucked. I turned into a Tasmanian devil. The words flying out of my mouth—well, needless to say I swore like an effing sailor for over fifty hours. I fucking hate you Steele poured out of my mouth. In all reality my words were lies.

Poor Steele he had the biggest erection for over fifty hours too. His lying dick-o-meter was in overdrive. The nurses kept coming by to ask him if there was anything they could do for him? I glared at them all, if looks could kill, they’d be dead. Labor was too much for both Steele and me. Between, my potty mouth and Steele’s ever-growing penis, finally, the doctored took pity on me, and performed a quick C-section. Although I think the doc felt more sorry for my husband.

Men stick together on these sorts of things. Following the birth of our children, the genius doctor begged Steele if he could use him in a case study to help find a cure for men who suffer with male erectile dysfunction disorders. Our delicious apples are due to hit the market soon, they will banish the little blue pill—we are sure to profit in the next year, big time. Google, www.lie-2-big.com

Needless to say, our beautiful children arrived with all ten tootsies, and ten long-fingers, like their fathers, they had two hands, and of course they had legs and heads and all the other parts too. Our daughter Sun-Rae, had golden hair of sunshine, we named her in honor of my sister. She is a sweet angel; just like her mother… me. However, our two dark haired sons, Iron and Metal turned out to be little devils, just like their father.

One last thing to mention, as for all the diapers… this made me swallow hard, pinch my nose, turn crimson and flash angrily at my incredibly handsome husband Steele—Fifty Shades of Stink, emanated in the air. The scent was never-mind—it was overwhelming. Crap. Triple crap.

The End



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Seduce and Sell

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