my gaping mouth. “I just wanted you to notice me!”

He grabbed a fistful of my hair and yanked my head backward, sending shards of pain across my scalp. “You were trying to make me jealous, but now I’m just angry.” He released his grip on my hair and my head slumped back down. “You think I want some punk’s sloppy seconds?”

He pulled the dildo from me and my body spasmed with relief, but he just replaced one pain for another as a brutal strike landed on my raw bottom. “Don’t let it happen again, Leslie. You’re mine.”

I let out a round of sobs at his last words. He slackened his hold and I spilled from his lap into a pile at his feet. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” I curled into the fetal position. “I just missed you. I missed you so bad.”

When he pushed out of his chair and leaned down to me, I flinched. But instead of another lick, he stroked my hair. The affectionate lover I knew had returned.

“You really missed me?” he asked.

I nodded, sniffling through my runny nose. Tingles rippled over my naked body as he unzipped his fly.

“You don’t want anyone but me?”

“No one else,” I swore, moving to my knees. “Only you.”

When I saw his swollen head peaking through his boxer briefs, I let out a hiccup of elation. His veins were a road map of desire as he uncoiled his full length. He released it, allowing me to take hold of his engorged rod.

“Oh John,” I moaned, one hand deep in my warmth. I used the other to steady his member, easing it inside my mouth.

My tongue dashed out, swirling around the tip. I lapped up his sticky precum, a white hot pressure building in my groin. I brushed with great strides up and down his length, matching it to the thrusts of my fingers as I pumped my pussy.

He stroked my head, running his hand to the nape of my neck, pushing me to take all of him. His rod filled me to the max, choking me. But I didn’t stop. I couldn’t. I’d dreamt of this moment.

I pulled my digits from myself and took a hold of his sack. I massaged his balls the way he liked, steady and slow. I smacked on his member like it was the last time I’d see it, taste it.

I rocked my hips back and forth as I worked him. He had to know how much I wanted him. All the boys in the world couldn’t stack up to my pastor. Nothing else compared.

I felt his muscles contract and spasm. He was getting close.

He took a hold of his stiffness and jerked it. I assumed the position, my face a blank canvas for his desire. I wanted it to sink into me. I wanted him to tattoo my flesh.

He let out a grunt and we soared together, my thighs spasming as the tingles coursed over my bare body.

As his cum pelted me in orgasmic rhythm, it hit my eyelids, my nose and careened down my chin. My body shook as my own coursed down my inner thigh. I was a creampie. I was Pastor’s lil’ slut.

After the last stream emptied from him, I took my hand and smeared his stickiness all over my face then brought my palm to my mouth, licking it clean.

“Be my good girl,” Pastor said, his voice shaky. “Be good and I’ll give you everything.” He turned back to his desk, pulling out a terry towel.

I held out my face for him. I was his.

All his.

Kate Gets Two Cocks

'It's time to get loud!

It's time to represent!

Gray Uni, what time is it?!'

The squad finished their stomp/clap combo and let out a big sigh of relief.

I knew mine was louder than most. After a week full of finals, my parents on my back about declaring my major, and breaking up with the biggest douchebag at Gray University, I wasn't in a very cheerful mood.

Coach blew her whistle and we all headed to the locker room, free until next week's practice.

Mark Collins headed over to me and my body, like, instantly switched on. My nipples swelled beneath my wife beater. My heart stuttered in my chest. Butterflies danced from my tummy to my groin as he loped an arm around my shoulders. The whole thing was pretty pointless considering he was gay-his boyfriend, Jake, was equally delicious and cheered for Gray too.

'Hey,' I said with a smile. 'How's it going?'

'Good,' he said quickly. 'Everything's good.' He was sweaty as hell, as all of us were, but I didn't even care. The nearness of him made me ache.

“Cool,” I said with a nod. “How were your finals?”

He shrugged. “Could go either way.” He seemed kinda antsy, like he had something to tell me but wasn’t sure how to put it. 'So I heard about you and Scott,' he said finally.

I shot him a look. 'Here to say 'I told you so'?'

He unhooked his arm and gave me a playful shove. 'Don't be like that. I just want you to be happy.'

'We all do!' A couple of the other male cheerleaders had gathered near the lockers.

Mark's boyfriend Jake gave me an awkward wave before running his hand through his curly blonde hair. 'Just in case you want that prick taken care of, I know a guy…'

I grinned at the bunch of them. 'That's really sweet guys. Sweet, but unnecessary.'

Mark was beside me and when he pulled off his t-shirt, I had to gulp a moan away. His chest was, like, something out of an action movie-muscles, danger, sex. It oozed from his pores.

I forced my attention to the locker, spinning the combo and pulling out my gym bag. Me and Scott had a pretty hardcore round of angry sex, complete with anal, back scratching and pissed off stares. It was pretty hot-and had done a number on my thin frame, but I found myself wondering what Mark would do if I slammed him against the locker and dove my hands inside his shorts.

I scolded myself as I turned to join the rash of teammates that were headed out the door, but Mark gripped my arm, stopping me. 'Can you hold up a minute, Kate?'

I turned back around. All the other girls and guys had filed from the locker room. It was just me, Mark, and Jake. I glanced at them. They were both stealing glances at each other, obvs fidgety. 'What's going on, yall?'

Jake licked his thick lips and his cheeks were red hot as he nudged Mark. 'You tell her.'

'Nah man,' Mark said firmly with a nervous chuckle. 'It was your idea!'

I crossed my arms. 'Well somebody better start talking or I'm going back to my dorm. I still have a paper due in Poli Sci and I haven't even begun packing for break.'

Mark shot daggers at Jake before he let out a sigh. 'Hold on a second.' He pushed past us and did a quick sweep of the locker room, checking all of the stalls before going to the door and flipping the lock.

I stole a look at Jake who looked doubly nervous, his sky blue eyes trying to seem reassuring but failing miserably.

I took a few steps forward, starting to get really weirded out. 'Okay, kinda starting to freak me out guys. What's going on?'

Mark rejoined us and my mouth fell open when I definitely saw his cock firm against the thin fabric of his basketball shorts. Without closer inspection I was just guessing, but he had to be at least 7 inches. I forced my eyes up to his face. No point in daydreaming about it when he played for the home team. But when Jake started to stroke himself beneath his shorts, I couldn't stifle the moan that rose in my throat. Both of them were hot as hell, like Abercrombie and Fitch models. I'd be a liar if I said just watching them kiss didn't totally make me wanna plug my pussy, but what was happening? Why were they both looking at me like they were imagining me with my clothes off?

Mark jabbed Jake with his elbow. 'Jesus, can't you wait until she at least says yes, babe?'

Jake's eyes fell. 'S-sorry.'

Mark flashed me a smile, his half dimple making me swoon. God he was so hot. 'You'd probably never be down for something like this Kate, but since you're single and we're looking to do some experimenting, we figured

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