heart as her fingertips brushed against the small lock that kept it permanently around her neck. She opened the journal, its dusty smell permeating the room, and picked up her favorite pen beginning to write. As the tears brimmed in her eyes, she knew this would be the last entry ever made.

Today is a day I knew was coming for a long time. Today is the day I finally said goodbye to my Master. He is and was and always will be the Master of my heart, soul and body. I thought I had lost him once before, but he found me again. I would not trade any second of the thirty-nine years since that day. He loved me completely as a wife, a mother, a best-friend, a lover and as his submissive. He restored me so I was whole, and made life make sense again. He became a second father to my son, and loved him as though Nathan were his own. Someday I will meet him again, somewhere out in whatever afterlife there is waiting for two soul mates. It is our destiny to remain together for eternity. I will continue on here, knowing when we meet again, he will say to me, 'Welcome home my pet.'

Taboo: Mommy Knows Best

Mrs. Baker had two adopted sons, Thomas and Michael. Unfortunately she had no husband. If she had, things might have turned out different, but as it stood, Thomas and Michael were the only men in her life. Young men, that is.

Born just one year apart, Thomas was the older boy at nineteen. He had dark hair and a slender yet definitive build. He was cut, as Mrs. Baker liked to think when she watched him get out of the pool in the backyard and observed the tiny drops of water dripping from his jagged chin. Smart and sexy, Thomas had it all: the looks, the charm, and the body, to get any girl he wanted-but he was his mother's son.

Michael was the complete opposite of his adopted brother. A bit on the pudgy side, not too bright, and a bit defiant-yet he had already managed to have at least one girlfriend by the time he had turned eighteen. A sultry slut named Cindy who had stolen Mrs. Baker's boy away from her for a summer. She broke his heart and left it lying in a puddle of tears on his pillow. Mother had consoled him as best she could, but in the end it wasn't enough, and she had sought out comfort in Thomas.

'Shh, it's okay,' he would say late at night when they were both huddled together under the covers. 'He'll come around.'

Mrs. Baker wanted to believe her boy, but she just didn't see how Michael could ever love her like Thomas did. She wanted him too, of course. She wanted him to caress her hair the way Tommy did, brush his lips against hers, feel him pressed up against her while she wrapped her legs around him tight. It was impossible, though. Michael had a mind of his own, and nothing she could say would ever change it.

'I'll have a talk with him,' Thomas would say.

And he did. Over and over again. It didn't work.

Then one day Michael brought home another girl named Chloe. She was as pale as Casper and wore black eye shadow to match her black clothes that hung off her like seaweed. As much as she hated her then, though, Mrs. Baker had to credit Chloe with doing what she never could have done on her own: make Michael love her.

It was on a Saturday afternoon. Chloe was over and the two were in Michael's bedroom with the door shut. Mrs. Baker, being the consummate snoop that she was, stood at the door listening to their conversation. They were talking about sex, and all the different things they had done. Of course, most of what Michael was saying was made up, as he had only been with one other girl, and Mrs. Baker doubted he had done half the things he was claiming. There was no way he had sixty-nined that little Cindy bitch, or fucked her ass and blew his load all over her face. Even if he had, Mrs. Baker was sure it was no good. That little tramp was just a young, inexperienced harlot. How could Michael know what it really meant to feel good?

'What about you?' he had asked Chloe.

Mrs. Baker listened as she told him tall tales of blowjobs and getting her pussy eaten by two guys at once. She was appalled by her words, but the way she described the things she was saying made Mrs. Baker think she just might be telling the truth. That's not all they made her, either.

Standing outside the door, listening to her son and girlfriend talk about sex, made her feel warm. Chloe definitely had a mouth on her, and as Mrs. Baker listened to her describe the way she gave oral, it made her think about Michael and how good her son would feel between her lips.

She reached down and traced the top of her yoga pants with her fingers. Her entire body tingled as Chloe talked about swirling her tongue around the head of some boys cock before sliding her lips down the shaft. Mrs. Baker reached into her pants and felt her swollen pussy lips dance with excitement. When she parted them, she slid one of them into her with ease, as she was already sopping wet from listening to her son's conversation with his girlfriend. As it entered her, she caught her breath and continued to listen to Chloe talk about sucking on balls and deepthroating while she slowly moved it in and out of her hole, squirming against her hand at the same time.

'There's nothing like the feel of a hard dick in my mouth,' Chloe said.

Mrs. Baker had to agree with her on that point.

Then she felt someone behind her and she jumped. It was Thomas. He cupped his hand around her mouth so she wouldn't make a sound, and when her eyes found his, she knew he had been listening along with her and was just as riled up as she was.

Her son's hand slid up her top and he ran a thumb across her hard nipple. She gasped in silence, parting her thin lips and closing her eyes. They pressed together and she could feel the bulge in Thomas's track pants grow bigger and bigger as Chloe droned on in the background. Her son lifted her shirt and breasts as big as cantaloupes spilled out into the cool air. He bent and took one in his mouth while she reached down to massage him. Thomas sucked on it as hard as he could, something she adored.

Not wanting to be found out, but wanting her son just the same, Mrs. Baker lowered herself to her knees after just a few more moments. Thomas placed a hand on the wall for balance as she pulled his cock free from the confines of its cotton prison. It dangled like a carrot before her and she quickly placed it between her lips, just as Chloe had described, sliding them up and down the shaft.

Thomas stared down at his mother sucking on his cock. He ran his hands through her auburn hair and relished the way her big green eyes stared up at him as she worked her mouth over him. She paid close attention to his fat head, sucking on it almost as hard as he had sucked on her tits. After a moment he cupped one hand on the back of head and thrust his hips forward, making sure his mother took all of him in. When he felt her nose press up against him, he trembled, and released his grip on Mrs. Baker's head.

She gagged, just a little, and pulled away. It felt so good to have at least one son in her mouth. Tommy was a good boy, that's for sure. Mrs. Baker stuck out her tongue and slapped his cock against it, then against her cheek. She loved his dick so much, and the way he used it. She wanted him to fuck her right there in the hallway outside Michael's door, but she knew him and Chloe would hear them. Instead, she went to work some more on Tommy's cock, sucking, licking, and deepthroating him more and more until his body convulsed and she felt the warmth of his seed spill down the back of her throat. It dripped into her stomach like honey and she gulped as much of it back as she could.

When they were done, Mrs. Baker stayed behind to listen to the rest of Chloe and her son Michael's conversation.

It had moved on to them talking about their favorite positions, and she couldn't believe that they weren't both naked by now. How could they not be completely turned on by what they were talking about? She would have had her son on his back by then, straddling his dick and riding him like a pony.

She smiled at the thought while thinking about Thomas's cock once again. Her thoughts were interrupted, though, by the sound of a belt buckle being undone.

There it was.

Chloe was finally going to let Michael into her pants. Mrs. Baker's thoughts went from pleasure to anger as she thought about her son going down on someone that wasn't her. It wasn't going to happen, not in her house. She waited a few more moments, and when she heard Chloe start to moan she burst though the bedroom door.

'What is going on in hear?' she screamed.

She saw the pale girl on her back, legs spread, shaved pussy exposed, while Michael looked at her in shock.

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