'Better than any.' Protz stepped to the chart. 'The 719 last reported in from here, on course — so. There are three possibilities, but only this one is directly on its course. I'd say it's ten to one that this is it. There shouldn't be more than one habitable planet. We can wind this up in a couple of days.'

Dillinger snorted. 'Only one planet to search for four scratchers!

You've been in space too long. Have you forgotten how big a planet is?'

'Like you said, we might be lucky.'

They were lucky. There was one habitable planet, with a single, narrow, sub-tropical continent. On their first observation they sighted the four glistening survey ships, parked neatly in a row, on a low rise overlooking the sea.

Dillinger studied the observation data, squinted at the film strips, and exploded. 'Damn! This will cost us a week, anyway, and those fools have just taken some time off to go fishing.'

'We'll have to land,' Protz said. 'We can't be certain.'

Dillinger looked up from the film strips, a faint smile on his face. 'Sure we'll land. Take a good look at these. We'll land, and after I kick those scratcher crews in the pants, I'm going fishing.'

The Rirga came ponderously to rest a thousand yards down the shore. There were the inevitable scientific tests. A security unit made a meticulous search of the landing area, and dispatched a squad to investigate the survey ships under cover of the alert Rirga gunners. Dillinger strode down the ramp, sniffed the sea breeze hungrily, and headed towards the beach.

Protz came up a moment later. 'The scratchers are deserted. Looks as if they just walked off and left them.'

'We'll have to root them out,' Dillinger said. 'Notify headquarters.'

Protz hurried away.

Dillinger walked slowly back to the Rirga. The landing area was being consolidated. Patrols were pushing inland and along the shore. One signaled the discovery of a deserted native village. Dillinger shrugged indifferently, and went to his quarters. He poured himself a drink and stretched out on his bunk, wondering if there was anything on board that would pass for fishing equipment.

Protz's voice snapped out of the intercom. 'Commander?'

'I'm relaxing,' Dillinger said.

'We've found a native.'

'The Rirga should be able to cope with one native without harassing its commanding officer.'

'Maybe I should say the native found us. He wants to speak to the commanding officer.'

Dillinger's reflexes were slow. It was a full ten seconds before he sat up abruptly, spilling his drink.

'He speaks Galactic,' Protz said. 'They're bringing him in now. What shall we do with him?'

'Set up a tent. I'll receive him with due ceremony.'

A short time later, resplendent in a ribbon-decked dress uniform, he hurried down the ramp. The tent had been set up, and an honor guard posted around it. The men were, it seemed to Dillinger, struggling to keep their faces straight. A moment later he understood why. The native was a model of bodily perfection, young, intelligent- looking. He wore only a loin cloth of doubtful manufacture. His red hair was dazzling in the bright sunlight.

Standing before him in full dress uniform, Dillinger saw the humor of the occasion, and smiled. The native stepped forward, his face serious, his manner confident. He extended his hand. 'How do you do. I am Fornri.'

'I am Commander Dillinger,' Dillinger responded, almost automatically. He stepped ceremoniously aside, and allowed the native to precede him into the tent. Dillinger, and a number of his officers, filed after him.

The native ignored the chairs, and faced Dillinger. 'It is my sad duty to inform you that you and the personnel of your ship are under arrest.'

Dillinger sat down heavily. He turned to Protz, who grinned and winked. Behind him an officer failed to suppress a chuckle. Because the native had spoken in a firm tone of voice, his words carried beyond the tent. Much whispering and some ill-concealed laughter drifted in to them.

A red-headed native who possessed not so much as a dull spear had calmly walked in and placed the Rirga under arrest. It was a gag worth retelling — if anyone would believe it.

Dillinger ignored Protz's wink. 'What are the charges?'

The native recited tonelessly, 'Landing in a restricted area, willful avoidance of customs and quarantine, failure to land at a proper immigration point with official clearance, suspicion of smuggling, and bearing arms without proper authority. Follow me, please, and I will lead you to your detention area.'

Protz was suddenly solemn. 'He didn't learn to speak Galactic like that from the scratcher crews,' he whispered. 'It's only been a month since the first ship was reported missing.'

Dillinger whirled on the officers that surrounded him. 'You will kindly stop grinning. This is a serious matter.'

The grinning stopped.

'You see, you idiots, this man represents civil authority. Unless there are special arrangements to the contrary, military personnel are subject to the laws of any planet which has a central government. If there are several autonomous governments. .' He turned to the native. 'Does this planet have a central government?'

'It does,' the native said.

'Do you have the personnel of the survey ships under detention?'

'We do.'

'Order all personnel back to the ship,' Dillinger said to Protz. He said to the native, 'You understand — I'll have to communicate with my superiors about this.'

'On two conditions. All weapons which have been brought from the ship are considered confiscated. And no one except yourself will be permitted to return to the ship.'

Dillinger turned to Protz. 'Have the men stack their arms at a place he designates.'

Eight days passed before Dillinger was able to get down to final negotiations. Before the conference started he asked to speak with one of the survey men. Natives brought him into the tent, tanned, robust-looking, wearing a native loin cloth. He grinned sheepishly at Dillinger.

'I'm almost sorry to see you, commander.'

'How have you been treated?'

'Perfect. Couldn't ask for better treatment. The food is wonderful. They have a drink that I'll swear is the best thing in the galaxy. They built us some huts on the seashore, and told us where we could go and what we could do, and left us alone. Except for the ones that bring our food, and some fishing boats, we hardly see any natives.'

'Three native women apiece, I suppose,' Dillinger said dryly.

'Well, no. The women haven't come near us. Otherwise, if you're thinking of naming this planet you can call it Paradise. We've been mostly swimming and spearing fish. You should see the fish in that ocean!'

'You weren't harmed?'

'No. They took us by surprise, and disarmed us, and that was it. Same went for the other ships.'

'That's all I want to know,' Dillinger said.

The natives led him away, and Dillinger opened the negotiations. He sat on one side of a table, flanked by two of his officers. Fornri and two other young natives faced him across the table.

'I am authorized,' Dillinger said, 'to accept unconditionally your listing of fines and penalties. Four hundred thousand credits have been transferred to the credit of your government in the Bank of the Galaxy.' He passed a credit memo across the table. Fornri accepted it indifferently.

'This planet's status as an independent world will be recognized,' Dillinger went on. 'Its laws will be respected by the Galactic Federation and enforceable in Federation courts where Federation citizens are involved. We shall furnish your government with a communications center, so that contact with the Federation can be maintained, and ships wishing to land may obtain official permission.

'In return, we shall expect immediate release of personnel, return of equipment, and departure clearance for Federation ships.'

'That is satisfactory,' Fornri said. 'Providing, of course, that the terms of the agreement are in writing.'

'It will be taken care of immediately,' Dillinger said. He hesitated, feeling a bit uneasy. 'You understand — this means that you must return all weapons which you have confiscated, both from the Rirga and the survey ships.'

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