She nodded.
'Will you do me a favor?' he asked her.
'Go out and see a movie.'
She wiped at an eye with the back of her hand and smiled. 'I hate 'em.'
'Then go visit a friend.'
She put her hands in her lap and looked at him warmly. 'Got a friend right here,' she said at last.
He smiled. 'Get some rest,' he advised her.
'I will.'
He had another thought. 'You think Dennings brought the book upstairs? Or was it there?'
'I think it was already there,' Chris answered.
He considered this. Then he stood up. 'Well, okay. You need the car?'
'No, you keep it.'
'All right, then. I'll be back to you later.'
'Ciao, Father.'
He walked out in the street brimming turmoil. Churning. Regan. Dennings. Impossible! No! Yet there was Chris's near conviction, her reaction, her hysteria. And that's just what it: hysterical imagining. And yet... He chased certainties like leaves in a knifing wind.
As he passed by the long flight of steps near the house, he heard a sound from below, by the river. He stopped and looked down toward the C&O Canal. A harmonica. Someone playing 'Red River Valley,' since boyhood Karras' favorite song. He listened until traffic noise drowned it out, until his drifting reminiscence was shattered by a world that was now and in torment, that was shrieking for help, dripping blood on exhaust fumes. He thrust his hands into his pockets. Thought feverishly. Of Chris. Of Regan. Of Lucas aiming kicks at Tranquille. He must do something. What? Could he hope to outguess the clinicians at Barringer? '... go to Central Casting!' Yes; yes, he knew that was the answer; the hope. He remembered the case of Achille. Possessed. Like Regan, he had called himself a devil; like Regan, his disorder had been rooted in guilt; remorse over marital infidelity. The psychologist Janet had effected a cure by hypnotically suggesting the presence of the wife; who appeared to Achille's hallucinated eyes and solemnly forgave him. Karras nodded. Suggestion could work for Regan. But not through hypnosis. They had tried that at Barringer. No. The counteracting suggestion for Regan, he believed, was the ritual of exorcism. She knew what it was; knew its effect. Her reaction to the holy water. Got that from the book. And in the book, there were descriptions of successful exorcisms. It could work! It could! It could work! But how to get permission from the Chancery Office? How to build up a case without mention of Dennings? Karras could not lie to the Bishop. Would not falsify the facts. But you can let the facts speak for themselves!
What facts?
He ran a hand across his brow. Needed sleep. Could not sleep. He felt his temples pound in headache. 'Hello, Daddy?'
What facts?
The tapes at the Institute. What would Frank find? Was there anything he could find? No. But who knew? Regan hadn't known holy water from tap water. Sure. But if supposedly she's able to read my mind, why is it she didn't know the difference between them? He put a hand to his forehead. The headache. Confusion. Jesus, Karras, wake up! Someone's dying! Wake up!
Back in his room, he celled the institute. No Frank. He put down the telephone. Holy Water. Tap water. Something. He opened up the Ritual to 'Instructions to Exorcists': '... evil spirits... deceptive answers... so it might appear that the afflicted one is in no way possessed...' Karras pondered. Was that it? What the hell are you talking about? What 'evil spirit'?
He slammed shut the book and saw the medical records. He reread them, scanning quickly for anything that might help with the Bishop.
Hold it. No history of hysteria. That's something. But weak. Something else. Some discrepancy. What was it? He dredged desperately through memories of his studies. And then he recalled it. Not much. But something.
He picked up the phone and called Chris. She sounded groggy.
'Hi, Father.'
'Were you sleeping? I'm sorry.'
'It's okay.'
'Chris, where's this Doctor....' Karras ran a finger down the records. 'Doctor Klein?'
'In Rosslyn.'
'In the medical building?'
'Please call him and tell him Doctor Karras will be by and that I'd like to take a look at Regan's EEG. Tell him Doctor Karras, Chris. Have you got that?'
'Got It.'
'I'll talk to you later.'