PRC-117 antenna, when Fazel called out.

“Boss, XO, I think we may have a problem.”

* * *

The covered truck pulled to a stop on the side of the road. Omid jumped out and hit the speed-dial number for Sattari on his cell phone. “Teymour, Hafez. How is your investigation going?”

“Not bad, Hafez. I have several reports that indicate our two suspects were proceeding north on Kalat Road.”

“Excellent, Teymour. I have only two reports, but one witness is certain he served them kebabs earlier in the afternoon. It looks like they came into town by way of Bandar Charak Road, cut to the east, and then back south. I think I like this Akbari guy. He took different, indirect paths in and out. Very professional.”

“Where are you now, Hafez?”

“We’re a couple of kilometers north of town on Bandar Charak Road, I’m checking out the last report. It had several people walking north, possibly including our two traitors.”

“It’s getting dark, Hafez. The sun is already down. Do you think it’s wise to go wandering in those hills at this time of day? You can’t see much.”

“You worry too much, Teymour. I’m just going to verify that they didn’t go toward the hills. We drove all the way up to 96 and back, but we didn’t see anybody. So, either they went over the dunes, which is what I suspect, or they took to the hills. There is no evidence of a vehicle. If I can eliminate the possibility of them going into the hills tonight, we’ll be able to better focus our search tomorrow.”

Sattari hesitated, he hated to bring the subject up again, but he had to. “Hafez, since we haven’t found them, I really think we should — ”

“Yes, yes, yes, Teymour. You’re as bad as an old woman, always nagging,” interrupted Omid, with resignation in his voice. “Go ahead and report back to Bandar Abbas that we suspect the traitors were in Bandar Charak earlier today, and that they appear to have departed on foot northwards. We are attempting to pick up the trail, but units nearby should be put on high alert. There, are you satisfied?”

“Yes, Hafez. I really do believe it is the proper thing to do,” replied a much-relieved Sattari.

“Fine. I’ll meet you at the rotary just on the outskirts of town on Bandar Charak Road in about fifteen minutes, okay?”

“Got it. Till then.”

“I’ll see you shortly.” Omid responded to his partner’s farewell and then turned his attention to the four apprehensive young men with him.

“All right, my Basij fighters,” announced Omid. “We’ll form a line, four meters between each man, and we’ll walk along the roadside looking for any evidence that someone headed toward those hills to our left. Since the light is waning fast, we’ll make one quick pass up and back and then we’ll call it a day.”

The five men stretched out with four off the road, and one just at the edge. They each turned on their flashlights and slowly began walking toward the clump of trees near the hillside.

* * *

“Shit,” cursed Ramey. “They’re coming this way.”

“I think they’re looking for our tracks,” Fazel guessed. “I’m sorry, Boss, but I didn’t do a great job of hiding them.”

“Couldn’t be helped, Doc. You were practically carrying Dr. Naseri back up the rock ledge. Okay, people, listen up; column formation along this ridgeline. Pointy is in the lead, with the XO, Dr. Naseri, and then Captain Akbari behind. Philly has the rear while Doc and I cover our withdrawal. Move quietly, but move quickly. Go!”

Jerry helped Dr. Naseri to her feet; she was exhausted from the hike into Bandar Charak and back, but fear fueled her legs now. Yousef helped her to keep her footing as they moved slowly away from the advancing Iranian soldiers.

It took only a couple of minutes for Jerry to realize that the soldiers were gaining on them. They were at best one hundred meters away and closing. “Boss, they’re getting closer,” Phillips said over the radio net. Ramey made a vigorous motion with his hand, pointing for Jerry to keep the two Iranians moving.

Shirin was having difficulty climbing the ragged rock line. Shadows from the last light of the day hid loose rocks and low spots. Coupled with her fatigue, her movements were unsure and halting. Yousef quietly prompted her to move forward by gently pushing her waist. She stepped up on to the next rock, but when she put her weight down on it, a portion of the rock slipped away and rattled its way down the hillside. Ramey whispered urgently over the radio, “Everyone down! Don’t move!” Jerry froze in an awkward position, half perched on a bolder.

* * *

“Sir!” shouted a young Basij private. “Over there, I heard some rocks fall!”

Omid quickly motioned for the private to be quiet; he, too, had heard the rocks, but falling rocks weren’t unusual in this part of the country. Still, just to be safe, Omid had them approach more slowly, their weapons at the ready. Two Basij kept trying to scan the ridgeline with their flashlights. They hadn’t gone another six meters when the sergeant called him. “Agent Omid, I believe these are the tracks of two people.”

“I’m coming over,” he said quietly. Unfortunately, the other three Basij followed him over as well. Moving as a group, they walked toward the ridge where Jerry and the others had been.

* * *

“They’re on to us, Boss,” Fazel concluded over the radio. “I have a good shot on the lead guy.”

“Not yet, Doc,” Ramey whispered. “I’m not convinced they know we’re here. Let’s be patient and give them a chance to back off.”

“Hooyah, sir.”

Ramey looked to his left, and with hand signals, ordered Phillips to assume a firing position. Running away was no longer an option. Jerry felt useless. He couldn’t raise his SCAR, as he needed both hands just to keep him on the bolder. If he tried to move, he’d undoubtedly make more noise and likely give away their position. All he could do was hold still and watch as Phillips snuck quietly toward the ridgeline. But as he stepped down, his left foot started slipping on some loose sand. He instinctively threw his hand up to brace himself against the rock, and for a fraction of a second, his hand was exposed.

“Sir!” screamed one of the militiamen. “Movement, over there!” The soldier immediately raised his weapon and cut loose with several bursts.

The rounds ricocheted off the rock wall just above them; shards of rock and dust fell down from the impact points. Yousef pushed Shirin to the ground and covered her body with his. Shirin was shaking violently from fear. Jerry grasped the rock he was laying on even tighter. He couldn’t see the soldiers, so theoretically they shouldn’t be able to see him. Theoretically.

“Take them out,” ordered Ramey calmly. The three men took careful aim, and fired together as if they were one man.

* * *

Omid was furious. He grabbed the soldier’s weapon and shoved it toward the ground. “What the hell do you think you are shooting at? Shadows?” he asked angrily. The young Basij didn’t have time to answer the VEVAK agent as a 7.26mm round pierced his chest. Two of the other Basij militiamen were also hit before Omid heard the cracks of the rifles. He dove for the ground, rolled toward the clump of trees, and hid behind one of the fallen men, seeking cover, as bullets whizzed above him. The fourth Basij soldier just stood there, stunned by what he had seen. A fraction of a second later, another single crack signaled his demise. Confused and terrified, Omid searched for his cell phone. He needed reinforcements.

* * *

“Last man down,” declared Fazel. “I got two, sir.”

“I got one, Boss,” Phillips added.

“I’m pretty sure I only got one, as well,” said Ramey. “One of those guys is playing possum.”

“I can’t tell which one, Boss. No one is moving and their IR signatures all look the same. Do you want me to put a round into each one again?” Fazel asked. Before Ramey could respond, the corpsman saw a slight light appear in his scope. The man behind one of the fallen soldiers had opened a cell phone; Fazel now knew his target. “Oh no, you don’t,” he whispered as he squeezed his trigger for the third time.

* * *

Omid moved slowly. With the flashlights on the ground, his assailants probably couldn’t see him clearly. If he

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