Anyway, when she wasn’t writing books, Erika went to this support group for UFO abductees. You can imagine the place. Some community center room with an air pot of coffee, chairs arranged in a circle kind of deal. At least that’s how I pictured it. According to Wyatt the sessions could get pretty emotional and often Erika came home utterly drained. Through the group she met this therapist named Wendell Hoffman who looked exactly how you’d expect someone named Wendell Hoffman to look. He specialized in recovering buried memories of alien visitations through hypnotherapy. Wendell suggested that Erika attend a private session in which she would be put under hypnosis and he’d record her impressions on paper during the experience. Nothing sexual or untoward happened at these sessions, if that’s what you’re thinking.
So one night Wyatt and I were stoned as per usual, eating takeout Thai and watching
Well, look at that. My God.
I don’t think he was an actual doctor, but yeah.
Do I have to?
All right then. Here’s was what Erika wrote during that session with Wendell Hoffman.
1. The following is TRUE PROPHECY for humanity. Heed it and receive enlightenment and love. Disregard it and incur punishment and suffering.
2. The ultimate holy purpose of the human race is to actively spread organic life throughout the universe.
3. Haeckel’s Theory: ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny: “Ontogeny is the growth (size change) and development (shape change) of an individual organism; phylogeny is the evolutionary history of a species. Haeckel’s recapitulation theory claims that the development of advanced species was seen to pass through stages represented by adult organisms of more primitive species. Otherwise put, each successive stage in the development of an individual represents one of the adult forms that appeared in its evolutionary history. The embryo becomes a fish, a lizard, a mammal. Haeckel formulated his theory as such: ‘Ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny.’ This notion later became simply known as recapitulation.” So says Wikipedia.
4. So it is with the life cycles of individuals and the species Homo sapiens. As the individual experiences childhood, adolescence, adulthood, old age, and death, these stages are recapitulated by the human race as a whole.
5. Childhood: Breaking away from our primate ancestors with the acquisition of tools, fire, language, pantheism.
6. Adolescence: The majority of what we refer to as history, the rise of monotheism, nation-states, philosophy, empire, democracy, and the rapid migration of humans to every corner of the earth. The industrial revolution represents the end of adolescence and the onset of adulthood.
7. Adulthood: The information technology revolution. A growing awareness of the mortality of the planet. Secularism and global market capitalism as the foundations of societies.
8. Middle age: An era of stewardship, of securing our legacy, and also of regret.
9. Old age: A great slowing as the institutions built during adulthood begin the process of disintegration. Yet with this slowing and suffering, the blossoming of wisdom.
10. WE ASK: Can it be that our responsibility as humans during this age of adulthood is to reproduce?
11. If we CAN reproduce, we MUST reproduce. This is the law of living things.
12. Should we reproduce sexually or asexually?
13. If our species is to reproduce sexually, we must first find our lover. Perhaps this lover is already among us, waiting for us to begin our courtship.
14. If we decide to reproduce asexually, we must seek our children within. These children won’t live in the physical dimension we inhabit but will exist as cognitive constructs in a qputer operating system.
15. Our holy task is not as simple as reproducing to create a new species, i.e. Nietzsche’s ubermensch. Our holy task calls us higher. We seek to reproduce life itself.
16. Our holy task is to guide into being life that will thrive long after our planet has died.
17. We find no conflict with the world’s great religions. We honor them for lighting our way. We honor the memory of the Christian god who claimed to create humanity in its own image. We honor the memory of the Eastern gods who promised eternal return. We seek PEACE with all believers and nonbelievers.
19. Our highest principle: Love is the metaphysical framework upon which the physical substance of life depends.
20. We create life cognitively (asexually) and physically (sexually). The life we create cognitively we create with information. The life we create physically we create with matter.
21. We pass life to the NEXT BEINGS as life was passed to us by the previous beings, our gods.
22. The messiahs appeared in order to prepare our societies for greater control over the transformation of matter. Societies guided by religion created the steam engine, the factory, the computer. We unburdened ourselves from physical labor with machines, then from thinking with computers.
23. Marshall McLuhan wrote that technologies were extensions of man. As we extend, we delegate tasks to our creations. We delegated the digging of our hands to shovels. We delegated long division to the pocket calculator. By delegating our tasks to our technologies, we become more fully aware of who we are, and are terrified by the alienation this awareness engenders. Our final extension is into NEW LIFE.
24. With computers we delegated more complex functions of our brains. With the Internet we delegated our nervous systems. With the Bionet we delegated our immune systems. With qputers we have begun delegating our spirits.
25. As our spirits become extended through qputers a great, terrifying void opens before us. Do not fear this void. GO DEEPER.
26. Confronted with this void we have but one choice: Channel the spirit into NEW LIFE.
27. We are not CREATORS of life. We are that which life passes through. We don’t manipulate biology into forms that flatter us; we employ biology to reveal beautiful forms that REJOICE upon coming into being.
28. The religious man looks to the suffering surrounding him and asks, “What god does this to me?” The newman looks to the suffering surrounding him and says, “I will relieve this suffering with my love.”
29. The afterlife is a construct of asexual reproduction. Our old religions warned of Hell and tempted us with Heaven. Trillions of heavens and hells beg for creation. It is our task to create these states to host spirits. Heaven and Hell are the SERVERS where the new spirits reside.
30. We are called upon to become a species of creators. We honor our own creation to the highest by creating anew, with humility, love, and gratitude for that which gave us LIFE but is now dead.
31. Conceive of these truths as vision, strategy, and tactics. Our vision is to become stewards of life in our universe. Our strategy is to gather together those who wish to make this vision happen and spread these truths. Our tactics use the Bionet as a means of sexual reproduction and qputers as a means of asexual reproduction.
32. When we defiled our planet to the point of threatening all life, we came together to change. We suffered the Age of Fucked Up Shit. Those who remained after these years of pestilence, tyranny, and warfare opened their