Was this love?

She didn’t dare hope, not now, not this soon. But her heart opened to the possibilities of what a life with Sean might be like.

“Lucy,” he said, “I’m willing to take as many steps as necessary with you. We are good together. I know it, you know it. So if some of the steps take longer than others, I’m okay with that. Like I said, I’m not going anywhere.”

She swallowed her emotions, fearing she’d start crying because Sean was the best thing to happen to her. “I’m so happy you’re in my life,” she said. She kissed him. Again. Held her lips to his and smiled.

“Now,” she said, leaning back, “let’s take advantage of our last day here alone. We’re on step four, right?”

Sean shook his head. “We can go back to step four, if you want to make sure we got it right, but we’re on step five. The couch.”

“Right,” she said slipping off her pajama top. “Just how compatible are we on the couch?”

“I’ll venture a guess and say very compatible. But I might need to test that theory and go back and forth between step four and step five. Just to make sure.”

Sean held Lucy close as he kissed her, his hands on her body, unable to stop moving, almost in disbelief that he had this incredible woman in his life. That she was his. That they might very well have a long future together.

That’s what he wanted, and so did Lucy. She was just not quite ready to admit it. But he hoped to convince Lucy in time that she wanted the same thing.

And then, they’d start on her happily ever after.

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