defense against antiship missiles Powder River-a MOA (Military Operating Area) covering parts of Montana, Wyoming, and South Dakota, part of the Strategic Training Range Complex of the Strategic Air Command; used as a fighter-intercept area and bombing range PRC-People’s Republic of China PRF-pulse repetition frequency, the rate at which a radar system transmits electronic signals; faster PRF rates usually denote very high-precision radar tracking, as for gun or missile control PT-physical training Puerto Princesa-the main city and capital of the island province of Palawan in the Philippines RC-135X-a version of the Strategic Air Command’s series of strategic reconnaissance aircraft, specifically designed to locate, classify, and target enemy surface-to-air missile sites RC~radar cross-section, the apparent size of a target on a radar, referring to the ability of a radar to detect a target at a given range; mostly a function of the size and structural composition of the target RED FLAG a large-scale tactical air war game exercise held several times a year at Nellis Air Force Base in southern Nevada, involving hundreds of aircraft from all over the world RHAW Radar Heading and Warning System, a display in many modern fighter aircraft that warns of the presence, direction, and type of enemy radars RIO-Radar Intercept Officer, the “backseater” in an F-14 Tomcat carrier-based fighter responsible for locating enemy targets RK-S~standard twenty-kiloton tactical nuclear warhead designed in the Soviet Union and used extensively by many Soviet client countries ROE Rules of Engagement, the set of orders briefed to military personnel (usually fighter pilots) on when they may attack enemy forces; designed so that commanders may have strict control of a situation at all times, but also to provide maximum protection for crew members on the scene RON-Remain Overnight; usually referring to an unplanned diversion RPG rocketpropelled grenade, usually an antitank weapon carried by infantry RTB-Return To Base 5A-2-Soviet long-range surface-to-air missile system; older system, capable only against high-altitude targets 5A-I1-Soviet medium-range, high-performance surface-to-air missile system SAC-Strategic Air Command, primary long-range air offensive military organization in the United States, responsible for land-based strategic bombers, long-range land-based nuclear missiles, aerial refueling tankers, and long-range strategic reconnaissance and communications aircraft SATCOM-Satellite Communications System, the U.S. Air Force’s primary satellite communications system SCARAB-(F), Self Contained Air Relocatable Alert Booster, a highly transportable small space booster system designed to quickly launch lightweight satellites into Earth orbit from any location Sea Ray- small, inexpensive air-launched antiship missile, usually carried by helicopters based on naval vessels SECDEF Secretary of Defense, a member of the President’s Cabinet who makes the day-to-day decisions in all defense matters Shuihong-principal Chinese amphibious patrol and attack aircraft 510P-Single Integrated Operations Plan, the multi-service attack plan for all American military forces for the conduct of a strategic nuclear war SITREP- Situation Report; usually refers to a request for a quick summary of a battle or the status of forces involved in a battle SLAM-Standoff Land Attack Missile, the TV-guided version of the AGM-84 Harpoon missile SM-2-Standard Missile, the primary surface-to-air missile on large Navy warships SMFD~uper Multi Function Display, a large aircraft instrument computer display that presents flight information in a pictorial icon-based format instead of alphanumerics SPACECOM-Space Command, the Air Force major command responsible for all military space activities SPO-Senior Project Officer, the director of a particular weapon-development project Spratly Islands-a chain of small islands, atolls, and coral reefs in the South China Sea between the Philippines and Vietnam, long contested by several nations because of its strategic position and because of its natural resources SPY-I-primary three- dimensional radar system of the Aegis battle group air-defense system SR-71-“Blackbird” strategic reconnaissance aircraft, the fastest airbreathing manned aircraft ever built; retired in 1989 from the Strategic Air Command SRAM- Short Range Attack Missile, a nuclear-armed inertially guided attack missile carried by B-52, B-I, FB-111A, and B-2 bombers 55-25-Primary Soviet-made nuclear-armed mobile intercontinental ballistic missile START Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty, a proposed treaty between the U.S. and the USSR to limit the number of long-range strategic nuclear weapons by both sides STRATFOR-Strategic Forces group, a team of Strategic Air Command commanders deployed ahead of a combat group to establish a headquarters team and set up support operations for combat aircraft STRC-Strategic Training Range Complex, an extensive series of lowlevel navigation corridors, radar bomb- scoring sites, live bombing ranges, and fighter-intercept exercise areas in the north-central United States, operated by the Strategic Air Command for bomber aircrew training ST Shuttle Transportation System, the official name of the Space Shuttle program sugar pills Doughnuts, rolls, and other such snacks TACIT RAINBOW-AGM-136 antiradar cruise missile designed by Northrop Ventura Corporation; seeks out and destroys enemy radar sites from as far as fifty miles; if the enemy radar shuts off, it can orbit the area until the radar is reactivated, at which time it will home in and destroy it. Tank-nickname for the main Joint Chiefs of Staff conference room; also called the “Gold Room” TC Telescopic Camera System, the long-range optical sight used on F-14 Tomcat fighters to identify enemy aircraft from beyond unaided visual range TDRS-Tracking and Data Relay System, a series of satellites used to relay information from spacecraft to ground-control facilities without using other Earth stations; provides continuous and rapid data exchange for spacecraft TDY-temporary duty, usually referring to military assignments lasting less than 180 days Tomahawk-long-range, very accurate attack cruise missile; can be launched by submarines or naval vessels, and can carry a variety of warheads including nuclear, antiship, land attack, antirunway, or antipersonnel mines Type EF5 guided missile destroyer-new class of primary Chinese heavy warships UHF-ultra-high-frequency; primary line-of-sight radio frequency band UNIDO-United Nationalist Democratic Organization, the principal political party in the Philippines organized to oppose the Marcos regime; placed in power in 1986 VFR-Visual Flight Rules; good-weather flight rules VLT Vertical Launch System, the current standard Navy missilelaunch system, which uses a large box of missile cells instead of rotary missile storage magazines and which fires its missiles straight up instead of on rails VPVO, VIPVO-Voyska Protivovozdushnoy Oborony, the Troops of Air Defense of the Soviet Union; here referring to the complex of fixed and mobile simulated enemy radar threat sites in the Strategic Training Range Complex operated by the Strategic Air Command to train bomber crews WSO-Weapon Systems Officer, the navigator-bombardier on most tactical bomber aircraft such as the F-4, A-6, F-I 11, etc. ZSU-23-4-mobile air- defense gun unit built in the Soviet Union and used all over the world, consisting of four rapid-firing radar-guided 23 -millimeter cannons; deadly to all aircraft which come within range Zuni-standard unguided attack rocket carried by tactical fighter attack aircraft

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