The swelling around Paullus’ face had gone down considerably, and he had even managed to gain back some of the weight he had lost. Still, Gaius knew that Paullus should have remained in bed a few weeks longer. However, he obviously wanted to make the effort.

“Consul, it does my heart well to see that you are up and about,” Gaius said as he took Paullus’ hand once it was extended.

“And it feels good I assure you. In fact, it feels amazing to be alive.”

Gaius noticed Claudia's smile as she listened to her master’s cheerful words as he escorted Gaius over to a series of plush chairs.

“Wine, breed, fruit?” Paullus offered as Claudia helped him down into his chair.

Gaius made sure to sit after the consul had before he politely declined the display that was set out before him.

“I am sorry to hear that Valerius did not survive his wounds,” Paullus then said, his voice filled with genuine sorrow.

“As am I; he will be missed by the Sixth,” Gaius replied.

“He will be missed by all of Rome. While I did not know him, as well as I would have liked, I always liked that he spoke his mind, and seemed to know more than he let on. He properly could have been consul himself if he hadn’t distanced himself from Rome and politics as much as he had.”

“He loved Rome, but detested its politics. His end came as he had wanted, in battle, among his men.”

“I’m afraid very few men such as he is left. This war has claimed many of our city fathers, and greatest generals. Rome, and this war will be passed to men such as you, Gaius — our youth.”

“Rome has you, sir.”

Paullus smiled as he shook his head before taking a sip of spice wine that Claudia had poured him moments earlier.

“No. I had my chance, and I failed. It is hard for me to admit, but I was as foolish and brash as my predecessors were. How many of our brave sons could still be here if better men than I had led them? Instead, I marched them to their doom. I’m done with politics and the army. I will sit the rest of my term as consul out, and let Rome be as it will be. My service is done.”

Paullus seemed sadden by his words, but Gaius could see in his eyes that he was indeed tired. His brush with death was it. He wasn’t afraid Gaius felt, but the very thought of having to go out there again and face Rome’s enemies, must have terrified him. He didn’t blame him.

“Then, what will you do now?” Gaius asked.

“You know I really don’t know. I never wanted this life to begin with. However, family legacy is important to our people, so I was expected for this life. So I had to follow it. Perhaps now, maybe, I will marry and grow something useful. I have — had a farm that I enjoyed a great deal, until Hannibal burnt it down last year. I think I will rebuild it next summer and start anew, start a family and just grow old and fat.” Paullus had a funny smile as, his words drifted off, as his mind was already in that field working under the hot glare of the sun, planting and cultivating the land as his children ran about, enjoying their freedom.

“I think that is wonderful…A worthy goal indeed.”

“Do not worry, before I go, I will make sure that Valerius’ Will is honored in the Senate. His wealth, his lands and the Sixth Legion will be yours, as he instructed. Congratulations, General,” Paullus said with a raised goblet.

Gaius nodded his thanks. He couldn’t bring himself to say it out loud. He not at any time wanted this, and did not expect it. Valerius had at no time made any mention of his plans after his death. Gaius assumed the Sixth would be given to another officer who was appointed by the Senate, or handed to one of the senior troopers within the legion — those still alive. However, times had changed, and very few capable and experienced officers were left at this point, so there would be no argument over who was now appointed the command.

“Tomorrow,” Paullus continued, “the Senate will appoint Fabius Maximus as dictator.”

“Really?” Gaius asked surprised. He knew that politically a dictator was only appointed in the most extreme of crisis, and even then, it was very rare.

“Yes. It will fall to him to begin a new campaign and try, somehow, someway, to win this war. At least, those fools in the Senate won’t be able to undermine him, and with no consul, including me to second guess him, perhaps we may survive this after all.”

Paullus put his goblet down and leaned in closer towards Gaius. A big smile appeared on his face as she stared at the young general. “However, I did not bring you here to fill you in on dreary politics or current events, Gaius.”

“Oh? Then why did you summon me?”

Paullus stood up to his feet even though it seemed to cause him some pain.

“You saved my life that day when it would have been easier to ignore what you had discovered.”

“Consul,” Gaius said as he shook his head. “It was not just I, and really it was nothing.”

“Oh? Saving my life was nothing?” Paullus asked amused.

“That was not what I meant,” Gaius replied nervously.

Paullus laughed.

“I meant; I did what was required of me, as a Roman, a soldier and an officer of the Republic.”

“Please, Gaius. I know more than a handful of men that wouldn’t have tried what you, and your men did. You should have left us to our fate and returned to Rome. You exposed your men to uncertain dangers, and perhaps even put the whole Sixth at risk. Hannibal could have arrived at Rome’s walls before you had, or there could have had been a larger force in the camp…There was any number of if's and buts that could have gone wrong. However, you acted quickly and without thought to your own safety. I don’t think many men could have done as much, least of all without thought to the reward you would be given by saving a consul of Rome.”

Gaius wanted to say more, deny what Paullus was saying that he believed more men, all men, all good Romans would have had done the same. He saved his arguments and allowed Paullus to continue.

“But since you did save a consul of Rome, you should be rewarded. I would like to offer it myself. Name it, anything, and it shall be yours, Gaius.”

“Consul, you’ve already granted me the Sixth Legion. What more could I ask of you?”

“Those were Valerius’ wishes. And frankly, there is no one else that could command the Sixth at this point. Regardless, I would request that you ask for something, anything that your heart desires.”

Gaius glanced over at Claudia. She stood near the far corner, a big smile on her face as she listened, seemly sensing his uneasiness.

“Your friendship would be all that I ask,” Gaius stated.

“Bah! That is already yours,” Paullus replied as he sat back down and stared at Gaius for a long while. Clearly, he wasn’t going to let him leave his house until he made an honest request.

After a long moment of silence, Gaius actually laughed as an amusing thought crossed his mind. Paullus smiled and ask, “What is so comical?'

Gaius shook his head as he remembered the first story that Valerius had told him many years ago.

“Nothing important, sir only that my father, a very long time ago found himself in this same predicament when he stood before a superior officer who said he would grant him anything he wished.”

“Oh? And did that officer do such?” Paullus asked.

“Yes, yes he did.”

“And may I ask what that was?”

“My father asked for my mother.”

Paullus looked confused as Gaius elaborated on the memory.

“She was a slave and property of the camp prefect. My father and she had falling in love prior, and he wanted to marry her. Of course, the prefect was not too keen on letting her go, but he felt compelled to comply, nonetheless.”

“Well, I do hope that you don’t ask for Claudia. I would have issues parting with her. I do not think I could get dressed in the morning without her there to help me figure out which arm to put through my tunic first,” Paullus chuckled, which caused Gaius to glance over at her. He saw that she was blushing.

He noted that she would have been a fine prize, and if he asked, Paullus probably would give her over to him.

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