And thereupon the shabby fellow sat down in the tall leather-covered chair which Pevensey had just vacated: and this Marlowe nodded his flaming head portentously. 'Hoh, look you, I am displeased, Mistress Cyn, I cannot lend my approval to this over-greedy oblivion that gapes for all. No, it is not a satisfying arrangement, that I should teeter insecurely through the void on a gob of mud, and be expected by and by to relinquish even that crazy foothold. Even for Kit Marlowe death lies in wait! and it may be, not anything more after death, not even any lovely words to play with. Yes, and this Marlowe may amount to nothing, after all: and his one chance of amounting to that which he intends may be taken away from him at any moment!'

He touched the breast of a weather-beaten doublet. He gave her that queer twisted sort of smile which the girl could not but find attractive, somehow. He said: 'Why, but this heart thumping here inside me may stop any moment like a broken clock. Here is Euripides writing better than I: and here in my body, under my hand, is the mechanism upon which depend all those masterpieces that are to blot the Athenian from the reckoning, and I have no control of it!'

'Indeed, I fear that you control few things,' she told him, 'and that least of all do you control your taste for taverns and bad women. Oh, I hear tales of you!' And Cynthia raised a reproving forefinger.

'True tales, no doubt.' He shrugged. 'Lacking the moon he vainly cried for, the child learns to content himself with a penny whistle.'

'Ah, but the moon is far away,' the girl said, smiling—'too far to hear the sound of human crying: and besides, the moon, as I remember it, was never a very amorous goddess—'

'Just so,' he answered: 'also she was called Cynthia, and she, too, was beautiful.'

'Yet is it the heart that cries to me, my poet?' she asked him, softly, 'or just the lips?'

'Oh, both of them, most beautiful and inaccessible of goddesses.' Then Marlowe leaned toward her, laughing and shaking that disreputable red head. 'Still, you are very foolish, in your latest incarnation, to be wasting your rays upon carpet earls who will not outwear a century. Were modesty not my failing, I repeat, I could name somebody who will last longer. Yes, and—if but I lacked that plaguey virtue—I would advise you to go a-gypsying with that nameless somebody, so that two manikins might snatch their little share of the big things that are eternal, just as the butterfly fares intrepidly and joyously, with the sun for his torchboy, through a universe wherein thought cannot estimate the unimportance of a butterfly, and wherein not even the chaste moon is very important. Yes, certainly I would advise you to have done with this vanity of courts and masques, of satins and fans and fiddles, this dallying with tinsels and bright vapors; and very movingly I would exhort you to seek out Arcadia, travelling hand in hand with that still nameless somebody.' And of a sudden the restless man began to sing.

Sang Kit Marlowe:

'Come live with me and be my love, And we will all the pleasures prove  That hills and valleys, dales and fields,  Woods or steepy mountain yields. 'And we will sit upon the rocks,  And see the shepherds feed their flocks  By shallow rivers, to whose falls  Melodious birds sing madrigals—'

But the girl shook her small, wise head decisively. 'That is all very fine, but, as it happens, there is no such place as this Arcadia, where people can frolic in perpetual sunlight the year round, and find their food and clothing miraculously provided. No, nor can you, I am afraid, give me what all maids really, in their heart of hearts, desire far more than any sugar-candy Arcadia. Oh, as I have so often told you, Kit, I think you love no woman. You love words. And your seraglio is tenanted by very beautiful words, I grant you, though there is no longer any Sestos builded of agate and crystal, either, Kit Marlowe. For, as you may perceive, sir, I have read all that lovely poem you left with me last Thursday—'

She saw how interested he was, saw how he almost smirked. 'Aha, so you think it not quite bad, eh, the conclusion of my Hero and Leander?'

'It is your best. And your middlemost, my poet, is better than aught else in English,' she said, politely, and knowing how much he delighted to hear such remarks.

'Come, I retract my charge of foolishness, for you are plainly a wench of rare discrimination. And yet you say I do not love you! Cynthia, you are beautiful, you are perfect in all things. You are that heavenly Helen of whom I wrote, some persons say, acceptably enough. How strange it was I did not know that Helen was dark-haired and pale! for certainly yours is that immortal loveliness which must be served by poets in life and death.'

'And I wonder how much of these ardors,' she thought, 'is kindled by my praise of his verses?' She bit her lip, and she regarded him with a hint of sadness. She said, aloud: 'But I did not, after all, speak to Lord Pevensey concerning the printing of your poem. Instead, I burned your Hero and Leander.'

She saw him jump, as under a whip-lash. Then he smiled again, in that wry fashion of his. 'I lament the loss to letters, for it was my only copy. But you knew that.'

'Yes, Kit, I knew it was your only copy.'

'Oho! and for what reason did you burn it, may one ask?'

'I thought you loved it more than you loved me. It was my rival, I thought—' The girl was conscious of remorse, and yet it was remorse commingled with a mounting joy.

'And so you thought a jingle scribbled upon a bit of paper could be your rival with me!'

Then Cynthia no longer doubted, but gave a joyous little sobbing laugh, for the love of her disreputable dear poet was sustaining the stringent testing she had devised. She touched his freckled hand caressingly, and her face was as no man had ever seen it, and her voice, too, caressed him.

'Ah, you have made me the happiest of women, Kit! Kit, I am almost disappointed in you, though, that you do not grieve more for the loss of that beautiful poem.'

His smiling did not waver; yet the lean, red-haired man stayed motionless. 'Why, but see how lightly I take the destruction of my life-work in this, my masterpiece! For I can assure you it was a masterpiece, the fruit of two years' toil and of much loving repolishment—'

'Ah, but you love me better than such matters, do you not?' she asked him, tenderly. 'Kit Marlowe, I adore you! Sweetheart, do you not understand that a woman wants to be loved utterly and entirely? She wants no rivals, not even paper rivals. And so often when you talked of poetry I have felt lonely and chilled and far away from you, and I have been half envious, dear, of your Heros and Helens and your other good-for-nothing Greek minxes. But now I do not mind them at all. And I will make amends, quite prodigal amends, for my naughty jealousy: and my poet shall write me some more lovely poems, so he shall—'

He said: 'You fool!'

And she drew away from him, for this man was no longer smiling.

'You burned my Hero and Leander! You! you big-eyed fool! You lisping idiot! you wriggling, cuddling worm! you silken bag of guts! had not even you the wit to perceive it was immortal beauty which would have lived long after you and I were stinking dirt? And you, a half-witted animal, a shining, chattering parrot, lay claws to it!' Marlowe had risen in a sort of seizure, in a condition which was really quite unreasonable when you considered that only a poem was at stake, even a rather long poem.

And Cynthia began to smile, with tremulous hurt-looking young lips. 'So my poet's love is very much the same as Pevensey's love! And I was right, after all.'

'Oh, oh!' said Marlowe, 'that ever a poet should love a woman! What jokes does the lewd flesh contrive!' Of a sudden he was calmer; and then rage fell away from him like a dropped cloak, and he viewed her as with respectful wonder. 'Why, but you sitting there, with goggling innocent bright eyes, are an allegory of all that is most droll and tragic. Yes, and indeed there is no reason to blame you. It is not your fault that every now and then is born a man who serves an idea which is to him the most important thing in the world. It is not your fault that this

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