politics and favor. Anything could change.
The cave was dark when Mirar woke. Only a faint light was visible at the entrance. Emerahl usually woke earlier than he did and ventured outside to empty the buckets and bring in fresh water. He could not hear her breathing, so he guessed she had gone. Creating a spark of light, he strengthened it until the whole cave was illuminated.
Emerahl was still in bed.
At once he remembered. She was in the process of changing her age. He got up and moved over to her bed.
He could only see her face, but it showed subtle signs of change. Skin that had been fresh and firm with youth now hung slightly looser on her cheekbones. The faintest lines had formed around her eyes and mouth. Strands of hair had fallen out, forming a golden coating on the rough mattress she had made.
He picked up a few strands. There were stripes of variation along the first hand span of its length. Successive dying, he guessed. Weaker each time. Why would she have dyed her hair?
The brothel. He sighed and shook his head. She was so Gifted. Why must she resort to selling herself whenever she needed to hide?
It made sense, but Mirar didn’t like it. The risk of discovery must have been small. Only one priest had been given the ability to read minds by the gods.
Mirar almost wished he hadn’t told her that the gods did not make a habit of giving priests that Gift. Now that Emerahl knew she was safe she wanted to roam about the world in search of other Wilds. He looked at her and felt a stab of concern.
Mirar nodded in agreement. Even in sleep there was a strength in her expression. Or perhaps he only imagined that.
Perhaps not overly foolish. He would seek out the Siyee - or most likely linger here until they found him.
Healing was what he had always done best. Even as a child he’d had an unusual understanding of healing. Years of study and work had refined the Gift. Each time he had thought he had reached the limits of his powers something caused him to stretch himself further and he discovered he could do more. One day it had all culminated in a sudden flash of understanding in which he comprehended how his body might be sustained in a healthy, youthful state indefinitely.
It had been the moment he had achieved immortality. Emerahl, too, had come to the same understanding. She did not have the intuitive aptitude with healing that he had. Instead, her innate Gift was this ability to change her age.
The Gull had understood everything to do with the sea. He could find shoals of fish, warn against storms and was rumored to be able to change the weather to a limited degree. The Twins... Mirar had never been entirely sure what their abilities were. He had never met them, but someone had once told him they understood the duality of everything in the world, that they perceived connections and balances where nobody else could.
Where the magic was in that talent, he didn’t know. Most likely he would never find out. They had probably been killed a century ago, when the Circle of Gods had decided to tidy up their new world.
He chuckled.
He looked at Emerahl again. She hadn’t moved while he’d been watching her, except to breathe. The rise and fall of her chest was so slow he had to watch patiently to see the change.
Mirar considered. He felt affection and concern. He would not like her to be harmed or feel pain. He enjoyed her company, had always enjoyed her physical company the few times they had been lovers - but he was still sure he did not feel anything like romantic love. Emerahl was a friend.
Looking away, he considered the cave. He was hungry. She had told him there was enough food to last him for the few days she would be changing. It was mostly nuts, fresh and dried fruit, some dried meat and a few tubers.
Picking up the bucket she had used when collecting food, he started toward the tunnel and daylight.
Erra considered the strange child curled up on the deck. She was completely hairless as far as he could see. Between the fingers and toes of her enormous hands and feet was a thick webbing. Her skin was unnaturally dark - a bluish black. It had been glossy yesterday, but now it looked dull.
“She bring trouble,” Kanyer warned. “She child. Adults come for her. Slit our throats in our sleep.”