Some time later Lorkin found himself on the floor, lying beside her with the bedding serving as a not- entirely-comfortable substitute for a mattress. He had been tired before, and now he was more so, but it was a pleasant sort of weariness and he resisted the temptation to Heal it away.

“We really need a bigger bed,” Tyvara said.


“How are our Ambassadors?”

Lorkin resisted a smile. Savara had begun to refer to Dannyl and Tayend as “our” Ambassadors the day after she’d met them. “They’re fine. They were in the library, happy as children with new toys. I think they’d just found something for Dannyl’s book.”

“Are those two what I think they are? Are they a couple?”

“They used to be. For a long time, actually. Until Dannyl came here. They’d parted company, but I don’t know why.”

“And now?”

He shrugged. “I don’t know. They seem close again. But they seemed that way just before Dannyl came here, so maybe I can’t tell with them.” He frowned. “Though there was a tension between them then that isn’t there now.”

She turned to look at him. “Aren’t you going to ask me what Savara wanted to talk about?”

He rolled onto his side. “What did Savara want to talk about?”

“We talked about her plans for Sachaka.”

“Now there’s a surprise.”

Tyvara poked him in the ribs. “Listen. We figure the country estates will maintain themselves without too much assistance for now. There are a few we still have to liberate. They were too out of the way for us to deal with before moving on Arvice. But once they’re done, the main challenge is to revive the wasteland.

“Before then, however, we need to sort out the city. It’s structurally unsuited to the changes that need to happen. It’s nearly all mansions, because the Ashaki were mostly self-sufficient. Though each mansion could house many ex-slaves, they’ll want their own homes eventually. We also want to gather people with the same kinds of expertise to work together. That all means lots of buildings will have to be demolished and new ones constructed.”

“That will take years.”

She nodded. “In the meantime, we need to establish good relations with the Allied Lands. Savara is worried that other lands will hear of the upheaval here and try to take advantage of it. Maybe not by invading. The stones will hopefully deter anyone from trying that. But there are other ways, through trade and politics, to hobble a new and recovering country.”

Lorkin held his breath. This was the mission the former queen had sent him on. It was what he was best suited to. He knew how both Traitors and the Allied Lands worked.

“Savara has decided to send me to Kyralia to continue exploring trade options and the possibility of an alliance.”

He stared at her as confusion was followed by disappointment and then dismay.

“You don’t mean...?”

“Yes.” Tyvara smiled. “We’re going to Kyralia. You’ll be my guide and assistant.”

He sighed. Well, it wasn’t what I was expecting, but it’s good enough I suppose.

“Ah, Lorkin.” She reached out to touch his cheek. “You would never have been chosen for that role. You haven’t been a Traitor long enough to negotiate on behalf of Traitors.”

“And I’m a man.”

She nodded. “That, too.”

“You do realise that no other land thinks like that. Everything you believe men aren’t suited to, everyone else believes women aren’t suited to.”

“I know. They are going to have to get used to us as much as we have to get used to them.” Then she laughed. “Besides, if I’m ever going to be queen, as Savara intends, then I can’t be seen to follow some man around. Least of all a Kyralian.”

His stomach flipped over. “You’re... you’re planning to be queen?

Savara is planning for me to be queen.” She shrugged. “I’m not sure I want to be. But a lot can change. If it does happen, it won’t happen for a long, long time, I hope. I’m hoping she will live as long as Zarala. Being queen is a lot of responsibility, and there’s a lot I want to do first. Like have some children.” She tilted her head slightly. “Does that sound like a life you might want to live?”

His head spun with the possibilities. This is all just a bit too incredible. I just want to be with Tyvara. And... yes, children would be great eventually. He looked at her, and felt his heart warm yet again.

“It sounds wonderful. Well, except maybe the bit about us being in charge of a whole country. But I suppose if the Traitors can bear the idea of a Kyralian as their king... sure, I’ll put up with that if it means I get to spend my life with you.”

She rolled her eyes. “You won’t be king. We don’t have kings.”

“Not even through marriage?”

“Not even then. Were you really hoping to be king?”

“Of course not. I can think of nothing worse.” He grinned. “Though it does seem unfair. I bet the queen’s husband still has to work incredibly hard, with no hope of retirement, talk to annoying people and attend boring ceremonies and events, and listen to his wife complain about how hard life is while having to obey her every whim – and look after her children while she’s off doing queenly things. All while getting no credit for it.” Which was probably what the Kyralian queen had to endure, he realised.

Tyvara shrugged. “None of them have complained before.”

Lorkin snorted. “You Traitors aren’t as equal as you claim you are. But, as you said, a lot can change.”

She poked him in the ribs again, hard. “Not that much. Now let’s get this bed back together and get some sleep. Tomorrow we have a lot of work to do.”


“You were dreaming about Cery again, weren’t you?”

Sonea looked up at Regin. He held a steaming cup of raka out to her. She pushed herself into a sitting position on the bed and took it. The flavour of good Sachakan raka filled her senses and she felt the last threads of the dream loosen their hold.

“I miss him.” She sighed and wiped her eyes. Knowing that she would never see Cery again was like discovering something vital inside her had been stolen. “Even though I didn’t see him that often before his family died. I wish I could have done something.” She saw him open his mouth and shook her head. “No, you don’t have to remind me. It wasn’t my fault. Things may not have gone differently if I’d been here...”

“... and you couldn’t have been in two places at once,” Regin finished. “At least, it’s not something the Guild has worked out how to do yet.”

“I suspect the tasks of finding a cure for roet and discovering how to make stones without the need of gemstone-producing caves are more urgent.” She sipped the raka, then looked towards the window screens. “What time is it? The sun’s only just rising, from the looks of it. Why did you get up?”

“A message arrived. The king has summoned the Higher Magicians to the palace.”

She swung her legs down to the floor and stood up. “When?”

“Not so soon that I haven’t time for this.” He drew her close and kissed her.

“Hmm.” She slipped her arms around him as he began to pull away again. “Time enough for anything more?”

“Not now. The king did me a favour. I shouldn’t repay him by making you late.” He pushed her towards the

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