few inches. It was all in Italian. Of course. There was going to be a lot of translating. And things were always lost in translation.

“Twitter! Haha!”

Wolf looked to Paulo who was holding up his arms in triumph.

Wolf shoved the papers back in the folder and joined Lia at Paulo’s desk.

“I went into your brother’s gmail account. It was simple enough, all you have to do is type the first letter of his email address and the web browser remembers his username and password. Good for us, but the bad news is someone else already did this. Looks like someone from your brother’s IP address logged into his gmail account and erased a few messages on Tuesday night at 11:37 PM.

“So, the question is, what is this guy erasing on his gmail account? So I went onto your brother’s blog, thinking there might be a hint there. I didn’t see anything of any use on his blog. It looks like he hasn’t done a blog post in a couple weeks. He has a different contact email address on his blog. He runs it through gmail as well, so I checked that email account. Nothing there either. They could have erased some stuff there. I could probably hack into his blog, but…well, let me move on.

“I checked his Facebook account through his blog. It looks like there wasn’t any activity on there. But, that could have been erased also. The login and password information was, again, stored in the browser settings.

“But, Twitter!” His eyes lit up. “It looks like he tweets a lot. A lot. Your brother was a pretty big deal online I take it. He has 72,839 followers on his account and he’s following 320 people.”

Wolf shook his head with eyebrows raised.

“Right. Well, the point is, that shows that he has a pretty popular Twitter account with a lot of clout. Basically, he has 72,000 fans listening to his every word. So anyways, I logged into his Twitter account at ‘JohnWolf12345,’ again with the browser settings. Again, someone did the same thing removing some Tweets.

“But you can’t just erase Tweets from the web. Especially if you have 72k followers! Because, when he Tweets things, 72,839 people see it. Some of those people will ‘re-tweet’ those things to their followers, or reply to his tweets. And on the night of your brother’s death, it looks like he tweeted a couple things that people re-tweeted immediately and replied to. So, whoever logged into his Twitter account undoubtedly realized they couldn’t erase all evidence of his tweets that night.”

“So, what did he tweet that night?” Wolf asked.

Paulo pointed his finger at the screen.

“I found references to two Tweets that tell a story about what he was doing that night. You can see the first tweet talking about how he is going to the pub with an Aussie friend. A few people told him to have one for them, and to have a fun time, conversing with his Tweet. Then you can see this second tweet that people are retweeting and responding to, talking about seeing Jupiter. It looks like he posted a picture from his cell phone of Jupiter, and of a telescope. He must have put the camera up to the eye-piece of the telescope.”

“Can you show me those pictures?”

A picture of his brother popped up. He was leaning up against a lime green and white telescope. He smiled big, mouth slightly open with his head tilted back, looking to be in the throes of a good laugh.

“These are the same clothes he wore the night he was killed,” Wolf said. “He was there at the observatory that night.”

There were no mud stains on the knees of his jeans. Not yet.

“It looks like there were responses to it on Friday night at around 11:30. Looks like the original tweet was at 11:17 PM.”

“He was at the observatory Friday night at 11:17.” Wolf stared at the screen and shook his head. “How about phone records? Can we get access to both John’s and Matthew Rosenwald’s phone records to see what they said that night? Or earlier in the week as well? We also need to find his car.”

Paulo sat back and looked at them. “Yes, I’ll call the phone companies to get the records next, and I’ll see if I can get a triangulation of where his phone is at. I’ll check credit card activity for both of them as well. I’ll look up the car registration too. These things could take the rest of the day into tomorrow. But I’ll get cracking on it right now.”

“Give me a call when you have more information.” Lia walked to the front of his desk and leaned both hands on it.

Paulo lit up. “Of course I will, Mi Amore!” He added a quick sentence in Italian that caused Lia to roll her eyes.

“Shall we go?” she asked Wolf.

“Sure. I think we need to go back to the observatory.”

Lia bit her lip and looked at her watch. “It’s just after 5:00 pm, what are the chances he’s still there?”

“He seems to be a late worker. I’d say pretty good.”

Chapter 24

Walking out of the main room, a voice from behind called out, “Lia, David!” Rossi put his phone to his ear, said a quick goodbye to someone, and waved them over. “What are you guys doing?”

They explained the situation to Rossi as quickly as possible. He stopped them numerous times, asking them to expand on points, and go over others again before egging them on for more details. After a few minutes, he looked to Wolf with folded arms and a furrowed brow. “Okay, so what are you going to do at the observatory?”

Wolf was taken aback by the question, “Well, we’re going to get the real story from this son of a bitch, Vlad. He’s obviously hiding something from us about Friday night.”

“What did you and Marino just talk about, Lia?”

“Uh, he was wondering about what was happening.” She glanced at Wolf, then the desk.

“And?” Rossi asked.

“He said…he said that David’s brother would be released tomorrow, and he wanted him out of the picture.” She was pointing at Wolf.

Wolf stood still, not reacting.

“David,” Rossi glanced to Marino’s closed door, “we have to be careful about your next moves. Your brother is released tomorrow, that means you can get the belt with the belongings, right?”

“Yeah, I guess,” Wolf said. “When will the body be released?”

“Marino said first thing in the morning,” Lia said. “Then he wants to talk to you after that, to try and persuade you to go home…cooperatively.”

“I’ll go home cooperatively when I find out who killed my brother. And it’s looking like Vlad had a hand in this whole thing.”

“David, let me finish.” Rossi put his hand on Wolf’s shoulder and stepped closer. “Marino has pressure from higher ranking officials to make this situation go away. They don’t like that a police force from another country is coming in and helping with a closed investigation. I know that is not what is happening,” he said quickly, “I’m just telling you what Marino must be thinking about right now behind that closed door. It’s important that we do this right. Right now you have the testimony from a worker at an observatory that he didn’t see your brother the night of his death. That’s it. He could be telling the truth, he could have been locked in his office the entire night, never seeing a single soul outside of his office. However, if you had the belt, and we could show that it was Vlad’s somehow, then we actually have a piece of evidence. Or we need to find Matthew, which Paulo is working on right now, like you said. But right now, you are just risking some sort of ugly international incident if you go over there right now.”

Wolf took a deep inhale and pushed it out loudly. “So what do you propose I do instead?”

“Eat,” he said with zero hesitation.


Rossi touched both of them on the arm, “You and Lia come to my house, this second, and have an excellent meal with my family. We will talk this out, on full stomachs!”

Wolf stared at Rossi’s motionless bug eyes and broke a smile. He looked to Lia, who seemed all on board with the idea, then nodded his head. “All right. That sounds good, I guess.”

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