long. Think of the bulls, swollen with the power they wield, meeting in eternal combat, each struggling to get something from the other it could never attain without destroying itself. I saw a depiction of their battle once when I was a young High Priestess, and I’ve never forgotten how raw and violent it was—disturbingly so. The bulls’ horns were locked. Their powerful bodies strained to reach the other, blood spewed, nostrils flared. It was a deadlock that was frightening in its intensity—the painting itself seemed to vibrate with power.”

“Masculine power,” Darius said. “I’ve seen that depiction, too, when I was in training to become a Warrior. It decorated the cover of some of the ancient journals written by great Warriors from our past.”

Masculine power. I can see why the vamp leaders let that bull stuff fade away,” Erin said.

“Seriously, Twin.” Shaunee nodded. “Too much guy power when vamps are mostly about girl power.”

“But our belief system isn’t about female power suppressing male power. It’s about a healthy balance between the two,” Darius said.

“No, Warrior, the truth is our belief system is not supposed to be about female power suppressing male power; but as with Light and Darkness, it is an eternal struggle to find a balance between the two without one destroying the other. Think of the images of Nyx that we see about us every day, with their feminine beauty and appeal. Contrast that to an imagining of the raw power unleashed in the form of two great, battling, male creatures. Do you see how a world trying to contain both would be in conflict, and thus one must be suppressed in order to allow the other to thrive?”

Aphrodite snorted, “That’s not so hard to imagine. I can’t imagine the uptight High Council wanting anything to do with something as messy as two giant guy bulls and any beliefs they represent.”

“She means except for you,” Stark said, frowning at Aphrodite and sending her a “you’re not helping” look.

Thanatos smiled. “No, Aphrodite is correct. The Council has changed over the centuries, especially over the past four I have existed. It used to be a vital force, in its own way very elemental and rather barbaric in its power. But in modern times it has become . . .” The High Priestess hesitated, searching for the correct word.

“Civilized,” Aphrodite said. “It’s super civilized.”

“It is,” Thanatos said.

Aphrodite’s blue eyes widened. “And being too civilized isn’t necessarily a good thing, especially when you’re dealing with two bulls ramming against each other and taking out anything that stands between them.”

“Zoey’s awfully close to Light,” Damien said softly.

“Close enough to get gored by Darkness,” Stark said. “Especially if Darkness has been sent to be sure she doesn’t ever reach the Light again.”

The room went silent while everyone’s eyes went to Zoey, lying silent and pale against the very civilized cream-colored satin linens.

It was within the silence that the realization came to Stark, and with the instincts of a Warrior guarding his High Priestess, he knew he had found the right path.

“Then finding out how to protect Zoey isn’t about ignoring the past. It’s about looking deeper into the past than anyone today would think to do,” Stark said, excitement raising his voice.

“And it’s about embracing and understanding the raw power that is unleashed by the struggle between Light and Darkness,” Thanatos said.

“But where the hell do we find out about that?” Aphrodite said, brushing her hair back from her face in frustration. “The beliefs we need have died out—you said that yourself, Thanatos.”

“Perhaps not everywhere,” Darius said, sitting up straighter, his eyes sharp and intelligent as his gaze met Stark’s. “If you want to find ancient and barbaric beliefs you have to go to a place formed by an ancient and barbaric past. A place that is essentially cut off from today’s civilization.”

The answer jolted through Stark. “I have to go to the Isle.”

“Exactly,” Darius said.

“What the hell are you two talking about?” Aphrodite said.

“They speak of the place where Warriors were first trained by Sgiach.”

“Sgiach? Who is that?” Damien asked.

“It is the ancient title for the Warrior who was called The Great Taker of Heads,” Darius said.

“Sgiach was as raw and barbaric as it gets as a Warrior,” Stark said.

“Okay, this is all well and good, but we need him to be alive today and not just an old story Warriors know, ’cause I’m pretty sure if Stark can’t travel to the Otherworld, he also can’t travel to the past,” Aphrodite said.

She,” Darius corrected.

“She?” Aphrodite’s face was a question mark.

“Sgiach was a female Warrior, a vampyre of amazing powers,” Stark said.

“And those ‘old stories,’ my beauty, also say that there will always be a Sgiach.” Darius gave Aphrodite an indulgent smile. “She lives on the Isle of Women at the House of Night there.”

“There’s an Isle of Women House of Night?” Erin said.

“Why don’t we know about that?” Shaunee said. “Do you know about that?” she asked Damien.

He shook his head. “Never heard of it.”

“That’s because you’re not Warriors,” Darius said. “The Isle of Women is also known as the Isle of Skye.”

“Skye, like in Scotland?” Damien said.

“Yes. It is there that the very first vampyre Warriors were trained,” Darius said.

“But not anymore, right?” Damien said, looking from Darius to Stark. “I mean, Warrior training goes on at all the Houses of Night. Like Dragon Lankford trains a bunch of Warriors who come from all over, and he’s definitely not in Scotland.”

“You are correct, Damien. In the modern world the training of Warriors takes place at the House of Night schools throughout the world,” Thanatos said. “Around the turn of the nineteenth century, the High Council decided that would a more convenient way of doing things.”

“More convenient and more civilized, I bet,” Aphrodite said.

“You, too, are correct, Prophetess,” Thanatos said.

“That’s it, then. I take Zoey to the Isle of Women and Sgiach,” Stark said.

“And then what?” Aphrodite asked.

“Then I get uncivilized so that I can figure out how to fight my way into the Otherworld without dying, and, once I’m there, I do whatever I have to do to bring Zoey back to us.”

“Huh,” said Aphrodite. “That actually doesn’t sound like a bad idea.”

“If Stark is allowed to enter the Isle,” Darius said.

“It’s a House of Night. Why wouldn’t they let Stark come in?” Damien said.

“It’s a House of Night like none other,” Thanatos said. “The High Council’s decision to move the training of the Sons of Erebus from Skye and spread them out among the Houses of Night worldwide was a decision that was the culmination of many, many years of tension and unease between the reigning Sgiach and the High Council.”

“You make her sound like a queen,” Jack said.

“In a way she is—a queen whose subjects were Warriors,” Thanatos said.

“A queen in charge of the Sons of Erebus? I know the vamp High Council wouldn’t like that, not unless Queen Sgiach was part of the High Council, too,” Aphrodite said.

“Sgiach is a Warrior,” Thanatos said. “And Warriors are not allowed on the High

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