NIPSMVO’s closure and, 345–46

retirement of, 265

Stalin denounced by, 244–45

Khuyen, Dong Van, 332

Khzar, Shwan, 393

Kimball, William W., 110–11

Kipling, Rudyard, 103–4

Kitchener, Lord Herbert, 102–3

on machine-gun shortages, 129–30

at Omdurman, 97, 100, 102, 124, 129–30

in World War I, 118, 129–31, 134

Komsomol, 174, 181, 185

Konstantinov, Aleksandr, 436n

Kony, Joseph, 372–80

comparisons between Auma and, 375–77, 379

spirits contacted by, 376–77

Korea, Democratic People’s Republic of (North Korea), 16–17

and AK and AK-type rifle production and distribution, 12–13, 16, 217, 342, 364, 409, 435n

Korean War, 216, 264, 329, 406

Kosovo, 367–68

Krinkov (AKSU-74), 383

Krupp’s breech-loading artillery, 45

Kuchbarov, Ruslan, 385

Kulbeik, Helmut, 346–47

Kurbatkin, Pavel S., 183

Kurchatov, Igor V., 1–3

Kurds, 13, 220, 388–90, 393–98

Kurz rounds, 161–63, 165–67, 198, 255


Labouchere, Henry, 104

Laffargue, Andre, 131–32

La Garde, Louis A., 117, 255, 426n

ammunition experiments of, 229–33, 252, 284–85, 287, 435n, 439n

Lashkar-e-Taiba, 340, 384

Lebanon, 13, 349, 384

Lee, Arthur, 130

Lee, Robert E., 39

Lee-Enfield rifles, 12n, 122, 133, 355

LeMay, Curtis, 275, 279–80

Lend-Lease, 344

Lenin, Vladimir I., 160, 170–71, 205, 213, 264, 348–49, 360

Lewis gun, 126–29, 131, 138

Liberia, 370–71

Libya, 339, 349–50, 355–56

and AK and AK-type rifle production and distribution, 350, 387

weapons stockpiling and, 355

Life, 225, 240, 341n

Lincoln, Abraham, 39–40

Civil War draft protests and, 31–32

and Gatling gun promotion and sales, 25, 34, 35, 37, 40

Union Repeating Gun demonstrated for, 35–37

Lior, Yaacov, 12, 444n

Litvinoff, Captain, 49–50, 57

Liu Shaoqi, 216

Liu Zhengdong, 434n

Lloyd George, David, 129–31

Lobengula, King of the Ndebele, 86

Lockheed Aircraft Corporation, 274

London Broad Arrow, 92

London Journal, 44

London Times, 113–14

Loos, fighting at, 130

Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA), 372–80

AK-47s used by, 377–79, 387

child soldiers in, 337, 372–73, 376–79

origins of, 373–74

rules of, 376–77

spirits of, 376–77

violence of, 373

Louis-Philippe, King of France, 27

Love, John:

in Gatling gun promotion and sales, 37, 52–54, 57, 421n

Gatling gun tests and, 50, 53

Lowell gun, 91

Ludwig Loewe and Co., 119

Lyuty, Vasily Fyodorovich, 191–92


M1 Garand, 206, 253–54, 258, 271n

stockpiling of, 355

in Vietnam, 332

in World War II, 199, 253, 295

M-4, 20, 384–86, 409

Georgia’s use of, 285–86

in present, 415

production of, 417n

purchase prices of, 386

M-14, 271n, 272–74, 276–77, 306, 317–19, 439n

accuracy of, 290

AK-47 vs. 273–74, 360

ammunition of, 256, 273, 276, 288

design and development of, 300n

protypes of, 276

reliability of, 290

testing of, 273–74, 283–90, 293, 360, 444n

Vietnam and, 270, 272, 295, 303, 310, 314, 317, 319, 324–25

M-16, 267–71, 404

accuracy of, 290, 297, 309

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