semiautomatic rifle of, 155, 184, 186, 217

Sinia Brigade, 372

Sioux, 58–61

Sitting Bull, 58–61

Six Day War, 12, 341, 444n

Skerrett, J. S., 30

Skoda machine gun, 109

SKS (Samozaryadny Karabin Sistemy Simonova), 155, 184, 187, 217

Small Arms Weapons Systems (SAWS) test, 293–94, 303

small-caliber, high velocity (SCHV) rounds, 276–77, 353, 439n

Smith & Wesson, 41

Smithsonian Institution, 150, 194–95

smokeless propellants, 74, 92, 122, 135, 196

sniper rifles, snipers, 385

ammunition of, 3, 161–62, 166n

of Dragunov, 16, 166n, 244, 364, 436n

pilfering and illegal transfer of, 370

in World War I, 121, 123, 125, 135

Sokolov, Yury M., 243

Sokolovsky, Tuvia, 350

Somme, Battle of the, 131–35, 137, 164–65

Sovetsky Voin, 211n

Soviet-Afghan War, 10–11, 13, 381, 383, 412

Soviet Rifles and Carbines, Identification and Operation, 256

Soviet Union, 1–9, 141–61, 174–86, 206–24, 351–54, 356–62

and AK-47’s design and development, 3–8, 145–46, 148–54, 207, 269, 292, 308, 360, 433n, 435n

AK-47’s precursors and, 155

AK-47’s publicity and, 211n

and AK-47’s testing and demonstrations, 3, 199, 287, 290, 294–95

AK-74 and, 353

and AK and AK-type rifle production and distribution, 3–4, 12, 185–86, 190, 192, 194–95, 201–3, 207–8, 219–20, 227–28, 246–47, 249–50, 259, 265, 268, 273, 309–10, 340–42, 349, 353–54, 357–59, 361, 364–65, 407–10, 412, 435n, 441n, 444n

AKM and, 353, 359–60

AK rifle’s symbolism and, 14, 385

and alleged secrecy about Kalashnikov, 401–2

and ammunition of automatic rifles, 165–66

atomic bomb tested by, 1–3

collapse of, 152, 190, 207, 220, 365–66, 369, 371, 398, 401, 403–4, 406n, 433n

collectivization in, 1, 156, 171–72, 177, 354, 405

contests for military equipment designs in, 144–47, 150–54, 158–61

European satellites of, 214–15, 218–23, 237, 245, 273, 342, 348, 365, 368

family of arms built around AK-47 by, 242–43

foreign policy of, 159, 201–4, 213–24, 226, 237–43, 248, 250, 255–56, 265, 342–43, 348, 356–57, 361–62, 365, 368, 380–81, 399, 407, 436n

German invasion of, 4, 146, 155–57, 159, 164–65, 168–69, 176–80, 182, 185, 199, 209, 238, 343, 358

Germany occupied by, 159

Kalashnikov’s awards and honors in, 209–11

Kalashnikov’s education and, 174

Kalashnikov’s legacy and, 405

Kalashnikov’s official biography and, 7, 176–83, 190, 195, 210

Kalashnikov’s public duties and, 401–3

Kalashnikov’s social persecution and, 244–45

Kalashnikov’s submachine gun designs and, 181–82

legacy of, 152–53, 413

M-16 and, 353

NIPSMVO and, 143–44, 345–46

nuclear programs of, 1–5, 148, 203, 359–60, 407–8

October Revolution and, 156, 168, 170, 193, 351

and pilfering and illegal weapons transfers, 366–67

propaganda in, 7, 9, 17–19, 150, 156, 176–79, 188, 190–91, 195, 211–12, 404n

and purchase prices of AK rifles, 383

purges in, 156, 159, 168, 210, 212–13, 348

reliability of historical sources in, 7, 17–19, 429n

U.S. arms race with, 153, 169, 253–54, 256, 259, 272–73, 276, 353

weapons manufacturing in, 153, 157–59, 167–69, 352–53

weapons standardization of, 203–4, 214–15, 249, 364–65

World War II and, 4, 143–44, 146, 153, 155–59, 164–66, 168–69, 174–83, 185, 199, 202, 209, 212, 214, 221, 224, 238, 280, 343, 358, 436n

see also Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic

Spain, 53, 89–90, 384n

Spanish-American War, 92–97, 107–8, 117, 228–30, 424n

ammunition testing and, 229–30

casualties in, 95, 230

Gatling guns in, 90, 92–93, 95–97, 228, 252

SPIW (Special Purpose Individual Weapon), 272, 290, 296

sporting rifles, 399

Springfield rifles:

ammunition of, 60, 166–67, 169–70

M1903, 252–53, 271n

Model 1873, 60

stockpiling of, 355

“Spring Offensive, The” (Owen), 136

squad automatic weapons (SAWs), 363n, 378n, 442n

Srebrenica, 220

Stasi, 247–48

Stage (Statistical Corporation), 246

Stakhanov, Aleksei, 403

Stalin, Joseph, 1–6, 18, 144, 146–48, 153–54, 156–60, 169–71, 185–86, 206, 210–13, 219n, 348–49, 356, 407–8

agricultural policies of, 171

and AK-47’s design and development, 5–6, 154, 158, 160, 201–3, 341

and AK-47’s production and distribution, 3–4, 8, 201–3, 216

AK-47’s symbolism and, 14, 341

contests for military equipment designs of, 158, 160

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