Bridget thought of herself saying to Luke scornfully, 'Gordon! He could believe anything!'

Easy? How easy! Poor pompous, credulous little Gordon. But she must learn more. Easy? This was easy too. She'd done it as a secretary for years. Quietly encouraged her employers to talk about themselves.

And this woman wanted badly to talk, to boast about her own cleverness. Bridget murmured, 'But how did you manage it all? I don't see how you could.'

'Oh, it was quite easy. It just needed organization! When Amy was discharged from the Manor, I engaged her at once. I think the hat-paint idea was quite clever — and the door being locked on the inside made me quite safe. But of course I was always safe, because I never had any motive, and you can't suspect anyone of murder if there isn't a motive. Carter was quite easy, too; he was lurching about in the fog, and I caught up with him on the footbridge and gave him a quick push. I'm really very strong, you know.'

She paused and the soft horrible little giggle came again. 'The whole thing was such fun! I shall never forget Tommy's face when I pushed him off the window sill that day. He hadn't had the least idea.' She leaned toward Bridget confidentially. 'People are really very stupid, you know. I'd never realized that before.'

Bridget said very softly, 'But then, you're unusually clever.'

'Yes, yes; perhaps you're right.'

Bridget said, 'Doctor Humbleby — that must have been more difficult?'

'Yes, it was really amazing how that succeeded. It might not have worked, of course. But Gordon had been talking to everybody of his visit to the Wellerman Kreitz Laboratories, and I thought if I could manage it so that people remembered that visit and connected it afterwards — And Wonky Pooh's ear was really very nasty, a lot of discharge. I managed to run the point of my scissors into the doctor's hand, and then I was so distressed and insisted on putting on a dressing and bandaging it up. He didn't know the dressing had been infected first from Wonky Pooh's ear. Of course it mightn't have worked; it was just a long shot. I was delighted when it did — especially as Wonky Pooh had been Lavinia's cat.'

Her face darkened. 'Lavinia Fullerton! She guessed. It was she who found Tommy that day. And then, when Gordon and old Doctor Humbleby had that row, she caught me looking at Humbleby. I was off my guard. I was just wondering exactly how I'd do it. And she knew! I turned round to find her watching me and — I gave myself away. I saw that she knew. She couldn't prove anything, of course; I knew that. But I was afraid, all the same, someone might believe her. I was afraid they might believe her at Scotland Yard. I felt sure that was where she was going that day. I was in the same train and I followed her.

'The whole thing was so easy. She was on an island crossing Whitehall . I was close behind her. She never saw me. A big car came along and I shoved with all my might. I'm very strong! She went right down in front of it. I told the woman next to me I'd seen the number of the car and gave her the number of Gordon's Rolls. I hoped she'd repeat it to the police. It was lucky the car didn't stop. Some chauffeur joy-riding without his master's knowledge, I suspect. Yes, I was lucky there. I'm always lucky. That scene the other day with Rivers, and Luke Fitzwilliam as witness. I've had such fun with him, leading him along! Odd how difficult it was to make him suspect Gordon. But after Rivers' death he would be sure to do so. He must! And now — well, this will just finish the whole thing nicely.'

She got up and came toward Bridget.

She said softly: 'Gordon jilted me! He was going to marry you. All my life I've been disappointed. I've had nothing — nothing at all…'

O lean gray woman whom nobody loves

She was bending over her, smiling, with mad light eyes. The knife gleamed.

With all her youth and strength, Bridget sprang. Like a tiger cat, she flung herself full force on the other woman, knocking her back, seizing her right wrist.

Taken by surprise, Honoria Waynflete fell back before the onslaught. But then, after a moment's inertia, she began to fight. In strength there was no comparison between them. Bridget was young and healthy, with muscles toughened by games. Honoria Waynflete was a slender-built, fragile creature. But there was one factor on which Bridget had not reckoned. Honoria Waynflete was mad. Her strength was the strength of the insane. She fought like a devil, and her insane strength was stronger than the sane muscled strength of Bridget.

They swayed to and fro, and still Bridget strove to wrest the knife away from her, and still Honoria Waynflete hung on to it.

And then, little by little, the mad woman's strength began to prevail. Bridget cried out now, 'Luke! Help! Help!' But she had no hope of help coming. She and Honoria Waynflete were alone. Alone in a dead world. With a supreme effort, she wrenched the other's wrist back, and at last she heard the knife fall. The next minute Honoria Waynflete's two hands had fastened round her neck in a maniac's grasp, squeezing the life out of her. She gave one last choked cry.

Chapter 23

Luke was favorably impressed by the appearance of Superintendent Battle. He was a solid comfortable- looking man with a broad red face and a large handsome mustache. He did not exactly express brilliance at a first glance, but a second glance was apt to make an observant person thoughtful, for Superintendent Battle's eye was unusually shrewd.

Luke did not make the mistake of underestimating him. He had met men of Battle 's type before. He knew that they could be trusted, and that they invariably got results. He could not have wished for a better man to be put in charge of the case. When they were alone together, Luke said, 'You're rather a big noise to be sent down on a case like this.'

Superintendent Battle smiled. 'It may turn out to be a serious business, Mr. Fitzwilliam. When a man like Lord Easterfield is concerned, we don't want to have any mistakes.'

'I appreciate that. Are you alone?'

'Oh, no. Got a detective sergeant with me. He's at the other pub, the Seven Stars, and his job is to keep an eye on his lordship.'

'I see.'

Battle asked, 'In your opinion, Mr. Fitzwilliam, there's no doubt whatever? You're pretty sure of your man?'

'On the facts, I don't see that any alternative theory is possible. Do you want me to give you the facts?'

'I've had them, thank you, from Sir William.'

'Well, what do you think? I suppose it seems to you wildly unlikely that a man in Lord Easterfield's position should be a homicidal criminal?'

'Very few things seem unlikely to me,' said Superintendent Battle. 'Nothing's impossible in crime. That's what I've always said. If you were to tell me that a dear old maiden lady, or an archbishop, or a schoolgirl, was a dangerous criminal, I wouldn't say no. I'd look into the matter.'

'If you've heard the main facts of the case from Sir William, I'll just tell you what happened this morning,' said Luke.

He ran over briefly the main lines of his scene with Lord Easterfield. Superintendent Battle listened with a good deal of interest.

He said, 'You say he was fingering a knife. Did he make a special point of that knife, Mr. Fitzwilliam? Was he threatening with it?'

'Not openly. He tested the edge in rather a nasty way — a kind of esthetic pleasure about that that I didn't care about. Miss Waynflete felt the same, I believe.'

'That's the lady you spoke about — the one who's known Lord Easterfield all her life, and was once engaged to marry him?'

'That's right.'

Superintendent Battle said, 'I think you can make your mind easy about the young lady, Mr. Fitzwilliam. I'll have someone put on to keep a sharp watch on her. With that, and with Jackson tailing his lordship, there ought to be no danger of anything happening.'

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