Most sonar scanning was done visually-the on-board computers converted acoustical signals into a display on TV type tubes that looked most of all like some sort of arcade game. But there was still no real substitute for listening in. McCafferty took the phones.

First he heard the Delta's whirring reactor pumps. They were running at medium speed, driving water out of the reactor vessel into the steam generator. Next he concentrated on the screw sounds. The Russian boomer had a pair of five-bladed screws, and he tried to make his own count of the chuga-chuga noise made as each blade made its circuit. No good, he'd have to take the chief's word, as he usually did… klang!

'What was that?'

The chief turned to another senior operator. 'Hatch slammin'?''

The first-class sonarman shook his head judiciously. 'More like somebody dropped a wrench. Close, though, pretty close.'

The captain had to smile. Everybody aboard was trying to affect a casual manner that had to be outrageously faked. Certainly everyone was as tense as he was, and McCafferty wanted nothing more than to get the hell out of this miserable lake. Of course he couldn't act in such a way as to allow his crew to become overly concerned; the captain must be in total control at all times-what fucking games we play! he told himself. What are we doing here? What is going on in this crazy world? I don't want to fight a fucking war!

He leaned against the doorframe, just forward of the control room, only a few feet from his own stateroom, wanting to go in, just to lie down for a minute or two, to take a few deep breaths, maybe go to his sink and splash a little cold water… but then he might accidentally look in the mirror. None of that, he knew. Command of a submarine was one of the last truly godlike jobs left in the world, and at times it required a truly godlike demeanor. Like now. Play the game, Danny, he told himself. The captain withdrew a handkerchief from his back pocket and rubbed his nose with it, his face locked into a neutral, almost bored expression as his eyes traced over the sonar displays. The cool captain…

McCafferty returned to the attack center a moment later, telling himself that he'd spent just enough time to inspire his sonar crewmen without pressuring them with too much attention from the CO. A fine balance. He looked around casually. The room was as crowded as an Irish bar on St. Patrick's Day. His men's outwardly cool faces were sweating, despite the nuclear-powered air conditioning. The planesmen especially were concentrating on their instruments, guiding the submarine down an electronically defined display, with the diving officer-Chicago's most senior chief-right behind them.

In the center of the control room, the two side-by-side attack periscopes were fully retracted, with a quartermaster's mate poised to raise them. The XO paced as much as he could, looking at the chart every twenty seconds or so as he turned at the rear of the compartment. Not much here to complain about. Everybody was tense, but all the work was getting done.

'All things considered,' McCafferty said for all to hear, 'things are going pretty good. Surface conditions are working against them detecting us.'

'Conn, sonar.'

'Conn, aye.' The captain took the phone.

'Hull-popping noises. He seems blowing tanks, skipper.'

'Understood. Keep us posted, chief ' McCafferty put the phone back. He took three steps back to the chart table. 'Why surface now?'

The navigator stole a cigarette from an enlisted man and lit it. McCafferty knew he didn't smoke. The lieutenant nearly gagged on it, drawing a brief smirk from a second-class quartermaster the navigator. He looked over at the captain.

'Sir, something is wrong about this,' the lieutenant said quietly.

'Just one thing,' the captain asked. 'Why did he surface here?'

'Conn, sonar.' McCafferty went forward and took the phone again. 'Skipper, the boomer's doing a long blow, really blowing his tanks out like, sir.'

'Anything else unusual?'

'No, sir, but he must've just used a lot of his reserve air, sir.'

'Okay, chief, thank you.' McCafferty hung up and wondered if that meant anything.

'Sir, you ever done this before?' the navigator asked.

'I've trailed a lot of Russian boats, but no, never in here.'

'The target has to surface eventually, only sixty feet of water down here along Terskiy Bereg.' The navigator traced his finger along the chart.

'And we have to break off the trail,' McCafferty agreed. 'But that's another forty miles.'

'Yeah.' The navigator nodded agreement. 'But starting five miles back, this gulf starts to narrow down like a funnel, and for a submerged sub, it eventually closes down to two, then only one safe passage. Jeez, I don't know.' McCafferty came aft again to examine the chart.

'He was content to run fifteen knots at periscope depth all this way down from Kola. The usable depth has been about the same for the past five hours-just bottomed out some-and figures to be the same for another hour or two… but he surfaces anyway. So,' McCafferty said, 'the only change in environmental conditions is the width of the channel, and that's still over twenty miles. -.' The captain mulled this over, staring down at the chart. The sonar room called yet again.

'Conn, aye. What is it, chief?'

'New contact, sir, bearing one-nine-two. Designate target Sierra-5. Twin-screw surface ship, diesel engines. They just came on all at once, sir. Sounds like a Natya-class. Bearing changing right to left slowly, seems to be converging with the boomer. Blade count puts her speed at about twelve knots.'

'What's the boomer doing?'

'Speed and bearing are unchanged, skipper. The blow has ended. She's on the surface, sir, we're starting to get pounding and some racing on her screws-wait a minute… an active sonar just started up, we're getting reverbs, bearing seems to be about one-nine-zero, probably from the Natya. It's a very high frequency sonar, above aural range it twenty-two-thousand hertz.'

An icy ball suddenly materialized in McCafferty's stomach.

'XO, I'm taking the conn.'

'Aye, Captain, you have the conn.'

'Diving officer: get her up to sixty feet, high as you can without broaching her. Observation! Up scope!' The search scope came up and McCafferty met it as he had before and quickly checked the surface of the sea for shadows. 'Three more feet. Okay, still nothing. What's the ESM reading?'

'Now seven active radar sources, skipper. Plot out about the same as before, plus the new one at one-nine- one, another India-band, looks like another Don-2.'

McCafferty turned the periscope handle to twelve-power, its highest setting. The Soviet missile submarine was sitting extremely high in the water.

'Joe, tell me what you see.' McCafferty asked, wanting a quick second opinion.

'That's a Delta-III, all right. Looks like she's blown dry, Cap'n, they come out pretty far, and that looks like about three or four feet higher than they usually do. He just used up a lot of his air… That might be the Natya's mast ahead of her, hard to be sure.'

McCafferty could feel that his own Chicago was rolling. His hands tingled with the transmitted wave-slaps against the periscope. The seas were crashing against the Delta, too, and he could see water splashing in and out of the limber holes that lined the boomer's flanks.

'ESM board says that signal strengths are approaching detection values,' the technician warned.

'His periscopes are both up,' McCafferty said, knowing that his scope had already been up too long. He squeezed the trigger to double the magnification. It cost optical detail, but the picture zoomed in on the Delta's conning tower. 'The control station atop his sail is fully manned. Everyone has glasses… not looking aft, though. Down scope. Diving officer, take her down ten feet. Nice work, planesmen. Let's see that tape, Joe.' The picture returned to the TV monitor in a few seconds.

They were two thousand yards behind the Delta. Beyond her by about half a mile was a spherical radar dome, probably the Natya, rolling noticeably with the beam seas. To house her sixteen SS-18 missiles, the Russian sub had a sloped turtleneck, and from directly aft it looked like a highway ramp. An ungainly design, the Delta, but she had to survive only long enough to launch her missiles, and the Americans had no doubt that her missiles

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