suddenly oscillating between anger and guilt, wondering why he'd come here, why he'd asked Admiral Maxwell for a very special favor, and not really knowing the answer now.

'John!' Sarah called down the stairs, saving both from their thoughts.

'Hey, doc,' Kelly called, and both were glad for the distraction. '

'Have we got a surprise for you!'


Dr Rosen came down the stairs, looking as frumpy as ever despite her smile. 'You look different.'

'I've been exercising pretty regularly,' Kelly explained.

'What brings you here?' Sarah asked.

'I'm going to be going somewhere, and I wanted to stop over before I left.'

'Where to?'

'I can't say,' The answer chilled the room.

'John,' Sandy said. 'We know.'

'Okay.' Kelly nodded. 'I figured you would. How is she?'

'She's doing fine, thanks to you,' Sarah answered.

'John, we need to talk, okay?' Sandy insisted. Dr Rosen bent to her wishes and went back upstairs while nurse and former patient drifted into the kitchen.

'John, what exactly have you been doing?'

'Lately? I can't say, Sandy. I'm sorry, but I can't.'

'I mean - I mean everything. What have you been up to?'

'You're better off not knowing, Sandy.'

'Billy and Rick?' Nurse O'Toole said, putting it on the table.

Kelly motioned his head to the second floor. 'You've seen what they did to her? They won't be doing that anymore.'

'John, you can't do things like that! The police -'

' - are infiltrated,' Kelly told her. 'The organization has compromised somebody, probably someone very high up. Because of that I can't trust the police, and neither can you, Sandy,' he concluded as reasonably as he could.

'But there are others, John. There are others who -' His statement finally penetrated. 'How do you know that?'

'I asked Billy some questions.' Kelly paused, and her face gave him yet more guilt. 'Sandy, do you really think somebody is going to go out of his way to investigate the death of a prostitute? That's what it is to them. Do you think anybody really cared about them? I asked you before, remember? You said that nobody even has a program to help them. You care. That's why I brought her here. But do the cops? No. Maybe I could scratch up information to burn the drug ring. I'm not sure, it's not what I've been trained for, but that's what I've been doing. If you want to turn me in, well, I can't stop you. I won't hurt you -'

'I know that!' Sandy almost screamed. 'John, you can't do this,' she added more calmly.

'Why not?' Kelly asked. 'They kill people. They do horrible things, and nobody's doing anything about it. What about the victims. Sandy? Who speaks for them?'

'The law does!'

'And when the law doesn't work, then what? Do we just let them die? Die like that? Remember the picture of Pam?'

'Yes,' Sandy replied, losing the argument, knowing it, wishing it were otherwise.

'They took hours on her, Sandy. Your - houseguest - watched. They made her watch.'

'She told me. She's told us everything. She and Pam were friends. After,- after Pam died, she's the one who brushed Pam's hair out, John.'

The reaction surprised her. It was immediately clear that Kelly's pain was behind a door, and some words could bring it out in the open with a sudden speed that punished him badly. He turned away for a moment and took a deep breath before turning back. 'She's okay?'

'We're going to take her home in a few days. Sarah and I will drive her there.'

'Thanks for telling me that. Thank you for taking care other.'

It was the dichotomy that unsettled her so badly. He could talk about inflicting death on people so calmly, like Sam Rosen in a discussion of a tricky surgical procedure - and like the surgeon, Kelly cared about the people he - saved? Avenged? Was that the same thing? He thought so.

'Sandy, it's like this: They killed Pam. They raped and tortured and killed her - as an example, so they could use other girls the same way. I'm going to get every one of them, and if I die in the process, that's the chance I'm going to take. I'm sorry if you don't like me for that.'

She took a deep breath. There was nothing more to be said.

'You said you're going away.'

'Yes. If things work out I should be back in about two weeks.'

'Will it be dangerous?'

'Not if I do it right.' Kelly knew she would see through that one.

'Doing what?'

'A rescue mission. That's as far as I can go, and please don't repeat that to anyone. I'm leaving tonight. I've been off training for it, down at a military base.'

It was Sandy's turn to look away, back towards the kitchen door. He wasn't giving her a chance. There were too many contradictions. He'd saved a girl who would otherwise have certainly died, but he'd killed to do it. He loved a girl who was dead. He was willing to kill others because of that love, to risk everything for it. He'd trusted her and Sarah and Sam. Was he a bad man or a good one? The mixture of facts and ideas was impossible to reconcile. Seeing what had happened to Doris, working so hard now to get her well, hearing her voice - and her father's - it had all made sense to her at the time. It was always easy to consider things dispassionately, when they were at a distance. But not now, faced with the man who had done it all, who explained himself calmly and directly, not lying, not concealing, just telling the truth, and trusting her, again, to understand.

'Vietnam?' she asked after a few moments, temporizing, trying to add more substance to a very muddled collection of thoughts.

'That's right.' Kelly paused. He had to explain it, just a little, to help her understand. 'There are some people over there who won't get back unless we do something, and I am part of it.'

'But why do you have to go?'

'Why me? It has to be somebody, and I'm the one they asked. Why do you do the things you do, Sandy? I asked that before, remember?'

'Damn you, John! I've started to care about you,' she blurted out.

The pain returned to his face one more time. 'Don't. You might get hurt again, and I wouldn't want that.' Which was exactly the wrong thing for him to say. 'People who get attached to me get hurt, Sandy.'

Sarah came in just then, leading Doris into the kitchen, for the moment saving both of them from themselves. The girl was transformed. Her eyes were animated now. Sandy had trimmed her hair and found decent clothes for her. She was still weak, but moving under her own power now. Her soft brown eyes fixed on Kelly.

'You're him,' she said quietly.

'I guess I am. How are you?'

She smiled. 'I'm going home soon. Daddy - Daddy wants me back.'

'I'm sure he does, ma'am,' Kelly said. She was so different from the victim he'd seen only a few weeks before. Maybe it did all mean something.

The same thought came into Sandy's mind just then. Doris was the innocent one, the real victim of forces that had descended on her, and but for Kelly, she would be dead. Nothing else could have saved her. Other deaths had been necessary, but - but what?

'So maybe it was Eddie,' Piaggi said. 'I told him to sniff around and he says he doesn't have anything.'

'And nothing's happened since you talked to him. Everything's back to normal, like,' Henry replied, telling Anthony Piaggi what he already knew and following with a conclusion that he had also considered. 'What if he was just trying to shake things up a little? What if he just wanted to be more important, Tony?'


Which led to the next question: 'How much you want to bet that if Eddie takes a little trip, nothing else

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