docs call this sort of thing?'

'Professional courtesy - but you're not a physician,' Rosen objected.

'And you're not a diver. You're not a seaman yet, either, but we're going to fix that today, Sam.'

'I was at the top of my Power Squadron class!' Rosen boomed.

'Doc, when we got kids from training school, we used to say, 'That's fine, sonny, but this here's the fleet.' Let me get the gear stowed and we'll see how well you can really drive this thing.'

'I bet I'm a better fisherman than you are,' Rosen proclaimed.

'Next they're going to see who can pee the farthest,' Sarah observed acidly to Pam.

'That, too.' Kelly laughed on his way back inside. Ten minutes later he'd cleaned off and changed into a T-shirt and cutoffs.

He took a place on the flying bridge and watched Rosen prepare his boat for getting under way. The surgeon actually impressed Kelly, particularly with his line handling.

'Next time let your blowers work for a while before you light off the engines,' Kelly said after Rosen started up.

'But it's a diesel.'

'Number one, 'it' is a 'she,' okay? Number two, it's a good habit to get into. The next boat you drive might be gas. Safety, doc. You ever take a vacation and rent a boat?'

'Well, yes.'

'In surgery you do the same thing the same way, every time?' Kelly asked. 'Even when you don't really have to?'

Rosen nodded thoughtfully. 'I hear you.'

'Take her out.' Kelly waved. This Rosen did, and rather smartly, the surgeon thought. Kelly didn't: 'Less rudder, more screws. You won't always have a breeze helping you away from alongside. Propellers push water; rudders just direct it a little. You can always depend on your engines, especially at low speed. And steering breaks sometimes. Learn how to do without it.'

'Yes, Captain,' Rosen growled. It was like being an intern again, and Sam Rosen was used to having those people snap to his orders. Forty-eight, he thought, was a little old to be a student.

'You're the captain. I'm just the pilot. These are my waters, Sam.' Kelly turned to look down at the well deck. 'Don't laugh, ladies, it'll be your turn next. Pay attention!' Quietly: 'You're being a good sport, Sam.'

Fifteen minutes later they were drifting lazily on the tide, fishing lines out under a warm holiday sun. Kelly had little interest in fishing, and instead assigned himself lockout duty on the flying bridge while Sam taught Pam how to bait her line. Her enthusiasm surprised all of them. Sarah made sure that she was liberally covered with Coppertone to protect her pale skin, and Kelly wondered if a little tan would highlight her scars. Alone with his thoughts on the flying bridge, Kelly asked himself what sort of man would abuse a woman. He stared out through squinted eyes at a gently rolling surface dotted with boats. How many people like that were within his sight? Why was it that you couldn't tell from looking at them?

Packing the boat was simple enough. They'd stocked in a good supply of chemicals, which they would have to replenish periodically, but Eddie remembered the spot, well enough, and the water was still clear.

'Sweet Jesus!' Tony gasped.

'Gonna be a good year for crabs,' Eddie noted, glad that Tony was shocked. A fitting kind of revenge, Eddie thought, but it was not a pleasant sight for any of them. Half a bushel's worth of crabs were already on the body. The face was fully covered, as was one arm, and they could see more of the creatures coming in, drawn by the smell of decay that drifted through the water as efficiently as through the air: nature's own form of advertising. On land, Eddie knew, it would be buzzards and crows.

'What do you figure? Two weeks, maybe three, and then no more Angelo.'

'What if somebody -'

'Not much chance of that,' Tucker said, not bothering to look. 'Too shallow for a sailboat to risk coming in, and motorboats don't bother much. There's a nice wide channel half a mile south, fishing's better there, they say. I guess the crabbers don't like it here either.'

Piaggi had trouble looking away, though his stomach had already turned over once. The Chesapeake Bay blue crabs, with their claws, were dismantling the body already softened by warm water and bacteria, one little pinch at a time, tearing with their claws, picking up the pieces with smaller pincers, feeding them into their strangely alien mouths. He'd wondered if there would still be a face there, eyes to stare up at a world left behind, but crabs covered it, and somehow it seemed likely that the eyes had been the first things to go. The frightening part, of course, was that if one man could die this way, so could another, and even though Angelo had already been dead, somehow Piaggi was sure that being disposed of this way was worse than mere death. He would have regretted Angelo's death, except that it was business, and... Angelo had deserved it. It was a shame, in a way, that his gruesome fate had to be kept a secret, but that was business, too. That was how you kept the cops from finding out. Hard to prove murder without a body, and here they had accidentally found a way to conceal a number of murders. The only problem was getting the bodies here - and not letting others know of the method of disposal, because people talk. Tony Piaggi told himself, as Angelo had talked. A good thing that Henry had found out about that.

'How 'bout crab cakes when we get back to town?' Eddie Morello asked with a laugh, just to see if he could make Tony puke.

'Let's get the fuck outa here,' Piaggi replied quietly, settling into his seat. Tucker took the engine out of idle and picked his way out of the tidal marsh, back into the Bay.

Piaggi took a minute or two to get the sight out of his mind, hoping that he could forget the horror of it and remember only the efficiency of their disposal method. After all, they might be using it again. Maybe after a few hours he'd see humor in it, Tony thought, looking at the cooler. Under the fifteen or so cans of National Bohemian was a layer of ice, under which were twenty sealed bags of heroin. In the unlikely event that anyone stopped them, it was unlikely that they'd look farther than the beer, the real fuel for Bay-boaters. Tucker drove the boat north, and the others laid out their fishing rods as though they were trying to find a good place to harvest a few rockfish from the Chesapeake.

'Fishing in reverse,' Morello said after a moment, then he laughed loudly enough that Piaggi joined in.

'Toss me a beer!' Tony commanded between laughs. He was a 'made man,' after all, and deserved respect.

'Idiots,' Kelly said quietly to himself. That eighteen-footer was going too fast, too close to other fishing boats. It could catch a few lines, and certainly would throw a wake sure to disturb other craft. That was bad sea manners, something Kelly was always careful to observe. It was just too easy to - hell, it wasn't even hard enough to be 'easy.' All you had to do was buy a boat and you had the right to sail her around. No tests, no nothing. Kelly found Rosen's 7 x 50 binoculars and focused them on the boat that was coming close aboard. Three assholes, one of them holding up a can of beer in mock salute.

'Bear off, dickhead,' he whispered to himself. The jerks in a boat, drinking beer, probably half-potted already, not even eleven o'clock yet. He gave them a good look, and was vaguely grateful that they passed no closer than fifty yards. He caught the name: Henry's Eighth. If he saw that name again, Kelly told himself, he'd remember to keep clear.

'I got one!' Sarah called.

'Heads up, we got a big wake coming in from starboard!' It arrived a minute later, causing the big Hatteras to rock twenty degrees left and right of vertical.

'That,' Kelly said, looking down at the other three, 'is what I mean by bad sea manners!'

'Aye aye!' Sam called back.

'I've still got him,' Sarah said. She worked the fish in, Kelly saw, with consummate skill. 'Pretty big, too!'

Sam got the net and leaned over the side. A moment later he stood back up. The net contained a struggling rockfish, maybe twelve or fourteen pounds. He dumped the net in a water-filled box in which the fish could wait to die. It seemed cruel to Kelly, but it was only a fish, and he'd seen worse things than that.

Pam started squealing a moment later as her line went taut. Sarah put her rod in its holder and started coaching her. Kelly watched. The friendship between Pam and Sarah was as remarkable as that between himself and the girl. Perhaps Sarah was taking the place of the mother who had been lacking in affection, or whatever Pam's mother had lacked. Regardless, Pam was responding well to the advice and counsel of her new friend. Kelly

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