'And Ernie?'

'He's in there somewhere. I could hear his tail hitting the wall.' He wrapped his arms around her. It was hard getting close to her now. He ran one hand down to her abdomen, feeling the shape of his unborn child. 'How's the next one?'

'Quiet, finally. God, he's an active one. Don't wake him up.'

It struck Jack as an absurd idea that babies were awake before they were born, but you couldn't argue with a doctor. 'He?'

'That's what Madge says.'

'What's she say about you?' He felt her ribs next. They were too prominent. His wife had always been slender, but this was too much.

'I'm gaining the weight back,' Cathy answered. 'You don't have to worry. Everything's fine.'

'Good.' He kissed her.

'Is that all I get?' he heard from the darkness.

'You think you can handle more?'

'Jack, I don't have to go to work tomorrow,' she pointed out.

'But some of us do,' he protested, but soon found that his heart wasn't in it.

21 Plans

'He is thorough,' O'Donnell observed. Miller had returned with the aerial photographs that Dobbens had copied, topographic maps, and photos of Ryan's home from the land and water sides. Added to these were typed notes of the observations made by his people and other data thought to be of interest.

'Unfortunately he allows his personal feelings to interfere with his activities,' Miller observed coolly.

'And you don't, Sean?' O'Donnell chided gently.

'It won't happen again,' his operations officer promised.

'That's good. The important thing about mistakes is that we learn from them. So let's go over your proposed operation.'

Sean took out two other maps and spent twenty minutes running through his ideas. He concluded with Dobbens' suggestion for a diversion.

'I like it.' He turned to his intelligence chief. 'Michael?'

'The opposition will be formidable, of course, but the plan allows for that. The only thing that worries me is that it will take nearly all of our people to do it.'

'Nothing else looks feasible,' Miller replied. 'It's not so much a question of getting close enough, but of leaving the area after the mission is accomplished. Timing is crucial—'

'And when timing is crucial, simplicity is a must.' O'Donnell nodded. 'Is there anything else that the opposition might try?'

'I think not,' McKenney said. 'This is the worst-case expectation.'

'Helicopters,' Miller said. 'They nearly did for us the last time. No real problem if we're prepared for it, but we must be prepared.'

'Very well,' O'Donnell said. 'And the second part of the operation?'

'Obviously we need to know where all the targets will be,' McKenney said. 'When do you want me to activate our people?' On orders, the intelligence chief's penetration agents had been quiescent for some weeks.

'Not just yet,' the Commander replied thoughtfully. 'Again a question of timing. Sean?'

'I think we should wait until the mission is fully accomplished before moving.'

'Yes, it proved to be a good idea the last time,' the Commander agreed. 'How many people are needed for your operation?'

'No less than fifteen. I think we can depend on Alex for three trained men, himself included. More than that —no, we should limit his participation as much as possible.'

'Agreed,' McKenney said.

'And training?' O'Donnell asked.

'The most we've ever done.'

'To start when?'

'A month beforehand,' Miller answered. 'Any more time would be a waste of resources. For the moment I have quite a lot of work to do.'

'So here are the plans,' Murray said. 'You can either let them stay at your embassy or we'll put them in Blair House, right across the street from the President.'

'With all due respect to your Secret Service chaps—' The head of the Diplomatic Protection Group didn't have to go on. Their safety was his responsibility and he wouldn't trust it to foreigners any more than he had to.

'Yeah, I understand. They'll get a full security detail from the Secret Service plus a couple of FBI liaison people and the usual assistance from the local police. Finally we'll have two HRT groups on alert the whole time they're over, one in D.C., and a backup team at Quantico.'

'How many people know?' Ashley asked.

'The Secret Service and Bureau people are already fully briefed. When your advance men go over, they ought to have most of the events scouted for you already. The local cops will not be notified until they have to know.'

'You said most of the locations have been scouted, but not all?' Owens asked.

'Do you want us to check out the unannounced points this early, too?'

'No.' The man from DPG shook his head. 'It's bad enough that the public functions have to be exposed this early. It's still not official that they're going, you know. The element of surprise is our best defense.'

Owens looked at his colleague, but didn't react. The head of the DPG was on his suspects list, and his orders were not to allow anyone to know the details of his investigation. Owens thought him to be in the clear, but his detectives had discovered a few irregularities in the man's personal life that had somehow gotten past all the previous security screenings. Until it was certain that he was not a possible blackmail risk, he would not be allowed to know that some possible suspects had already seen the itinerary. The Commander of C-13 gave Murray an ironic look.

'I think you're overdoing this, gentlemen, but that's your business,' the FBI man said as he stood. 'Your people are flying over tomorrow?'

'That's right.'

'Okay, Chuck Avery of the Secret Service will meet your people at Dulles. Tell them not to be bashful about asking for things. You will have our total cooperation.' He watched them leave. Five minutes later Owens was back.

'What gives, Jimmy?' Murray wasn't surprised.

'What further progress have you made on the chaps who attacked Ryan?'

'Not a thing for the past two weeks,' Murray admitted. 'You?'

'We have a possible link—let me be precise, we suspect that there might be a possible link.'

The FBI man grinned. 'Yeah, I know what that's like. Who is it?'

'Geoffrey Watkins.' That got a reaction.

'The foreign-service guy? Damn! Anybody else on the list that I know?'

'The chap you were just talking to. Ashley's people discovered that he's not entirely faithful to his wife.'

'Boys or girls?' Murray took a cue from the way Owens had said that. 'You mean that he doesn't know, Jimmy?'

'He doesn't know that the itinerary has been leaked, possibly to the wrong people. Watkins is among them, but so is our DPG friend.'

'Oh, that's real good! The plans may be leaked, and you can't tell the head of the security detail because he may be the one—'

'It's most unlikely, but we must allow for the possibility.'

'Call the trip off, Jimmy. If you have to break his leg, call it the hell off.'

'We can't. He won't. I spoke with His Highness day before yesterday and told him the problem. He refuses to

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