school seniors were introduced to the rigors of military life. The process was consciously aimed at weeding out the weak as early as possible, and so it was largely in the hands of upperclassmen who had only recently been through the same thing. The new youngsters were at the debatable mercy of the older ones, running around with their closely cropped hair to the double-time cadence of students only two years their senior.

'Morning, Jack!' Robby came over to watch with him from the parking lot.

'You know, Rob, Boston College was never like this.'

'If you think this is a Plebe Summer,' Jackson snorted, 'you should have seen what it was like when I was here!'

'I bet they've been saying that for a hundred years,' Jack suggested.

'Probably so.' The white-clad plebes passed like a herd of buffalo, all gasping for air on the hot, humid morning. 'We kept better formations, though.'

'The first day?'

'The first few days were a blur,' Jackson admitted.

'Packing up?'

Jackson nodded. 'Most of the gear's already in boxes. I have to get my relief settled in.'

'Me, too.'

'You're leaving?' Robby was surprised.

'I told Admiral Greer that I wanted in.'

'Admiral—oh, the guy at CIA. You're going to do it, eh? How did the department take it?'

'I think you can say that they managed to restrain their tears. The boss isn't real happy about all the time I missed this year. So it looks like we're both having a going-away dinner.'

'Jeez, it's this Friday, isn't it?'

'Yeah. Can you show up about eight-fifteen?'

'You got it. You said not dressy, right?'

'That's right.' Jack smiled. Gotcha.

The RAF VC-10 aircraft touched down at Andrews Air Force Base at eight in the evening and taxied to the same terminal used by Air Force One. The reporters noted that security was very tight, with what looked to be a full company of Air Police in view, plus the plainclothes Secret Service agents. They told themselves that security at this particular part of the base was always strict. The plane came to a halt at exactly the right place, and the stairs were rolled to the forward door, which opened after a moment.

At the foot of the stairs waited the Ambassador and officials from the State Department. Inside the aircraft, security men made a final check out the windows. Finally His Highness appeared in the doorway, joined by his young wife, waving to the distant spectators, and descending the stairs gingerly despite legs that were stiff from the flight. At the bottom a number of military officers from two nations saluted, and the State Department protocol officer curtsied. This would earn her a reprimand from the WashingtonPost's arbiter of manners in the morning edition. The six-year-old granddaughter of the base commander presented Her Highness with a dozen yellow roses. Strobes flashed, and both royal personages smiled dutifully at the cameras while they took the time to say something pleasant to everyone in the receiving line. The Prince shared a joke with a naval officer who had once commanded him, and the Princess said something about the oppressive, muggy weather that had persisted into the evening. The Ambassador's wife pointed out that the climate here was such that Washington D.C. had once been considered a hazardous-duty station. The malarial mosquitoes were long gone, but the climate hadn't changed very much. Fortunately, everyone had air conditioning. Reporters noted the color, style, and cut of the Princess's outfit, especially her «daring» new hat. She stood with the poise of a professional model while her husband looked as casual as a Texas cowboy, as incongruous as that might have seemed, one hand in his pocket and a relaxed grin on his face. The Americans who'd never met the couple before found him wonderfully easygoing, and of course every man there had long since fallen in love with the Princess, along with most of the Western world.

The security people saw none of this. They all had their backs to the scene, their eyes scanning the crowd, their faces stamped into the same serious expression while each with various degrees of emphasis thought: Please, God, not while I'm on duty. Every one had a radio earpiece constantly providing information that their brains monitored while their eyes were otherwise occupied.

Finally they moved to the embassy's Rolls-Royce, and the motorcade formed up. Andrews had a number of gates, and the one they took had been decided upon only an hour before. The route into town was its own traffic jam of marked and unmarked cars. Two additional Rolls-Royce automobiles, of exactly the same model and color, were dispersed through the procession, each with a lead- and chase-car, and a helicopter was overhead. If anyone had taken the time to count the firearms present, the total would have been nearly a hundred. The arrival had been timed to allow swift passage through Washington, and twenty-five minutes later the motorcade got to the British Embassy. A few minutes after that, Their Highnesses were safely in the building, and for the moment the responsibility of someone else. Most of the local security people dispersed, heading back to their homes or stations, but ten men and women stayed around the building, most invisibly hidden in cars and vans, while a few extra uniformed police walked the perimeter.

'America,' O'Donnell said. 'The land of opportunity.' The television news coverage came on at eleven, and had tape of the arrival.

'What do you suppose they're doing now?' Miller asked.

'Working on their jet lag, I imagine,' his chief observed. 'Getting a good night's sleep. So, all ready here?'

'Yes, the safehouse is all prepared for tomorrow. Alex and his people are ready, and I've gone over the changes in the plan.'

'They're from Alex, too?'

'Yes, and if I hear one more bit of advice from that arrogant bastard—'

'He is one of our revolutionary brethren,' O'Donnell noted with a smile. 'But I know what you mean.'

'Where's Mike?'

'Belfast. He'll run Phase Two.'

'The timing is all set?'

'Yes. Both brigade commanders, and the whole Army Council. We should be able to get them all…' O'Donnell finally revealed his plan in toto. McKenney's penetration agents either worked closely with all of the senior PIRA people or knew those who did. On command from O'Donnell, they would assassinate them all, completely removing the Provisionals' military leadership. There would be no one left to run the Organization… except one man whose masterstroke mission would catapult him back to respectability with rank-and-file Provos. With his hostages, he'd get the release of all the men 'behind the wire' even if it meant mailing the Prince of Wales to Buckingham Palace one cubic centimeter at a time. O'Donnell was certain of this. For all the brave, pious talk in Whitehall, it was centuries since an English king had faced death, and the idea of martyrdom sat better with revolutionaries than with those in power. Public pressure would see to that. They would have to negotiate to save the life of the heir to the throne. The scope of this operation would enliven the Movement, and Kevin Joseph O'Donnell would lead a revolution reborn in boldness and blood…

'Changing of the guard, Jack?' Marty observed. He, too, had packed up his things. A security officer would check the box before he left.

'How are you feeling?'

'Better, but you can get tired of watching daytime TV.'

'Taking all your pills?' Ryan asked.

'I'll never forget again, Mom,' was the answer.

'I see there's nothing new on our friends.'

'Yeah. They dropped back into that black hole they live in. The FBI is worried that they're over here, of course, but there hasn't even been a hint of it. Of course, whenever anybody's felt secure dealing with these bastards, they've gotten bit on the ass. Still, about the only outfit that isn't on alert is the Delta Force. All kinds of assets are standing by. If they're over here and they show anybody a whisker, the whole world is going to come crashing in on them. 'Call in the whole world. We used to say that in Vietnam.' Cantor grunted. 'I'll be in Monday and Tuesday. You don't have to say goodbye yet. Have a good weekend.'

'You too.' Ryan walked out, with a new security pass hanging around his neck and his jacket draped over his

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