
To their right, the sentry snapped to on-guard: 'Halt! Who goes there?' His words reverberated down the corridor of ancient stone.

The advancing men stopped at once, and Tom Hughes answered the challenge: 'The keys!'

'Whose keys?' the sentry demanded.

'Queen Anne's keys!'

'Pass, Queen Anne's keys!' The sentry brought his rifle to present-arms.

The sentries, with Hughes in their midst, resumed their march and turned left, up the slope to the Tower Green. Ryan and his wife followed close behind. At the steps that capped the upward slope waited a squad of riflemen. Hughes and his escort stopped. The squad on the steps came to present-arms, and the Chief Warder removed his uniform bonnet.

'God preserve Queen Anne!'

'Amen!' the guard force replied.

Behind them, a bugler stood. He blew Last Post, the British version of Taps. The notes echoed against the stones in a way that denoted the end of day, and when necessary, the end of life. Like the circular waves that follow a stone's fall into the water, the last mournful note lingered until it faded to nothingness in the still air. Ryan bent down to kiss his wife. It was a magical moment that they would not soon forget.

The Chief Warder proceeded up the steps to secure the keys for the night, and the crowd withdrew.

'Every night since 1240, eh?' Jack asked.

'The ceremony was interrupted during the Blitz. A German bomb fell into the Tower grounds while things were under way. The warder was bowled over by the blast, and the candle in his lantern was extinguished. He had to relight it before he could continue,' Evans said. That the man had been wounded was irrelevant. Some things are more important than that. 'Shall we return to the pub?'

'We don't have anything like this at home,' Cathy said quietly.

'Well, America isn't old enough, is she?'

'It would be nice if we had something like this, maybe at Bunker Hill or Fort McHenry,' Jack said quietly.

Murray nodded agreement. 'Something to remind us why we're here.'

'Tradition is important,' Evans said. 'For a soldier, tradition is often the reason one carries on when there are so many reasons not to. It's more than just yourself, more than just your mates—but it's not just something for soldiers, is it? It is true—or should be true—of any professional community.'

'It is,' Cathy said. 'Any good medical school beats that into your head. Hopkins sure did.'

'So does the Corps,' Jack agreed. 'But we don't express it as well as you just did.'

'We've had more practice.' Evans opened the door to the pub. 'And better beer to aid in our contemplation.'

'Now, if you guys could only learn how to fix beef properly… ' Jack said to Evans.

'That's telling 'em, ace,' the FBI agent chuckled.

'Another beer for a brother Marine.' A glass was handed to Ryan by another of the warders. 'Surely you've had enough of this para prima donna by now.'

'Bert's one of the Marines I told you about,' Evans explained.

'I never say bad things about somebody who buys the drinks,' Ryan told Bert.

'That is an awfully sensible attitude. Are you sure you were only a lieutenant?'

'Only for three months.' Jack explained about the helicopter crash.

'That was bad luck. Bloody training accidents,' Evans said. 'More dangerous than combat.'

'So you guys work as tour guides here?'

'That's part of it,' the other warder said. 'It's a good way to keep one's hand in, and also to educate the odd lieutenant. Just last week I spoke to one of the Welsh Guards chaps—he was having trouble getting things right, and I gave him a suggestion.'

'The one thing you really miss,' Evans agreed. 'Teaching those young officers to be proper soldiers. Who says the best diplomats work at Whitehall?'

'I never got the feeling that I was completely useless as a second lieutenant,' Jack observed with a smile.

'All depends on one's point of view,' the other yeoman said. 'Still and all, you might have worked out all right, judging by what you did on The Mall.'

'I don't know, Bert. A lieutenant with a hero complex is not the sort of chap you want to be around. They keep doing the damnedest things. But I suppose the ones who survive, and learn, do work out as you say. Tell me. Lieutenant Ryan, what have you learned?'

'Not to get shot. The next time I'll just shoot from cover.'

'Excellent.' Bob Hallston rejoined them. 'And don't leave one alive behind you,' he added. The SAS wasn't noted for leaving people alive by accident.

Cathy didn't like this sort of talk. 'Gentlemen, you can't just kill people like that.'

'The Lieutenant took rather a large chance, ma'am, not the sort of chance that one will walk away from very often. If there is ever a next time—and there won't be, of course. But if there is, you can act like a policeman or a soldier, but not both. You're very lucky to be alive, young man. You have that arm to remind you just how lucky you are. It is good to be brave, Lieutenant. It is better to be smart, and much less painful for those around you,' Evans said. He looked down at his beer. 'Dear God, how many times have I said that!'

'How many times have we all said it?' Bert said quietly. 'And the pity is, so many of them didn't listen. Enough of that. This lovely lady doesn't want to hear the ramblings of tired old men. Bob tells me that you are expecting another child. In two months, I shall be a grandfather for the first time.'

'Yes, he can hardly wait to show us the pictures.' Evans laughed. 'A boy or a girl this time?'

'Just so all the pieces are attached, and they all work.' There was general agreement on the point. Ryan finished off his third beer of the evening. It was pretty strong stuff, and he was getting a buzz from it. 'Gentlemen, if any of you come to America, and happen to visit the Washington area, I trust you will let us know.'

'And the next time you are in London, the bar is open,' Tom Hughes said. The Chief Warder was back in civilian clothes, but carrying his uniform bonnet, a hat whose design went back three or four centuries. 'And perhaps you'll find room in your home for this. Sir John, with the thanks of us all.'

'I'll take good care of this.' Ryan took the hat, but couldn't bring himself to put it on. He hadn't earned that right.

'Now, I regret to say that if you don't leave now, you'll be stuck here all night. At midnight all the doors are shut, and that is that.'

Jack and Cathy shook hands all around, then followed Hughes and Murray out the door.

The walk between the inner and outer walls was still quiet, the air still cold, and Jack found himself wondering if ghosts walked the Tower Grounds at night. It was almost—

'What's that?' He pointed to the outer wall. A spectral shape was walking up there.

'A sentry,' Hughes said. 'After the Ceremony of the Keys, the guards don their pattern-disruptive clothing.' They passed the sentry at the Bloody Tower, now dressed in camouflage fatigues, with web gear and ammo pouches.

'Those rifles are loaded now, aren't they?' Jack asked.

'Not very much use otherwise, are they? This is a very safe place,' Hughes replied.

Nice to know that some places are, Ryan thought. Now why did I think that?

7 Speedbird Home

The Speedway Lounge at Heathrow Airport's Terminal 4 was relaxing enough, or would have been had Jack not been nervous about flying. Beyond the floor-to-ceiling windows he could see the Concorde he'd be taking home in a few minutes. The designers had given their creation the aspect of a living creature, like some huge, merciless bird of prey, a thing of fearful beauty. It sat there at the end of the Jetway atop its unusually high landing gear,

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