'Right on time?' Sean Miller asked.

'You got it, man.'

The photograph showed Cathy Ryan leading her daughter by the hand into—what was the name of the place? Oh, yes, Giant Steps. Miller smiled at that. Today would be a giant step indeed. Miller leaned back again, eyes closed, to make sure.

'But there wasn't a threat,' a mid objected.

'That's correct. Which is to say we know that now. But how did it look to Spruance? He knew what the Japanese fleet had in surface ships. What if they had come east, what if the recall order had never been issued?' Jack pointed to the diagram he'd drawn on the blackboard. 'There would have been contact at about oh-three-hundred hours. Who do you think would have won that one, mister?'

'But he blew his chance for a good air strike the next day,' the midshipman persisted.

'With what? Let's look at the losses in the air groups. With all the torpedo craft lost, just what losses do you think he could have inflicted?' Jack asked.


'You remember the Kenny Rogers song: You have to know when to walk away, and know when to run. Buck fever is a bad thing in a hunter. In an admiral commanding a fleet it can be disastrous. Spruance looked at his information, looked at his capabilities, and decided to call it a day. A secondary consideration was—what?'

'To cover Midway?' another mid asked.

'Right. What if they had carried on with the invasion? That was gamed out at Newport once and the invasion was successful. Please note that this is a manifestation of logic overpowering reality, but it was a possibility that Spruance could not afford to dismiss. His primary mission was to inflict damage on a superior Japanese fleet. His secondary mission was to prevent the occupation of Midway. The balance he struck here is a masterpiece of operational expertise… ' Ryan paused for a moment. What was it that he'd just said? Logic overcoming reality. Hadn't he just come to the logical conclusion that the ULA wouldn't—no, no, a different situation entirely. He shook off the thought and kept going on the lessons from the Battle of Midway. He had the class going now, and ideas were crackling across the room like lightning.

'Perfect,' Cathy said as she pulled her mask down around her neck. She stood up from the stool and stretched her arms over her head. 'Nice one, folks.'

The patient was wheeled out to the recovery room while Lisa-Marie made a final check of her instruments. Cathy Ryan pulled off her mask and rubbed her nose. Then her hands went down to her belly. The little guy really was kicking up a storm.

'Football player?' Bernice asked.

'Feels like a whole backfield. Sally wasn't this active. I think this one's a boy,' Cathy judged, knowing that there was no such correlation. It was good enough that the baby was very active. That was always a positive sign. She smiled, mostly to herself, at the miracle and the magic of motherhood. Right there inside her was a brand-new human being waiting to be born, and by the feel of it, rather impatient. 'Well. I have a family to talk to.'

She walked out of the operating room, not bothering to change out of her greens. It always looked more dramatic to keep them on. The waiting room was a mere fifty feet away. The Jeffers family—the father and one of their daughters—was waiting on the inevitable couch, staring at the inevitable magazines but not reading them. The moment she came through the swinging door, both leaped to their feet. She gave them her best smile, always the quickest way to convey the message.

'Okay?' the husband asked, his anxiety a physical thing.

'Everything went perfectly,' Cathy said. 'No problems at all. She'll be fine.'

'When will she be able—'

'A week. We have to be patient on this. You'll be able to see her in about an hour and a half. Now, why don't you get yourselves something to eat. There's no sense having a healthy patient if the family is worn out, I—'

'Doctor Ryan,' the public address speaker said. 'Doctor Caroline Ryan.'

'Wait a minute.' Cathy walked to the nurses' station and lifted the phone. 'This is Doctor Ryan.'

'Cathy, this is Gene in the ER. I've got a major eye trauma. Ten-year-old black male, he took his bike through a store window,' the voice said urgently. 'His left eye is badly lacerated.'

'Send him up to six.' Cathy hung up and went back to the Jeffers family. 'I have to run, there's an emergency case coming up. Your wife will be fine. I'll be seeing you tomorrow.' Cathy walked as quickly as she could to the OR.

'Heads up, we have an emergency coming in from ER. Major eye trauma to a ten-year-old.' Lisa-Marie was already moving. Cathy walked to the wall phone and punched the number for surgeons' lounge. 'This is Ryan in Wilmer six. Where's Bernie?'

'I'll get him.' A moment later: 'Doctor Katz.'

'Bernie, I have a major eye trauma coming into six. Gene Wood in ER says it's a baddie.'

'On the way.' Cathy Ryan turned.


'All ready,' the anesthesiologist assured her.

'Give me another two minutes,' Lisa-Marie said. Cathy went into the scrub room to rewash her hands. Bernie Katz arrived before she started. He was a thoroughly disreputable-looking man, only an inch taller than Cathy Ryan, with longish hair and a Bismarck mustache. He was also one of the best surgeons at Hopkins.

'You'd better lead on this one,' she said. 'I haven't done a major trauma in quite a while.'

'No problem. How's the baby coming?'

'Great.' A new sound arrived, the high-pitched shrieks of a child in agony. The doctors moved into the OR. They watched dispassionately as two orderlies were strapping the child down. Why weren't you in school? Cathy asked him silently. The left side of the boy's face was a mess. The reconstructive teams would have to work on that later. Eyes came first. The child had already tried to be brave, but the pain was too great for that. Terri did the first medication, with both orderlies holding the child's arm in place. Cathy and Bernie hovered over the kid's face a moment later.

'Bad,' Dr. Katz observed. He looked to the circulating nurse. 'I have a procedure scheduled for one o'clock. Have to bump it. This one's going to take some time.'

'All ready on this side,' the scrub nurse said.

'Two more minutes,' the anesthesiologist advised. You had to be careful medicating kids.

'Gloves,' Cathy said. Bernie came over with them a moment later. 'What happened?'

'He was riding his bike down the sidewalk on Monument Street,' the orderly said. 'He hit something and went through an appliance-store window.'

'Why wasn't he in school?' she asked, looking back at the kid's left eye. She saw hours of work and an uncertain outcome.

'President's Day, Doc,' the orderly replied.

'Oh. That's right.' She looked at Bernie Katz. His grimace was visible around the mask.

'I don't know, Cathy.' He was examining the eye through the magnifying-glass headset. 'Must have been a cheap window—lots of slivers. I count five penetrations. Jeez, look at how that one's extended into the cornea. Let's go.'

The Chevy pulled into one of Hopkins' high-rise parking garages. From the top level the driver had a perfect view of the door leading from the hospital to the doctors' parking area. The garage was guarded, of course, but there was plenty of traffic in and out, and it was not unusual for someone to wait in a car while another visited a family member inside. He settled back and lit a cigarette, listening to music on the car radio.

Ryan put roast beef on his hard roll and selected iced tea. The Officer and Faculty Club had an unusual arrangement for charging: he set his tray on a scale and the cashier billed him by weight. Jack paid up his two dollars and ten cents. The price for lunch was hardly exorbitant, but it did seem an odd way to set the price. He joined Robby Jackson in a corner booth.

'Mondays!' he observed to his friend.

'Are you kidding? I can relax today. I was up flying Saturday and Sunday.'

'I thought you liked that.'

'I do,' Robby assured him. 'But both days I got off before seven. I actually got to sleep until six this morning. I needed the extra two hours. How's the family?'

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