'Who?' Owens asked.

'I got a picture but no name. He was arrested in Annapolis, outside the Naval Academy—'


'Maybe.' Murray was worried about that.

'Meet me at the Yard,' Owens said.

'On the way.' Murray headed downstairs for his car.

It was easier for Owens. His house was always watched by a pair of armed detectives in a police car. All he had to do was step outside and wave, and the Land Rover came to his door. He beat Murray by five minutes. By the time the FBI agent arrived, Owens had already consumed a cup of tea. He poured two more.

'This guy look familiar?' The FBI agent tossed the photo over. Owens' eyes went wide.

'Ned Clark,' he breathed. 'In America, you say?'

'I thought he looked familiar. He got picked up in Annapolis.'

'This is one of the lads who broke out of Long Kesh, a very bad boy with several murders to his name. Thank you, Mr. Murray.'

'Thank the Marines.' Murray grabbed a cup of tea. He really needed the caffeine. 'Can I make a call?' Within a minute he was back to FBI headquarters. The desk phone was on speaker so that Owens could listen in.

'Bill, the suspect is one Ned Clark, a convicted murderer who escaped from prison last year. He used to be a big-time assassin with the Provos.'

'I got some bad news, Dan,' Shaw replied. 'It appears that there was an attack on this Ryan fellow's family. The State Police are investigating what looks like a machine-gun attack on a car belonging to Doctor Caroline Ryan, MD. The suspects were in a van and made a clean escape after killing a state trooper.'

'Where is Jack Ryan?' Murray asked.

'We don't know yet. He was seen leaving the Naval Academy grounds in the car of a friend. The troopers are looking for the car now.'

'What about his family?' It was Owens this time.

'They were flown to the Shock-Trauma Center in Baltimore. The local police have been notified to keep an eye on the place, but it's usually guarded anyway. As soon as we find Ryan we'll put some people with him. Okay, on this Clark kid, I'll have him in federal custody by tomorrow morning. I expect that Mr. Owens wants him back?'

'Yes.' Owens leaned back in his chair. He had his own call to make now. As often happened in police work, there was bad news to accompany the good.

'Mr. Ryan?' It was a doctor. Probably a doctor. He wore a pink paper gown and strange-looking pink booties over what were probably sneakers. The gown was bloodstained. He couldn't be much over thirty, Ryan judged. The face was tired and dark. DR. BARRY SHAPIRO, the name tag announced, DEPUTY TRAUMA-SURGEON-IN-CHIEF. Ryan tried to stand but found that his legs would not work. The doctor waved for him to remain seated. He came over slowly and fell into the chair next to the sofa.

What news do you bring me? Ryan thought. His mind both screamed for information and dreaded learning what had happened to his family.

'I'm Barry Shapiro. I've been working on your daughter.' He spoke quickly, with a curious accent that Ryan noted but discarded as irrelevant. 'Okay, your wife is fine. She had a broken and lacerated upper left arm and a nasty cut on her head. When the helicopter paramedic saw the head wound—heads bleed a lot—he brought her here as a precaution. We ran a complete head protocol on her, and she's fine. A mild concussion, but nothing to worry about. She'll be fine.'

'She's pregnant. Do—'

'We noticed.' Shapiro smiled. 'No problem with that. The pregnancy has not been compromised in any way.'

'She's a surgeon. Will there be any permanent damage?'

'Oh? I didn't know that. We don't bother very much with patient identification,' Shapiro explained. 'No, there should be no problem. The damage to her arm is extensive but routine. It should heal completely.'

Ryan nodded, afraid to ask the next question. The doctor paused before going on. Does the bad news come next

'Your daughter is a very sick little girl.'

Jack nearly choked with his next breath. The iron fist that had clutched his stomach relaxed a millimeter. At least she's alive. Sally's alive!

'Apparently she wasn't wearing her seat belt. When the car hit she was thrown forward, very hard.' Jack nodded. Sally liked to play with her seat belt buckle—we thought it was cute, Ryan reminded himself bitterly. 'Okay, tib and fib are broken in both legs, along with the left femur. All of the left-side ribs are broken, and six on the right side—a classic flailed chest. She can't breathe for herself, but she's on respirator; that is under control. She arrived with extensive internal injuries and hemorrhaging, severe damage to the liver and spleen, and the large bowel. Her heart stopped right after she got here, probably—almost certainly—from loss of blood volume. We got it restarted at once and immediately started replacing the blood loss.' Shapiro went on quickly. 'That problem is also behind us.

'Doctor Kinter and I have been working on her for the best part of five hours. We had to remove the spleen— that's okay, you can live without a spleen.' Shapiro didn't say that the spleen was an important part of the body's defense against infections. 'The liver had a moderately extensive stellate fracture and damage to the main artery that feeds blood into the organ. We had to remove about a quarter of the liver—again no problem with that—and I think we fixed the arterial damage, and I think the repair will hold. The liver is important. It has a great deal to do with blood formation and the body's biochemical balance. You can't live without it. If liver function is maintained… she'll probably make it. The damage to the bowel was easy to repair. We removed about thirty centimeters. The legs are immobilized. We'll repair them later. The ribs—well, that's painful but not life-threatening. And the skull is relatively minor. I guess her chest took the main impact. She has a concussion, but there's no sign of intercranial bleeding.' Shapiro rubbed his hands over his heavily bearded face.

'The whole thing revolves around her liver function. If the liver continues to work, she will probably recover fully. We're keeping a very close watch on her blood chemistry, and we'll know something in, oh, maybe eight or nine hours.'

'Not till then?' Ryan's face twisted into an agonized mass. The fist tightened its grip yet again. She still might die…?

'Mr. Ryan,' Shapiro said slowly, 'I know what you are going through. If it hadn't been for the helicopter bringing your little girl in, well, right now I'd be telling you that she had died. Another five minutes getting here— maybe not that long—and she would not have made it this far. That's how close it was. But she is alive now, and I promise you that we're doing our very best to keep her that way. And our best is the best there is. My team of doctors and nurses is the best of its kind in the world—period. Nobody comes close. If there's a way, we'll find it.' And if there's not, he didn't say, we won't.

'Can I see them?'

'No.' Shapiro shook his head. 'Right now both of them are in the CCRU—the Critical Care Recovery Unit. We keep that as clean as an OR. The smallest infection can be lethal for a trauma patient. I'm sorry, but it would be too dangerous to them. My people are watching them constantly. A nurse—an experienced trauma nurse—is with each of them every second, with a team of doctors and nurses thirty feet away.'

'Okay.' He almost gasped the word. Ryan leaned his head back against the wall and closed his eyes. Eight more hours? But you have no choice. You have to wait. You have to do what they say. 'Okay.'

Shapiro left and Jackson followed after him, catching him by the elevator.

'Doc, can't Jack see his little girl? She—'

'Not a chance.' Shapiro half fell against the wall and let out a long breath. 'Look, right now the little girl— what's her name anyway?'


'Okay, right now she's in a bed, stark naked, with IV tubes running into both arms and one leg. Her head's partially shaved. She's wired up to a half-dozen monitors, and we have an Engstrom respirator breathing for her.

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