between. That means I represent you to my bosses, and I represent my bosses to you. If you need time to think it over, fine, I won't be far away, but the faster you move on things, the faster I can move. I need you guys to think about that, okay?'

'Get the bus,' Timothy said.

'In return for what?' Paul asked.

'Two women.' O'Neil turned. 'That one and that one.'

'Can they come out with me?' Bellow saw that Timothy had actually indicated Sandy Clark. This kid, O'Neil, was overwhelmed by the circumstances, and that was probably good, too.

'Yes, but get us that bloody bus!'

'I'll do my best,' Bellow promised, gesturing at the two women to follow him back around the corner.

'Welcome back, Doc,' Vega said quietly. 'Hey, great!' he added on seeing the two women. 'Howdy, Mrs. Clark. I'm Julio Vega.'

'Mom!' Patsy Chavez ran from her place of safety and embraced her mother. Then a pair of recently arrived SAS troopers took all of the women away.

'Vega to Command,' Oso called.

'Price to Vega.'

'Tell Six his wife and daughter are both safe.'

John was back in a truck, heading to the hospital to take charge of the operation, with Domingo Chavez next to him. Both heard the radio call. In both cases, the heads dropped for a brief moment of relief. But there were six more hostages.

'Okay, this is Clark, what's happening now?'

In the hospital, Vega gave his radio set to Dr. Bellow.

'John? This is Paul.'

'Yeah, Doc, what's happening now?'

'Give me a couple hours and I can give them to you, John. They know they're trapped. It's just a matter of talking them through. There's four of them now, all in their thirties, all armed. They now have six hostages. But I've spoken with their leader, and I can work with this kid, John.'

'Okay, Doc, we'll be there in ten minutes. What are they asking for?'

'The usual,' Bellow answered. 'They want a bus to somewhere.'John thought about that. Make them come outside, and he had riflemen to handle the problem. Four shots, child's play. 'Do we deliver?'

'Not yet. We'll let this one simmer a little.'

'Okay, Doc, that's your call. When I get there, you can fill me in more. See you soon. Out.'

'Okay.' Bellow handed the radio back to First Sergeant Vega. This soldier had a diagram of the ground floor pinned to the wall.

'The hostages are here,' Bellow said. 'Subjects are here and here. Two of them are twins, by the way, all male Caucs in their thirties, all carrying that folding-stock version of the AK-47.'

Vega nodded. ' 'Kay. If we have to move on them…'

'You won't, at least I don't think so. Their leader isn't a murderer, well, he doesn't want to be.'

'You say so, Doc,' Vega observed dubiously. But the good news was that they could flip a handful of flash- bangs around the corner and move in right behind them, bagging all four of the fuckers… but at the risk of losing a hostage,which was to be avoided if possible. Oso hadn't appreciated how ballsy this doctor was, walking up to four armed bad guys and talking to them-and getting Mrs. Clark released just like that. Damn. He turned to look at the six SAS guys who'd arrived, dressed in black like his people, and ready to rock if it came to that. Paddy Connolly was outside the building with his bag of tricks. The position was isolated, and the situation was pretty much under control. For the first time in an hour, First Sergeant Vega was allowing himself to relax a little.

'Well, hello, Sean,' Bill Tawney said, recognizing the face at the Hereford base hospital. 'Having a difficult day, are we?'

Grady's shoulder had been immobilized and would require surgery. It turned out that he'd taken a pair of 9- mm bullets in it, one of which had shattered the top of his left humerus, the long bone of the upper arm. It was a painful injury despite the medication given to him ten minutes before. His face turned to see an Englishman in a tie. Grady naturally enough took him for a policeman, and didn't say anything.

'You picked the wrong patch to play in today, my boy,' Tawney said next. 'For your information, you are now in the Hereford base military hospital. We will talk later, Sean.' For the moment, an orthopedic surgeon had work to do, to repair the injured arm. Tawney watched an army nurse medicate him for the coming procedure. Then he went to a different room to speak to the one rescued from the wrecked truck.

This would be a merry day for all involved, the 'Six' man thought. The motorway was closed with the two car smashes, and there were enough police constables about to blacken the landscape with their uniforms, plus the SAS and Rainbow people. Soon to be added were a joint mob of 'Five' and 'Six' people en route from London, all of whom would be claiming jurisdiction, and that would be quite a mess, since there was a written agreement between the U.S. and U.K. governments on the status of Rainbow, which hadn't been drafted with this situation in mind, but which guaranteed that the CIA Station Chief London would soon be here as well to officiate. Tawney figured he'd be the ringmaster for this particular circus and that maybe a whip, chair, and pistol might be needed.

Tawney tempered his good humor with the knowledge that two Rainbow troopers were dead, with four more wounded and being treated in this same hospital. People he vaguely knew, whose faces had been familiar, two of which he'd never see again, but the profit of that was Sean Grady, one of the most extreme PIRA members, now beginning what would surely be a lifetime of custody by Her Majesty's Government. He would have a wealth of good information, and his job would be to start extracting it.

'Where's the bloody bus?'

'Tim, I've talked to my superiors, and they're thinking about it.'

'What's to think about?' ONeil demanded.

'You know the answer to that, Tim. We're dealing with government bureaucrats, and they never take action without covering their own backsides first.'

'Paul, I have six hostages here and I can-'

'Yes, you can, but you really can't, can you? Timothy, if you do that, then the soldiers outside come storming in here, and that ends the situation, and you will be remembered forever as a killer of innocent people, a murderer. You want that, Tim? Do you really want that?' Bellow paused. 'What about your families? Hell, what about how your political movement is perceived? Killing these people is a hard thing to justify, isn't it? You're not Muslim extremists, are you? You're Christians, remember? Christians aren't supposed to do things like that. Anyway, that threat is useful as a threat, but it's not very useful as a tool. You can't do that, Tim. It would only result in your death and your political damnation. Oh, by the way, we have Sean Grady in custody,' Bellow added, with careful timing.

'What?' That, he saw, shook Timothy.

'He was captured trying to escape. He was shot in the process, but he'll survive. They're operating on him right now.'

It was like pricking a large balloon, the psychiatrist saw. He'd just let some air out of his antagonist. This was how it was done, a little at a time. Too fast and he might react violently, but wear them down bit by bit, and they were yours. Bellow had written a book on the subject. First establish physical control, which meant containment. Then establish information control. Then feed them information, bit by precious bit, in a manner as carefully orchestrated as a Broadway musical. Then you had them. 'You will release Sean to us. He goes on the bus with us!'

'Timothy, he's on an operating table right now, and he's going to be there for hours. If they even attempted to move him now, the results could be lethal-they could kill the man, Tim. So, much as you might want it, that's just not possible. It can't happen. I'm sorry about that, but nobody can change it.'

His leader was a prisoner now? Tim O'Neil thought. Sean was captured? Strangely that seemed worse than his own situation. Even if he were in prison, Sean might come up with a way of freeing him, but with Sean on the Isle of Wight… all was lost, wasn't it? But-

'How do I know you're telling the truth?'

'Tim, in a situation like this, I can't lie. I'd just screw up. It's too hard to be a good liar, and if you caught me in a lie, you'd never believe me again, and that would end my usefulness to my bosses and to you, too, wouldn't it?'

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