and whether that process was protected by the anonymity laws that protected the accounts themselves. Even that the Swiss were not paragons of integrity, were they? No, there would be an arrangement between the banks and the police. There had to be, even if the only purpose was to enable the Swiss police to lie effectively to other national police forces. But the second account was truly a shadow one. He'd set it up through an attorney who didn't have the ability to betray him, because they'd only met over the telephone. So, there was no path from the information Grady had to where he was now, and that was good. He'd have to think very carefully about ever accessing the 5.7 million dollars in the second account, but there might well be a way to do it. Through another attorney, perhaps, in Liechtenstein, where banking laws were even stricter than in Switzerland? He'd have to look into it. An American attorney could guide him in the necessary procedures, also under total anonymity.

You're safe, Dmitriy Arkadeyevich, Popov told himself. Safe and rich, but it was time to stop taking risks. He'd initiate no more field operations for John Brightling. Once he got into O'Hare, he'd catch the next flight to New York, get back to his apartment, report in to Brightling, and then look for an elegant escape route. Would Brightling let him go?

He'd have to, Popov told himself. He and Henriksen were the only men on the planet who could link the executive to mass murder. He might think about killing me, but Henriksen would warn him not to. Henriksen was also a professional, and he knew the rules of the game. Popov had kept a diary, which was in a safe place, the vault of a law firm in New York, with carefully written handling instructions. So, no, that was not a real danger, so long as his 'friends' knew the rules-and Popov would remind them, just in case.

Why go back to New York at all? Why not simply disappear? It was tempting… but, no. If nothing else, he had to tell Brightling and Henriksen to leave him alone from now on and explain why it was in their interest to do so. Besides, Brightling had an unusually good source in the American government and Popov could use that person's information as additional protection. You never had too much protection.

With all that decided, Popov finally allowed himself to relax. Another ninety minutes to Chicago. Below him was a vast world, with plenty of room to disappear in, and now lie had the money for it. It had all been worth it.

'Okay, what do we have?' John asked his senior executives.

'This name, Iosef Serov. It's not on our computer in London,' said Cyril Holt of the Security Service. 'What about CIA?'

Clark shook his head. 'We have two guys named Serov on the books. One's dead. The other one's in his late sixties and retired in Moscow. What about the description?'

'Well, it fits this chap.' Holt passed a photo across the table.

'I've seen this one before.'

'He's the chap who met with Ivan Kirilenko in London some weeks ago. That fits the rest of the puzzle, John. We believe he was involved in the leak of information on your organization, as you will recall. For him, then, to show up with Grady-well, it does fit, almost too well, as a matter of fact.'

'Any way to press this?'

'We can go to the RVS-both we and CIA have relatively good relations with Sergey Golovko, and perhaps they can assist us. I will lobby very hard for that,' Holt promised.

'What else?'

'These numbers,' Bill Tawney put in. 'One is probably a bank account identification number, and the other is probably the control-activation code number. We'll have their police look into it for us. That will tell us something, if the money hasn't been laundered, of course, and if the account is still active, which it ought to be.'

'The weapons,' the senior cop present told them, 'judging by the serial numbers, are of Soviet origin, from the factory in Kazan. They're fairly old, at least ten years, but none of them had ever been fired before today. On the drug issue, I forwarded the information to Dennis Maguire-he's chief of the Garda. It will be on the telly in the morning. They found and seized ten pounds of pure cocaine-by `pure' I mean medicinal quality, almost as though it had been purchased from a pharmaceutical house. The street value is enormous. Millions,' the chief superintendent told them. 'It was found in a semi abandoned farmhouse on the Irish West Coast.'

'We have identification on three of the six prisoners. One has not yet been able to talk to us because of his injuries. Oh, they were using cellular phones to communicate, like walkie-talkies. Your Noonan chap did very well indeed to close the phone cells down. God only knows how many lives that saved,' Holt told them.

At the far end of the table, Chavez nodded and shivered at the news. If they'd been able to coordinate their actions… Jesus. It would not have been a good day for the good guys. What they'd had was bad enough. There would be funerals. People would have to put on their Class-A uniforms and line up and fire off the guns… and then they'd have to replace the men who were gone. Not far away, Mike Chin was in a bed, a cast on one of his wounded legs because a bone was broken. Team-1 was out of business for at least a month, even as well as they'd fought back. Noonan had come through big-time, having killed three of them with his pistol, along with Franklin, who'd just about decapitated one with his big MacMillan.50, then used his monster rifle to kill the little brown truck and keep the five terrorists in it from getting away. Chavez was looking down at the conference table and shaking his head when his beeper went off. He lifted it and saw that it was his home number. He rose from his seat and called on the wall phone.

'Yeah, honey?'

'Ding, you want to come over here. It's started,' Patsy told him calmly. Ding's response was a sudden flip of his heart.

'On the way, baby.' Ding hung up. 'John, I gotta get home. Patsy says it's started.'

'Okay, Domingo.' Clark managed a smile, finally. 'Give her a kiss for me.'

'Roge-o, Mr. C.' And Chavez headed for the door.

'The timing on this thing is never good, is it?' Tawney observed.

'Well, at least something good is happening today.' John rubbed his eyes. He even accepted the idea of becoming a grandfather. It beat the hell out of losing people, a fact that had yet to hammer all the way into his consciousness. His people. Two of them, dead. Several Tore wounded. His people.

'Okay,' Clark went on. 'What about the information leak? People, we've been set up and hit. What are we going to do about it?'

'Hello, Ed, it's Carol,' the President's Science Advisor said.

'Hi, Dr. Brightling. What can I do for you?'

'What the hell happened in England today? Was it our people our Rainbow team, I mean?'

'Yes, Carol, it was.'

'How did they do? The TV wasn't very clear, and-

'Two dead, four or so wounded,' the DCI answered. T-' Nine terrorists dead, six captured, including their leader.'

'The radios we got to them, how'd they work?'

'Not sure. I haven't seen the after-action report yet, but I know the main thing they're going to want to know.'

'What's that, Ed?'

'Who spilled the beans. They knew John's name, his wife and daughter's names, identities, and place of work. They had good intel, and John isn't very happy about that.'

'The family members, are they okay?'

'Yeah, no civilians hurt, thank God. Hell, Carol, I know Sandy and Patricia. There's going to be some serious fallout over this one.'

'Anything I can do to help?'

'Not sure yet, but I won't forget you asked.'

'Yeah, well, I want to know if those radio gadgets worked. I told the guys at E-Systems to get them out pronto, 'cuz these guys are important. Gee, I hope they helped some.'

'I'll find out, Carol,' the DCI promised.

'Okay, you know where to reach me.'

'Okay, thanks for the call.'

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