
'And it's a version of the Ebola virus, they say, modified - 'engineered' is the term they used, as a matter of fact-by the addition of what appears to be cancer genes. They say that makes the little bastard more robust. Moreover, the virus strands were encased in some sort of mini-capsules to help it survive in the open. In other words, John, what your Russian friend told you-it looks like it's fully confirmed.'

'What did you do with Dmitriy?' Rainbow Six asked.

'A safe house out in Winchester,' the DCI replied. It was the usual place to quarter a foreign national the CIA wanted to protect. 'Oh, the FBI tells me that the Kansas State Police are looking for him on a murder charge. Supposedly he killed one Foster Hunnicutt from the state of Montana, or so he has been accused.'

'Why don't you have the Bureau tell Kansas that he didn't kill anybody. He was with me the whole time,' Clark suggested. They had to take care of this man, didn't they? John had already made the conceptual leap of forgetting that Popov had instigated an attack on his wife and daughter. Business, in this case, was business, and it wasn't the first time a KGB enemy had turned into a valuable friend.

'Okay, yes, I can do that.' It was a little white lie. Foley agreed, set against a big black truth. In his Langley, Virginia, office, Foley wondered why his hands weren't shaking. These lunatics had not only wanted to kill the whole world, but they'd also had the ability to do so. This was a new development the CIA would have to study in detail, a whole new type of threat, and investigating it would be neither easy nor fun.

'Okay, thanks, Ed.' Clark killed the phone and looked at the others in the room.We just confirmed the contents of the chlorine canister. They created a modified form of Ebola for distribution.'

'What?' Colonel Byron asked. Clark gave him a ten-minute explanation. 'You're serious, eh?' he asked finally.

'As a heart attack,' Clark replied. 'They hired Dmitriy Popov to interface with terrorists to set up incidents throughout Europe. That was to increase the fear of terrorism, to get Global Security the consulting contract for the Australians, and-'

'Bill Henriksen?' Colonel Byron asked. 'Hell, I know that guy!'

'Yeah? Well, his people were supposed to deliver the bug through the fogging-cooling system at the Olympic stadium in Sydney, Willie. Chavez was there in the control room when this Wil Gearing guy showed up with the container, and the contents were checked out by the USAMRIID guys at Fort Detrick. You know, the FBI could almost make a criminal case out of this. But not quite,' Clark added.

'So, you're heading down there to…'

'To talk to them, Willie,' Clark finished the statement for him. 'They have the aircraft scrubbed yet?'Byron checked his watch. 'Ought to.'

'Then it's time for us to get moving.'

'Okay. I have BDUs for all your people, John. Sure you don't need a little help?'

'No, Willie. I appreciate the offer, but we want to keep this one tight, don't we?'

'I suppose, John.' Byron stood. 'Follow me, guys. Those folks you're going to see in Brazil?'

'Yeah?' Clark said.

'Give them a special hello for JSOC, will ya?'

'Yes, sir,' John promised. 'We'll do that.'

The major aircraft sitting on the Pope Air Force Base ramp was an Air Force C-5B Galaxy transport, which the local ground crew had been working on for several hours. All official markings had been painted over, with HORIZON CORPORATION painted in the place of the USAF roundels. Even the tail number was gone. The clamshell cargo doors in the rear were being sealed now. Clark and Stanley got there first. The rest of the troops arrived by bus, carrying their personal gear, and they climbed into the passenger compartment aft of the wing box. From that point on, it was just a matter of having the flight crew dressed in civilian clothing-climb up to the flight deck and commence start-up procedures as though they were a commercial flight. A KC-10 tanker would meet up with them south of Jamaica to top off their fuel tanks.

'Okay, so that's what seems to have happened,' John Brightling told the people assembled in the auditorium. He saw disappointment on the faces of the other fifty-two people here, but some relief was evident as well. Well, even true believers had consciences, he imagined. Too bad.

'What do we do here, John?' Steve Berg asked. He'd been one of the senior scientists on the Project, developer of the 'A' and 'B' vaccines, who'd also helped to design Shiva. Berg was one of the best people Horizon Corporation had ever hired.

'We study the rain forest. We have destroyed everything of evidentiary value. The Shiva supply is gone. So are the vaccines. So are all the computer records of our laboratory notes, and so forth. The only records of the Project are what you people have in your heads. In other words, if anybody tries to make a criminal case against us, you just have to keep your mouths shut, and there will be no case. Bill?' John Brightling gestured to Henriksen, who walked to the podium.

'Okay, you know that I used to be in the FBI. I know how they make their criminal cases. Making one against us will not be easy under the best of circumstances. The FBI has to play by the rules, and they're strict rules. They must read you your rights, one of which is to have a lawyer present during questioning. All you have to say is, `Yes, I want my lawyer here.' If you say that, then they can't even ask you what the time is. Then you call us, and we get a lawyer to you, and the lawyer will tell you, right in front of the case agents, that you will not talk at all, and he'll tell the agents that you will not talk, and that if they try to make you talk then they've violated all sorts of statutes and Supreme Court decisions. That means that they can get into trouble, and anything you might say cannot be used anywhere. Those are your civil protections.

'Next,' Bill Henriksen went on, 'we will spend our time here looking at the rich ecosystem around us, and formulating a cover story. That will take us some time and-'

'Wait, if we can avoid answering their questions, then-'

'Why concoct a cover story? That's easy. Our lawyers will have to talk some with the United States attorneys. If we generate a plausible cover story, then we can make them go away. If the cops know they can't win, they won't fight. A good cover story will help with that. Okay, we can say that, yes, we were looking at the Ebola virus, because it's a nasty little fucker, and the world needs a cure. Then, maybe, some loony employee decided to kill the world-but we had nothing to do with that. Why are we here? We're here to do primary medical research into chemical compounds in the flora and fauna here in the tropical rain forest. That's legitimate, isn't it?' Heads nodded.

'Okay, we'll take our time to construct an ironclad cover story. Then we'll all memorize it. That way, when our lawyers let us talk to the FBI so that we can be cooperative, we give them only information which cannot hurt us, and will, in fact, help us evade the charges that they might hit us with. People, if we stand together and stick to our scripts, we can't lose. Please believe me on that. We can't lose if we use our heads. Okay?'

'And we can also work on Project 2,' Brightling said, resuming the podium. 'You are some of the smartest people in the world, and our commitment to our ultimate goal has not changed. We'll be here for a year or so. It's a chance for us to study nature, and learn things we need to learn. It will also be a year of working to find a new way to achieve that to which we have dedicated our lives,' lie went on, seeing nods. There were already alternate ideas he could investigate, probably. He was still the chairman of the world's foremost biotech company. He still had the best and brightest people in the world working for him. He and they still cared about saving the planet. They'd just have to find something else, and they had the resources and the time to do so.

'Okay,' Brightling told them, with a beaming smile. 'It's been a long day. Let's all bed down and get some rest. Tomorrow morning, I'm going out in the forest to see an ecosystem that we all want to learn about.'

The applause moved him. Yes, all of these people cared as much as he did, shared his dedication-and, who knew, maybe there was away for Project 2 to happen.

Bill Henriksen came up to John and Carol during the walk to their rooms. 'There is one other potential problem.'

'What's that?'

'What if they send a paramilitary team here?'

'You mean like the Army?' Carol Brightling asked.

'That's right.'

'We fight them,' John responded. 'We have guns here, don't we?'

And that they did. The Project Alternate armory had no fewer than a hundred German-made G-3 military

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