house and the grounds, and if one of them had a cell phone and someone inside did as well, all that unknown person outside had to do was dial his buds on the inside to tell them what was going down… The miracles of modern communication worked both ways. There were over five hundred cellular frequencies, and the gear to cover them all was not part of Rainbow's regular kit. No terrorist or criminal operation had yet used that technique, to the best of their knowledge, but they couldn't all be dumb and stay dumb, could they? Chavez looked over at the Schloss and thought again at they'd have to get the bad.guys outside for this t work properly. Problem with that, he didn't know w many bad guys he'd have to deal with, and he no way of finding out without spiking the building to gather additional information which was a dubious undertaking for all the other reasons he'd just considered.

'Tim, make a note for when we get back about dealing with cellular phones and radios outside the objective. Captain Altmark!'

'Yes, Major Chavez?'

'The lights, are they here yet?'

'Just arrived, ja, we have three sets.' Altmark pointed. Price and Chavez went over to look. They saw three trucks with attachments that looked for all the world like the lights one might see around a high-school football field. Meant to help fight a major fire, they could be erected and powered by the trucks that carried them. Chavez told Altmark where he wanted them and returned to the team's assembly point.

The thermal viewers relied on difference in temperature to make an image. The evening was cooling down rapidly, and with it the stone walls of the house. Already the windows were glowing more brightly than the walls, because the house was heated, and the old-style full-length windows in the building's many doors were poorly insulated, despite the large drapes that hung just inside each one. Dieter Weber made the first spot..

'Lead, Rifle Two-Two, I have a thermal target first floor, fourth window from the west, looking around the curtains at the outside:'

'Okay! That one's in the kitchen…' It was the voice of Hank Patterson, who was hovering over the blueprints. 'That's number one! Can you tell me anything else, Dieter?'

'Negative, just a shape,' the German sniper replied. 'No, wait… tall, probably a man.'

'This is Pierce, I have one, first floor, east side, second window from east wall.'

'Captain Altmark? Could you call Ostermann's office, please? We want to know if he's there.' Because if he were, there would be one or two bad guys in with him.

'Ostermann office,' a woman's voice answered.

'This is Captain Altmark. Who is this?'

'This is Commander Gertrude of the Red Workers' Faction.'

'Excuse me, I was expecting to speak to Commander Wolfgang.'

'Wait,' Petra's voice told him.

'Hier ist Wolfgang. '

'Hier ist Altmark. We have not heard from you in a long time.'

'What news do you have for us?'

'No news, but we do have a request, Herr Commander.'

'Yes, what is it?'

'As a sign of good faith,' Altmark said, with Dr. Bellow listening in, a translator next to him. 'We request that you release two of your. hostages, from the domestic staff perhaps.'

'Wofur? So they can help you identify us?'

'Lead, Lincoln here, I have a target, northwest corner window, tall, probably male.'

'That's three plus two,' Chavez observed, as Patterson placed a yellow circle sticker on that part of the prints.

The woman who'd answered the phone had remained on the line as well. 'You have three hours until we send you a hostage, tot, ' she emphasized. 'You have any further requests? We require a pilot for Herr Ostermann's helicopter before midnight, and an airliner writing at the airport. Otherwise, we will kill a hostage to show at we are quite serious, and then thereafter, at regular intervals. Do you understand?'

'Please, we respect your seriousness here,' Altmark assured her. 'We are looking for the flight crew now; and we have discussions underway with Austrian Airlines for the aircraft. These things take time, you know.'.

'You always say that, people like you. We have told you what we require. If you do not meet those requirements, then their blood is on your hands. Ende, ' the voice said, and the line went dead.

Captain Altmark was both-surprised and discomforted by the cold decisiveness on the other end of the phone and by the abrupt termination of the call. He looked up at Paul Bellow as he replaced the receiver. 'Herr Doktor?'

'The woman is the dangerous one. They're both smart. They've definitely thought this one through, and they will kill a hostage to make their point, sure as hell.'

'Man-and-woman team,' Price was saying over the phone. 'German, ages… late thirties, early forties as a guess. Maybe older. Bloody serious,' he added for Bill Tawney.

'Thanks, Eddie, stand by,' came the reply. Price could hear the fingers tapping on the keyboard.

'Okay, lad, I have three possible teams for you. Uploading them now.'

'Thank you, sir.' Price opened his laptop again. 'Ding?'


'Intelligence coming in.'

'We have at least five terrs in there, boss,' Patterson said, moving his finger around the prints. 'Too quick for them to move around. Here, here, here,. and two upstairs here. The placement makes sense. They probably have portable radios, too. The house is too big for them to communicate by shouting around at each other.'

Noonan heard.that and went off to his radio-intercept equipment. If their friends were using hand-held radios, then their frequency range was well known, determined by international treaty in fact, probably not the military sets the team used, and probably not encrypted. In seconds he had his computerized scanner set up and working off multiple antennas, which would allow him to triangulate on sources inside the house. These were coupled into his laptop computer, already -overlaid with a diagram of the Schloss. Three spear-carriers was about right, Noonan thought. Two was too few. Three was close to the right number, though the truck in front of the building could have easily held more. Two plus three, two plus four, two plus five? But they'd all be planning to leave, and the helicopter wasn't all that big. That made the total terrorist count at five to seven: A guess, and they couldn't go with a guess-well, they'd prefer not to-but it was a starting place. So many guesses. What if they were not using portable radios? What if they used cell phones? What if a lot of things, Noonan thought. You had to start some where, gather all the information you could, and then act on it. The problem with people like this was that they always decided the pace of the event: For all their stupidity and their criminal intent, which Noonan regarded as a weakness, they did control the pace, they decided when things happened. The team could alter it a little by cajolery - that was Dr. Bellow's part but when you got down to it, well, the bad guys were the only ones willing to do murder, and that was a card that made a noise when it came down on the table. There were ten hostages inside, Ostermann, his three business assistants, and six people who looked after the house and grounds. Every one of them had a life and a family and the expectation to keep both. Team-2's job was to make sure that happened. But the bad guys still controlled too much, and this special agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation didn't like that very much. Not for the first time, he wish he was one of the shooters, able, in due course, to go in execute the takedown. But, good as he was, at weapons the physical side, he was better trained on the technical aspects of the mission. That was his area of personal expertise, and he served the mission best by sticking with his instruments. He didn't, however, have to like it.

'So, what's the score, Ding?'

'Not all that good, Mr. C.' Chavez turned to survey the building again. 'Very difficult. to approach the building because of the open ground, therefore difficult to spike and get tactical intelligence. We have two primary and probably three secondary subjects who seem professional and serious. I'm thinking in terms of letting them out to go to the helicopter and taking them down then. Snipers in place. But with the number of subjects, this might not be real pretty, John.'

Clark looked at the display in his command center. He had continuous comm links with Team-2, including their computer displays. As before, Peter Covington was beside him to kibitz. 'Might as well be a moated bloody castle,' the British officer had observed earlier. He'd also noted the need for helicopter pilots as a permanent part of the team.

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