success, wasn't it? And with that she looked down at a fax from Friends of the Earth, who had her direct number and frequently sent her what they thought was important information.

She leaned back in her comfortable high-backed chair to read it over twice. A good bunch of people with the right ideas, though few listened to them.

'Dr. Brightling?' Her secretary stuck his head in the door.

'Yes, Roy?'.

'You still want me to show you those faxes-like the one you're reading, I mean?' Roy Gibbons asked.

'Oh, yes-,,

'But those people are card-carrying nuts.'

'Not really. I like some of the things they do,' Carol replied, tossing the fax in her trash can. She'd save their idea for some future date.

'Fair enough, doc.' The head disappeared back into the outer office. The next thing in her pile was pretty important, a report of procedures for shutting down nuclear power reactors, and the subsequent safety of the shut-down reactor systems: how long before environmental factors might attack and corrode the internal items, and what environmental damage could result from it. Yes, this was very important stuff, and fortunately the index appended to it showed data on individual reactors across the country. She popped another starlight mint into her mouth and leaned forward, setting the papers flat on the desktop so that she could stare straight down at them for reading purposes.

'This seems to work,' Steve said quietly.

'How many strands fit inside?' Maggie asked.

'Anywhere from three to ten.'

'And how large is the overall package?'

'Six microns. Would you believe it? The packaging is white in color, so it reflects light pretty well, especially UV radiation, and in a water-spray environment, it's just about invisible.' The individual capsules couldn't be seen with the naked eye, and only barely with an optical microscope. Better still, their weight was such that they'd float in air about the same as dust particles, as readily breathable as secondhand smoke in a singles bar. Once in the body, the coating would dissolve, and allow release of the Shiva strands into the lungs or the upper GI, where they could go to work.

'Water soluble?' Maggie asked.

'Slowly, but faster if there's anything biologically active in the water, like the trace hydrochloric acid in saliva, for example. Wow, we could have really made money from the Iraqis with this one, kiddo - or anybody, who wants to play bio-war in the real world.'

Their company had invented the technology, working on an NIH grant designed to develop an easier way than needles to deliver vaccines. Needles required semiskilled use. The new technique used electrophoresis to wrap insignificantly tiny quantities of protective gel around even smaller amounts of airborne bioactive agents. That would allow people to ingest vaccines with a simple drink rather than the more commonly used method of inoculation. If they ever fielded a working AIDS vaccine, this would be the method of choice for administering it in Africa where countries lacked the infrastructure to do much of anything. Steve had just proven that the same technology could be used to deliver active virus with the same degree of safety and reliability. Or almost proven it.

'How do we proof-test it?' Maggie asked.

'Monkeys. How we fixed for monkeys in the lab?'

'Lots,' she assured him. This would be an important step. They'd give it to a few monkeys; then see how well it spread through the laboratory population. They'd use rhesus monkeys. Their blood was so similar to humans.'

Subject Four was the first, as expected. He was fifty-three years old and his liver function was so far off the scale as to qualify him for a high place on the transplant list at the University of Pittsburgh. His skin had a yellowish cast in the best of circumstances, but that didn't stop him from hitting the booze harder than any of their test subjects. His name, he said, was Chester something, Dr. John Killgore remembered. Chester's brain function was about the lowest in the group as well. He watched TV- a lot, rarely talked to anyone, never even read comic books, which were popular with the rest, as were TV.cartoons-watching the Cartoon Channel was among their most popular pastimes.

They were all in hog heaven, John Killgore had noted. All the booze and fast food and warmth that they could want, and most of them were even learning to use the showers. From time to time, a few would ask what the deal was here, but their inquiries were never pressed beyond the pro-forma answer they got from the doctors and security guards.

But with Chester; they had to take action now. Killgore entered the room and called his name. Subject Four rose from his bunk and came over; clearly feeling miserable.

'Not feeling good, Chester?' Killgore asked from behind his mask.

'Stomach, can't keep stuff down, feel crummy all over,' Four replied.

'Well, come along with me and we'll see what wa can do about that, okay?',.

'You say so, doc,' Chester replied, augmenting= the agreement with a loud belch.

Outside the door, they put him in a wheelchair. It was only fifty yards to the clinical side of the installation. Two orderlies lifted Number Four into a bed, and restrained him into it with- Velcro ties. Then one of them took a blood sample. Ten minutes later, Killgore tested it' for Shiva antibodies, and the sample turned blue, as expected. Chester, Subject Number Four, had less than a week to live not as much as the six to twelve months to which his alcoholism had already limited him, but not really all that much of a reduction, was it? Killgore went back inside to start an IV into his arm, and to calm Chester down; he hung a morphine drip that soon had him unconscious and even smiling slightly. Good. Number Four would soon die, but he would do so in relative peace. Mare than anything else, Dr. Killgore wanted to keep the process orderly.

He checked his watch when he got back to his office/ viewing room. His hours were long ones. It was almost like being a real physician again. He hadn't practiced clinical medicine since his residency, but he read all the right journals and knew the techniques, and besides, his current crop of patient/victims wouldn't know the difference anyway. Tough luck, Chester, but,it's a tough world out there, Steve Nought, going back to his notes. Chester's early response to the virus had been a little unsettling-only half the time programmed-but it had been brought about by his grossly reduced liver function. It couldn't, be helped. Some people would get hit sooner than others because of differing physical vulnerabilities, So the outbreak would start unevenly. It shouldn't matter in the eventual effects, though it would alert people sooner than he hoped it would. That would cause a run on the vaccines Steve Berg and his shop were developing. 'A' would be widely distributed after the rush to manufacture it. 'B' would be more closely held, assuming that he and his team could indeed get it ready for use. 'A' would go out to everybody, while 'B' would go only to those people who were supposed to survive, people who understood what it was all about, or who would accept their survival and get on with things with the rest of the crew.

Killgore shook his head. There was a lot of stuff left to be done, and as usual, not enough time to do it.

Clark and Stanley went over the takedown immediately upon their arrival in the morning, along with Peter Covington, still sweaty from his morning workout with Team-1. Chavez and his people would just be waking up after their long day on the European mainland.

'It was a bloody awful tactical situation. And Chavez is right,' Major Covington went on. 'We need our own helicopter crews. Yesterday's mission cried out for that, but we didn't have what we needed: That's why he had to execute a poor plan and depend on luck to. accomplish it.'

–'He could have asked their army for help;' Stanley pointed out.

'Sir, we both know that one doesn't commit to an important tactical move with a helicopter crew one doesn't know and with -whom one has not worked,' Covington observed, in his best Sandhurst grammar. 'We neat to look at this issue immediately.'

'True,' Stanley agreed, looking over at Clark.

'Not part of the TO and E, but I see the point,' Rainbow Six conceded. How the hell had they overlooked this requirement? He asked himself. 'Okay, first let's figure all the chopper types we're likely to see, and then find out if we can get some drivers who're current in most of them.'

'Ideally, I'd love to have a Night Stalker-but we'd have to take it with us everywhere we -go, and that means-what? A C5 or a C-17 transport aircraft assigned to us at all times?' Stanley observed.

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