“It’s the stuff of nightmares-wait a minute, your parents, right?”

“My father-Belzec in his case, and he lucked out and survived.”

“Does he talk about it?”

“Never. Not a single word, even to his rabbi. Maybe a pshrink. He went to one for a few years, but I never knew what for.”

“I can’t let anything like that happen again. To stop that-yeah, to stop that,” Ryan speculated aloud, “yeah, I might drop a B-83.”

“You know the lingo?”

“A little. I got briefed in a long time ago, the names for the hardware stuck in my mind. Funny thing, I’ve never had nightmares about that. Well, I’ve never read into the SIOP-Single Integrated Operation Plan, the cookbook for ending the world. I think I’d eat a gun before I did that.”

“A whole lot of presidents had to think those things over,” Adler pointed out.

“Before my time, Scott, and they never expected them to happen anyway. They all figured they’d smart their way through it. ’Til Bob Fowler came along and damned near stumbled into calling in the codes. That was some wild Sunday night,” Ryan said, remembering.

“Yeah, I know the story. You kept your head screwed on straight. Not many others did.”

“Yeah. And look where it got me,” POTUS observed with a grim chuckle. He looked out a window. They were over land now, probably Labrador, lots of green and lakes, and few straight lines to show the hand of man on the land. “What do we do, Scott?”

“We try to warn them off. They’ll do things we can see with satellites, and then we can call them on it. Our last play will be to tell them that Russia is an American ally now, and messing with Ivan means messing with Uncle Sam. If that doesn’t stop them, nothing else will.”

“Offer some danegeld to buy them off?” the President wondered.

“A waste of time. I don’t think it would work, but I’d be for-damned sure they’d see it as a sign of weakness and be encouraged by it. No, they respect strength, and we have to show them that. Then they’ll react one way or another.”

“They’re going to go,” Jack thought.

“Coin toss. Hope it comes up tails, buddy.”

“Yeah.” Ryan checked his watch. “Early morning in Beijing.”

“They’ll be waking up and heading in for work,” Adler agreed. “What exactly can you tell me about this SORGE source?”

“Mary Pat hasn’t told me much, probably best that way. One of the things I learned at Langley. You can know too much sometimes. Better not to know their faces, and especially their names.”

“In case something bad happens?”

“When it does, it’s pretty bad. Don’t want to think what these people would do. Their version of the Miranda warning is, ‘You can scream all you want. We don’t mind.’ ”

“Funny,” SecState thought.

“Actually it’s not all that effective as an interrogation technique. They end up telling you exactly what you want to hear, and you end up dictating it to them instead of getting what they really know.”

“What about the appeals process?” Scott asked, with a yawn. Finally, belatedly, he was getting sleepy.

“In China? That’s when the shooter asks if you prefer the left ear or the right ear.” Ryan stopped himself. Why was he making bad jokes on this subject?

The busy place in the Washington, D.C., area was the National Reconnaissance Office. A joint venture of CIA and the Pentagon, NRO ran the reconsats, the big camera birds circling the earth at low- medium altitude, looking down with their hugely expensive cameras that rivaled the precision and expense of the Hubble space telescope. There were three photo-birds up, circling the earth every two hours or so, and passing over the same spot twice a day each. There was also a radar-reconnaissance satellite that had much poorer resolution than the Lockheed-and TRW-MADE KH-11s, but which could see through clouds. This was important at the moment, because a cold front was tracing across the Chinese-Siberian border, and the clouds at its forward edge blanked out all visual light, much to the frustration of the NRO technicians and scientists whose multibillion-dollar satellites were useful only for weather forecasting at the moment. Cloudy with scattered showers, and chilly, temperature in the middle forties, dropping to just below freezing at night.

The intelligence analysts, therefore, closely examined the “take” from the Lacrosse radar-intelligence bird because that was the only game in town at the moment.

“The clouds go all the way down to six thousand feet or so. Even a Blackbird wouldn’t be much use at the moment,” one of the photo-interpreters observed. “Okay, what do we have here …? Looks like a higher level of railroad activity, looks like flatcars mostly. Something on them, but too much clutter to pick out the shapes.”

“What do they move on flatcars?” a naval officer asked.

“Tracked vehicles,” an Army major answered, “and heavy guns.”

“Can we confirm that supposition from this data?” the Navy guy asked.

“No,” the civilian answered. “But … there, that’s the yard. We see six long trains sitting still in the yard. Okay, where’s the …” He accessed his desktop computer and called up some visual imagery. “Here we go. See these ramps? They’re designed to offload rolling equipment from the trains.” He turned back to the Lacrosse “take.” “Yeah, these here look like tank shapes coming off the ramps, and forming up right here in the assembly areas, and that’s the shape of an armored regiment. That’s three hundred twenty-two main battle tanks, and about a buck and a quarter of APCs, and so … yeah, I’d estimate that this is a full armored division detraining. Here’s the truck park … and this grouping here, I’m not sure. Looks bulky … square or rectangular shapes. Hmm,” the analyst concluded. He turned back to his own desktop and queried some file images. “You know what this looks like?”

“You going to tell us?”

“Looks like a five-ton truck with a section of ribbon bridge on it. The Chinese copied the Russian bridge design-hell, everybody did. It’s a beautiful little design Ivan cobbled together. Anyway, on radar, it looks like this and”-he turned back to the recent satellite take-“that’s pretty much what these look like, isn’t it? I’ll call that eighty percent likelihood. So, this group here I’ll call two engineer regiments accompanying this tank division.”

“Is that a lot of engineers to back up a single division?” the naval officer asked.

“Sure as hell,” the Army major confirmed.

“I’d say so,” the photo-interpreter agreed. “The normal TO and E is one battalion per division. So, this is a corps or army vanguard forming up, and I’d have to say they plan to cross some rivers, guys.”

“Go on,” the senior civilian told him.

“They’re postured to head north.”

“Okay,” the Army officer said. “Have you ever seen this before?”

“Two years ago, they were running an exercise, but that was one engineer regiment, not two, and they left this yard and headed southeast. That one was a pretty big deal. We got a lot of visual overheads. They were simulating an invasion or at least a major assault. That one used a full Group A army, with an armored division and two mechanized divisions as the assault force, and the other mech division simulating a dispersed defense force. The attacking team won that one.”

“How different from the way the Russians are deployed on their border?” This was the Navy intelligence officer.

“Thicker-I mean, for the exercise the Chinese defenders were thicker on the ground than the Russians are today.”

“And the attacking force won?”


“How realistic was the exercise?” the major asked.

“It wasn’t Fort Irwin, but it was as honest as they can run one, and probably accurate. The attackers had the usual advantages in numbers and initiative. They punched through and started maneuvering in the defender’s trains area, had themselves a good old time.”

The naval officer looked at his colleague in green. “Just what they’d be thinking if they wanted to head north.”


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