another minute she was gone from sight. Only the lingering rumble of her diesel came across the oily water of the navy yard.

Marko blew his nose once and blinked a half-dozen times. When he turned away from the water, his voice was firm.

'So, Ryan, they fly you home from England for this?'

'No, I came back a few weeks ago. New job.'

'Can you say what job is?' Marko asked.

'Arms control. They want me to coordinate the intelligence side for the negotiations team. We have to fly over in January.'


'Yes, it's a preliminary session-setting the agenda and doing some technical stuff, that sort of thing. How about you?'

'I work at AUTEC in Bahamas. Much sun and sand. You see my tan?' Ramius grinned. 'I come to Washington every two-three months. I fly back in five hours. We work on new quieting project.' Another smile. 'Is classified.'

'Great! I want you to come over to my house then. I still owe you a dinner.' Jack handed over a card. 'Here's my number. Call me a few days before you fly in, and I'll set things up with the Agency.' Ramius and his officers were under a very strict protection regime from CIA security officers. The really amazing thing, Jack thought, was that the story hadn't leaked. None of the news media had gotten word, and if security really was that tight, probably the Russians also didn't know the fate of their missile submarine Krazny Oktyabr. She'd be turning east about now, Jack thought, to pass over the Hampton Roads tunnel. Roughly an hour after that she'd dive and head southeast. He shook his head.

Ryan's sadness at the submarine's fate was tempered by the thought of what she'd been built for. He remembered his own reaction, in the sub's missile room a year before, the first time he'd been so close to the ghastly things. Jack accepted the fact that nuclear weapons kept the peace-if you could really call the world's condition peace-but like most of the people who thought about the subject, he wished for a better way. Well, this was one less submarine, twenty-six less missiles, and one hundred eighty-two less warheads. Statistically, Ryan told himself, it didn't count for much.

But it was something.

Ten thousand miles away and eight thousand feet above sea level the problem was unseasonable weather. The place was in the Tadzhik Soviet Socialist Republic, and the wind came from the south, still bearing moisture from the Indian Ocean that fell as miserably cold drizzle. Soon it would be the real winter that always came early here, usually on the heels of the blazing, airless summer, and all that fell would be cold and white.

The workers were mostly young, eager members of the Komsomol. They had been brought in to help finish a construction project that had been begun in 1983. One of them, a masters candidate at Moscow State University's school of physics, rubbed the rain from his eyes and straightened to ease a crick in his back. This was no way to utilize a promising young engineer, Morozov thought. Instead of playing with this surveyor's instrument, he could be building lasers in his laboratory, but he wanted full membership in the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, and wanted even more to avoid military service. The combination of his school deferment and his Komsomol work had helped mightily to this end.

'Well?' Morozov turned to see one of the site engineers. A civil engineer, he was, who described himself as a man who knew concrete.

'I read the position as correct, Comrade Engineer.'

The older man stooped down to look through the sighting scope. 'I agree,' the man said. 'And that's the last one, the gods be praised.' Both men jumped with the sound of a distant explosion. Engineers from the Red Army obliterating yet another rocky outcropping outside of the fenced perimeter. You didn't need to be a soldier to understand what that was all about, Morozov thought to himself.

'You have a fine touch with optical instruments. Perhaps you will become a civil engineer, too, eh? Build useful things for the State?'

'No, Comrade. I study high-energy physics-mainly lasers.' These, too, are useful things.

The man grunted and shook his head. 'Then you might come back here, God help you.'

'Is this-'

'You didn't hear anything from me,' the engineer said, just a touch of firmness in his voice. 'I understand,' Morozov replied quietly. 'I suspected as much.'

'I would be careful voicing that suspicion,' the other said conversationally as he turned to look at something.

'This must be a fine place to watch the stars,' Morozov observed, hoping for the right response.

'I wouldn't know,' the civil engineer replied with an insider's smile. 'I've never met an astronomer.'

Morozov smiled to himself. He'd guessed right after all. They had just plotted the position of the six points on which mirrors would be set. These were equidistant from a central point located in a building guarded by men with rifles. Such precision, he knew, had only two applications. One was astronomy, which collected light coming down. The other application involved light going up. The young engineer told himself that here was where he wanted to come. This place would change the world.


The Reception of the Party

BUSINESS was being conducted. All kinds of business. Everyone there knew it. Everyone there was part of it. Everyone there needed it. And yet everyone there was in one way or another dedicated to stopping it. For every person there in the St. George Hall of the Great Kremlin Palace, the dualism was a normal part of life.

The participants were mainly Russian and American, and were divided into four groups.

First, the diplomats and politicians. One could discern these easily enough from their better-than-average clothing and erect posture, the ready, robotic smiles, and careful diction that endured even after the many alcoholic toasts. They were the masters, knew it, and their demeanor proclaimed it.

Second, the soldiers. One could not have arms negotiations without the men who controlled the arms, maintained them, tested them, pampered them, all the while telling themselves that the politicians who controlled the men would never give the order to launch. The soldiers in their uniforms stood mainly in little knots of homogeneous nationality and service branch, each clutching a half-full glass and napkin while blank, emotionless eyes swept the room as though searching for a threat on an unfamiliar battlefield. For that was precisely what it was to them, a bloodless battlefield that would define the real ones if their political masters ever lost control, lost temper, lost perspective, lost whatever it is in man that tries to avoid the profligate waste of young life. To a man the soldiers trusted none but one another, and in some cases trusted their enemies in different-colored uniforms more than their own soft-clothed masters. At least you knew where another soldier stood. You couldn't always say the same of politicians, even your own. They talked with one another quietly, always watching to see who listened, stopping occasionally for a quick gulp from the glass, accompanied by another look about the room. They were the victims, but also the predators-the dogs, perhaps, kept on leashes by those who deemed themselves the masters of events. The soldiers had trouble believing that, too. Third, the reporters. These could also be picked out by their clothing, which was always wrinkled by too many packings and unpackings in airline suitcases too small for all they carried. They lacked the polish of the politicians, and the fixed smiles, substituting for it the inquisitive looks of children, mixed with the cynicism of the dissolute. Mainly the held their glasses in their left hands, sometimes with a smal pad instead of the paper napkin, while a pen was half-hiddei in the right. They circulated like birds of prey. One would find someone who would talk. Others would notice and come over to drink in the information. The casual observer could tell how interesting the information was by how quickly the reporters moved off to another source. In this sense the American and other Western reporters were different from their Soviet counterparts, who for the most part hung close to their masters like favored earls of another time, both to show their loyalty to the Party and to act as buffers against their colleagues from elsewhere. But together, they were the audience in this performance

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