— that somebody just moved

— that somebody just slipped the door lock.

She took half a step to her right and rubbed the back of her gloved hand across her forehead. She wasn't pretending to wipe sweat away.

Misha saw the signal and stopped cold, a curious look on his face that began to change to amusement until he heard the door wrenched open. He knew in an instant that the man who emerged was not his neighbor.

'You are under arrest!' Vatutin shouted, then saw that the American woman and the Russian man were standing a meter apart, and both had their hands at their sides. It was just as well that the 'Two' officers behind him couldn't see the look on his face.

'Excuse me?' the woman said in excellent Russian.

'What.'' Filitov thundered with the rage only possible to a hung-over professional soldier.

'You'-he pointed to Mrs. Foley-'up against the wall.'

'I'm an American citizen, and you can't-'

'You're an American spy,' a captain said, pushing her against the wall.

'What?' Her voice contained panic and alarm, not the least amount of professionalism here, the Captain thought, but then his mind nearly choked on the observation. 'What are you talking about? What is this? Who are you?' Next she started screaming: 'Police-somebody call the police. I'm being attacked! Somebody help me, please!'

Vatutin ignored her. He had already grabbed Filitov's hand, and as another officer pushed the Colonel against the wall, he took a film cassette. For a flicker of time that seemed to stretch into hours, he'd been struck with the horrible thought that he'd blown it, that she really wasn't CIA. With the film in his hand, he swallowed and looked into Filitov's eyes.. 'You are under arrest for treason, Comrade Colonel.' His voice hissed out the end of the statement. 'Take him away.' He turned to look at the woman. Her eyes were wide with fear and outrage. Four people now had their heads out of doors, staring into the hall.

'I am Colonel Vatutin of the Committee for State Security. We have just made an arrest. Close your doors and go about your business.' He noted that compliance with his order took under five seconds. Russia was still Russia.

'Good morning, Mrs. Foley,' he said next. He saw her struggle to gain control of herself. 'Who are you-and what is this all about?'

'The Soviet Union does not look kindly upon its guests stealing State secrets. Surely they told you that in Washington-excuse me, Langley.'

Her voice trembled as she spoke. 'My husband is an accredited member of the U.S. diplomatic mission to your country. I wish to be put in contact with my embassy at once. I don't know what you're jabbering about, but I do know that if you make the pregnant wife of a diplomat lose her baby, you'll have a diplomatic incident big enough to make the TV news! I didn't talk to that man. I didn't touch him, and he didn't touch me-and you know it, mister. What they warned me about in Washington is that you clowns love to embarrass Americans with your damned-fool little spy games.'

Vatutin took all of the speech impassively, though the word 'pregnant' did get his attention. He knew from the reports of the maid who cleaned their apartment twice a week that Foleyeva had been testing herself. And if-there would be a larger incident over this than he wanted. Again the political dragon raised its head. Chairman Gerasimov would have to rule on this.

'My husband is waiting for me.'

'We'll tell him that you are being detained. You will be asked to answer some questions. You will not be mistreated.'

Mary Pat already knew that. Her horror at what had just happened was muted by her pride. She'd performed beautifully and knew it. As part of the diplomatic community, she was fundamentally safe. They might hold on to her for a day, even two, but any serious mistreatment would result in having a half-dozen Russians shipped home from Washington. Besides, she wasn't really pregnant.

All that was beside the point. She didn't shed any tears, showed no emotion other than what was expected, what she'd been briefed and trained to show. What mattered was that her most important agent was blown, and with him, information of the highest importance. She wanted to cry, needed to cry, but she wouldn't give the fuckers the satisfaction. The crying would come on the plane ride home.


Damage Assessment

'IT says a lot about the man that the first thing he did was to get to the embassy and send the telex,' Ritter said at last. 'The Ambassador delivered his protest note to their Foreign Ministry before they went public on the arrest 'for conduct incompatible with diplomatic status.' '

'Some consolation,' Greer noted gloomily.

'We ought to have her back in a day or less,' Ritter went on. 'They're already PNG'd, and they're going on the next Pan Am flight out.'

Ryan squirmed in his chair. What about CARDINAL? he wondered. Jesus, they tell me about this superagent, and a week later? They sure as hell don't have a Supreme Court over there that makes it hard to execute people.

'Any chance we can do a trade for him?' Jack asked.

'You are kidding, boy.' Ritter rose and walked to the window. At three in the morning, the CIA parking lot was nearly empty, only a loose handful of cars sitting among the piles of plowed snow. 'We don't even have anybody big enough to trade for a mitigation of sentence. No way in hell they'll let him out, even for a chief of station, which we don't have.'

'So he's dead and the data is lost with him.'

'That's what the man's saying,' Judge Moore agreed.

'Help from the allies?' Ryan asked. 'Sir Basil might have something hopping that can help us.'

'Ryan, there is nothing we can do to save the man.' Ritter turned to take out his anger on the nearest target of opportunity. 'He's dead-sure, he's still breathing, but he's dead all the same. A month, or two, or three from now, the announcement will be made, and we'll confirm it through other assets, and then we'll pry open a bottle and have a few to his memory.'

'What about Dallas?' Greer asked. 'Huh?' Ryan turned.

'You don't need to know about that,' Ritter said, now grateful to have a target. 'Give her back to the Navy.'

'Okay.' Greer nodded. 'This is likely to have some serious consequences.' That earned the Admiral a baleful look from Judge Moore. He now had to go to the President. 'What about it, Ryan?'

'On the arms-control talks?' Jack shrugged. 'Depends on how they handle it. They have a wide range of options, and anybody who tells you he can predict which one they'll choose is a liar.'

'Nothing like an expert opinion,' Ritter observed. 'Sir Basil thinks Gerasimov wants to make a move on the top spot. He could conceivably use this toward that end,' Ryan said coolly, 'but I think Narmonov has too much political clout now that he has that fourth man on the Politburo. He can, therefore, choose to go forward toward the agreement and show the Party how strong he is by moving forward for peace, or if he senses more political vulnerability than I see in the picture, he can consolidate his hold on the Party by trashing us as the incorrigible enemies of Socialism. If there's a way to put a probability assessment on that choice that's anything more than a wild-ass guess, I haven't seen it yet.'

'Get to work on it,' Judge Moore ordered. 'The President'll want something hard enough to grab hold of before Ernie Alien starts talking about putting SDI on the table again.'

'Yes, sir.' Jack stood. 'Judge, do we expect the Sovs to go public on CARDINAL'S arrest?'

'There's a question,' Ritter said.

Ryan headed for the door and stopped again. 'Wait a minute.'

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