'No, sir.'

'Okay, just remember that if anything comes up, I'll be in the wardroom.' One of Wegener's standing orders read: No watch officer will ever be reprimanded for calling the captain to the bridge. Even if you only want to check the correct time: CALL ME! It was a common hyperbole. You had to say such things, lest your junior officers be so afraid to bother the skipper that they rammed a tanker by way of protecting his sleep - and ending his career. The mark of a good officer, Wegener repeatedly told his youngsters, was willingness to admit he had something yet to learn.

O'Neil nodded. Both men knew that there was nothing to worry about. It was just that the kid had never learned first-hand that a ship handles a little differently with sea and wind on the beam. Besides, Chief Owens was standing by. Wegener walked aft, and the boatswain's mate of the watch announced, 'Captain off the bridge.'

In the crew's mess the enlisted men were settling down to watch a movie. It was a new tape, with a 'Hard R' notation on the plastic box. Riley had seen to that. Lots of TA to keep their attention. The same movie was available to the wardroom TV; young officers had the same hormonal drives, but they wouldn't be exercised tonight.

The onrushing storm would serve to keep people off the weather decks, and the noise wouldn't hurt either. Wegener smiled to himself as he pulled open the door to the wardroom. He couldn't have planned it any better.

'Are we ready?' the captain asked.

The initial enthusiasm for the plan was gone. The reality of things had sunk in a little. That was to be expected, Wegener thought. The youngsters were sober, but they weren't backing away either. They needed someone to say something, and they got it.

'Ready here, sir,' Oreza said from his seat at the far end of the table. The officers all nodded agreement. Red walked to his seat in the center of the mess table. He looked at Riley.

'Bring 'em up here.'

'Aye aye, sir.'

The bosun left the room and proceeded down to the brig. On opening the door again, he caught the acrid stink that made him think at first that there was a fire in the rope locker - but an instant later the truth sprang on him.

'Shit,' he growled disgustedly. On my ship ! 'Stand up, Gomer!' his voice boomed, adding, 'Both of ya'!'

The one on the lower bunk flipped his butt into the toilet and stood slowly, an arrogant smile on his face. Riley answered it, and produced a key. That changed Pablo's smile, but didn't erase it.

'We're taking a little walk, children.' The bosun also produced a pair of handcuffs. He figured that he could handle both of them easily enough, especially stoned, but the skipper had been clear on his instructions. Riley reached through the bars to yank one toward him. On a rough order to turn around, the man complied, and allowed himself to be cuffed. So did the other. The lack of resistance surprised the master chief. Next Riley unlocked the brig door and waved them out. As 'Pablo' passed, Riley removed the pack from his pocket and for want of something better, tossed it back on the lower bunk.

'Come on.' Riley grabbed each by the arm and led them forward. They walked unevenly - the increased rolling of the ship didn't help, but there was more to it than that. It took three or four minutes to reach the wardroom.

'The prisoners will be seated,' Wegener announced when they arrived. 'The court is called to order.'

Both of them stopped cold on hearing that, which told everybody something. Riley steered them to their seats at the defense table after a moment. It is hard for a person to endure the stares of his fellowman in silence, particularly when one knows that something is going on, but not quite what it is. The big one broke the silence after a minute or so.

'What's happening?'

'Sir,' Wegener replied evenly, 'we are holding a summary court-martial.' That only earned him a curious look, and he went on, 'The trial judge advocate will read the charges.'

'Mr. President, the defendants are charged under the Eleventh Article of War with piracy, rape, and murder. Each of these is a capital offense. Specifications: that on or about the fourteenth of this month, the defendants did board the motor yacht Empire Builder ; that while aboard they did murder the four people aboard the vessel, that is, the owner and master, his wife, and their two minor children; further, that in the course of these events the defendants did rape the wife and daughter of the owner and master; further that the defendants did dismember and dispose of the bodies of the victims prior to our boarding the vessel on the morning of the fifteenth. The prosecution will show that these actions took place in the course of drug-running operations. Murder in the course of drug-related activities is a capital offense under United States Code, Annotated. Further, murder in the course of piracy, and rape in the course of piracy, are capital crimes under the Articles of War. As the court is aware, piracy is a crime under the doctrine of jus gentium , and falls under the jurisdiction of any interested warship. Further, murder attending piracy is, as I have stated, a capital crime. Although as a ship of the United States Coast Guard we have de jure rights to board and seize any American-flag vessel, that authority is not strictly necessary in a case of this kind. Therefore, this court has full jurisdiction to try and, if necessary, execute the prisoners. The prosecution announces herewith its intention to request the death penalty in this case.'

'Thank you,' Wegener said, turning to the defense table. 'Do you understand the charges?'


'What the trial judge advocate just said was that you are being tried for piracy, rape, and murder. If you are found guilty, the court will then decide whether or not to execute you. You have the right to legal counsel. Lieutenant Alison, sitting there at the table with you, is your defending officer. Do you understand?' It took a few more seconds for things to sink in, but he understood all right. 'Does the defense waive full reading of charges and specifications?'

'Yes, Mr. President. Sir, the defense moves that the cases be tried individually, and begs the indulgence of the court to confer with his clients.'

'Sir, the prosecution objects to splitting the cases.'

'Argument?' the captain asked. 'Defense first.'

'Sir, since, as the trial judge advocate has told us, this is to be a capital case, I beg the court's indulgence to allow me to defend my clients as best I can under the circumstances, and -'

Wegener stopped him with a wave of the hand. 'The defense correctly points out that, since this is a capital case, it is customary to grant the utmost leeway to the defense. The court finds this a persuasive argument and grants the motion. The court also grants the defense five minutes to confer with his clients. The court suggests that the defense might instruct his clients to identify themselves properly to the court.'

The lieutenant took them to a corner of the room, still in handcuffs, and started talking to them quietly.

'Look, I'm Lieutenant Alison, and I'm stuck with the job of keeping you two characters alive. For starters, you'd better damned sight tell me who the hell you are!'

'What is this bullshit?' the tall one asked.

'This bullshit is a court-martial. You're at sea, mister, and in case nobody ever told you, the captain of an American warship can do any goddamned thing he wants. You shouldn't have pissed him off.'


'So, this is a trial , you asshole! You know, a judge, a jury. They can sentence you to death and they can do it right here aboard the ship.'


'What's your name, for God's sake?'

'Yo' mama,' the tall one said contemptuously. The other one looked somewhat less sure of himself. The lieutenant scratched the top of his head. Eighteen feet away, Captain Wegener took note of it.

'What the hell did you do aboard that yacht?'

'Get me a real lawyer!'

'Mister, I'm all the lawyer you're gonna get,' the lieutenant said. 'Haven't you figured that out yet?'

The man didn't believe him, which was precisely what everyone had expected. The defending officer led his clients back to their table.

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