happened next confused nearly everyone.

It was dawn in the air, if not yet on the surface, when a flight of four PRC fighters came off the mainland, heading east, followed five minutes later by four more. These were duly tracked by the American ships at the extreme range of their billboard radars. Routine track numbers were assigned, and the computer system followed their progress to the satisfaction of the officers and men in the CIC of Port Royal. Until they didn't turn. Then a lieutenant lifted a phone and pushed a button.

'Yes?' a groggy voice answered.

'Captain, Combat, we have a flight of PRC aircraft, probably fighters, about to cross the line, bearing two- one-zero, altitude fifteen thousand, course zero-niner-zero, speed five hundred. There's a flight of four more a few minutes behind.'

'On the way.' The captain, partially dressed, arrived in the combat information center two minutes later, not in time to see the PRC fighters break the rules, but in time to hear a petty officer report something:

'New track, four or more fighters coming west.'

For the purposes of convenience, the computer had been told to assign «enemy» designator-graphics to the mainland fighters and «friendly» symbols to the Taiwanese. (There were also a few American aircraft around from time to time, but these were electronic-intelligence gatherers and well out of harm's way.) At this point, there were two immediately converging flights of four each, about thirty miles apart, but with a closure speed of over a thousand miles per hour. The radar was also tracking six commercial airliners, all on the east side of the line, minding their own business as they skirted the agreed-upon «exercise» areas.

'Raid Six is turning,' a sailor reported next. This was the first outbound flight off the mainland, and as the captain watched, the velocity vector turned southward, while the outbound flight off Taiwan bored in on them.

'Illuminators coming on,' the chief at the ESM console said. 'The ROCs are lighting up Raid Six. Their radars seem to be in tracking mode.'

'Maybe that's why they turned,' the captain thought.

'Maybe they got lost?' the CIC officer wondered.

'Still dark out. Maybe they just went too far.' They didn't know what sort of navigation gear the ChiCom fighters might have had, and driving a single-seat aircraft over the sea at night was not a precise business.

'More airborne radars coming on, easterly direction, probably Raid Seven,' the ESM chief said. This was the second flight off the mainland.

'Any electronic activity from Raid Six?' the CIC officer asked.

'Negative, sir.' These fighters continued their turn and were now heading west, back for the line, with the ROC F-16s in pursuit. It was at this point that things changed.

'Raid Seven is turning, course now zero-nine-seven.'

'That puts them on the -16s… and they're illuminating…,' the lieutenant observed, with the first hint of worry in his voice. 'Raid Seven is lighting up the F-16's, radars in tracking mode.'

The Republic of China F-16s then turned also. They'd been getting a lot of work. The newer, American-made fighters and their elite pilots comprised only about a third of their fighter force, and were drawing the duty of covering and responding to the flight exercises of their mainland cousins. Leaving Raid Six to return, they necessarily got more interested in the trailing flight, still heading east. The closure rate was still a thousand miles per hour, and both sides had their missile-targeting radars up and running, aimed at each other. That was internationally recognized as an unfriendly act, and one to be avoided for the simple reason that it was the aerial equivalent of aiming a rifle at someone's head.

'Uh-oh,' the petty officer on the ESM board said. 'Sir, Raid Seven, their radars just shifted to tracking mode.' Instead of just searching for targets, the airborne systems were now operating in the manner used to guide air-to- air missiles. What had been merely unfriendly a few seconds ago now became overtly hostile.

The F-16s broke into two pairs—elements—and began maneuvering freely. The outbound PRC fighters did the same. The original flight of four, Raid Six, was now across the line, heading west on what appeared to be a direct line to their airfield.

'Oh, I think I know what's going on here, sir, look how—'

A very small pip appeared on the screen, leaving one of the ROC F-16s—

'Oh, shit,' a sailor said. 'We have a missile in the air—'

'Make that two,' his chief said.

Aloft, a pair of American-made AIM-120 missiles were now taking separate paths to separate targets.

'They thought it was an attack. Oh, Christ,' the captain said, turning to his communications. 'Get me CiNC- PAC right now! '

It didn't take long. One of the mainland fighters turned into a puff on the screen. Warned, the other jinked hard and dodged its missile at the last second.

Then it turned back. The southern PRC fighter element maneuvered also, and Raid Six turned radically to the north, its illumination radars now on. Ten seconds later, six more missiles were airborne and tracking targets.

'We got a battle on our hands!' the chief of the watch said. The captain lifted the phone: 'Bridge, combat, general quarters, general quarters!' Then he grabbed the TBS microphone, getting the captains of his two companion ships, both ten miles away, east and west of his cruiser as the alarm gong started sounding on USS Port Royal.

'I have it,' The Sullivans reported. That destroyer was outboard.

'Me, too,' Chandler chimed in. That one was closer to the island nation, but getting the radar picture from the Aegis ships via data link.

'That's a kill!' Another ChiCom fighter took its hit and headed down to the still-dark surface. Five seconds later, an F-16 died. More crewmen arrived in CIC, taking their battle stations.

'Captain, Raid Six was just trying to simulate—'

'Yeah, I see that now, but we have a train wreck on our hands.'

And then, predictably, a missile went wild. These were so small as to be hard for the Aegis radar to track, but a technician boosted power, throwing six million watts of RF energy into the «exercise» area, and the picture became more clear.

'Oh, shit!' a chief said, pointing to the main tactical display. 'Captain, look there!'

It was instantly obvious. Someone had loosed what was probably an infra-red-seeking missile, and the hottest target in town was an Air China Airbus 310, with two huge General Electric CF6 turbofans—the same basic engines as those which powered all three of the American warships—which looked like the sun to its single red eye.

'Chief Albertson, get him on guard!' the skipper shouted.

'Air China Six-Six-Six, this is a U.S. Navy warship, you have a missile inbound on you from the northwest, I say again, maneuver immediately, you have a missile tracking you from the northwest!'

'What, what?' But the plane started moving, turning left and descending. Not that it mattered.

The plotted velocity vector of the missile never wavered from the target. There was a hope that it would burn out and fall short, but the missile was going at mach 3, and the Air China flight was already slowed down, commencing its approach to its home field. When the pilot put his nose down, he just made things easier for the missile.

'It's a big airplane,' the captain said.

'Only two engines, sir,' the weapons officer pointed out.

'That's a hit,' a radarman said. 'Get her down, pal, get her down. Oh, fuck,' the captain breathed, wanting to turn away. On the display, the 310's blip tripled in size and flashed the emergency code.

'He's calling Mayday, sir,' a radioman said. 'Air China flight triple-six is calling Mayday… engine and wing damage… possible fire aboard.'

'Only about fifty miles out,' a chief said. 'He's vectoring for a direct approach into Taipei.'

'Captain, all stations report manned and ready. Condition One is set throughout the ship,' the 1C man of the watch told the skipper.

'Very well.' His eyes were locked on the center of the three radar displays. The fighter engagement, he saw, had ended as quickly as it had started, with three fighters splashed, another possibly damaged, and both sides withdrawing to lick their wounds and figure out what the hell had happened. On the Taiwanese side, another flight of fighters was up and forming just off their coast.

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