'There are guys, and there are guys,' Troy said. 'I'm not so sure I believe in good guys and bad guys anymore.'

'On one level that's true, but there's always more than meets the eye.'

'Who are you guys, Nagte?' Troy asked. 'Who are you, really?'

'You've seen our company ID.'

'I've heard that your 'company' has been a wholly owned subsidiary of Firehawk and Cernavoda since Saturday morning,' Troy retorted.

'They swallowed some pretty large fish when they swallowed the executive branch on Saturday. I don't think that they'll ever fully digest them, and I predict a spate of indigestion when the euphoria of that meal fades.'

'What do you want with me?' Troy asked. 'You wanted Harris compromised, and he's about as compromised as he can be. I'd say that the job you asked me to do is finished.'

'I think the job is only just beginning.'

'I'm through,' Troy insisted. 'I've got to go… gotta check on a friend.'

'She came through it in good shape,' the enigmatic CIA man said. 'Just want you to know that she's okay. Back on the job today, in fact.'

'At Firehawk… at Herndon?'

'I'm sure that you'll hear all about it.'

'I'm sure. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm out of here, and I hope you guys can carry on without me.'

'This thing isn't over, Loensch,' Nagte said somberly. 'It isn't over by any stretch of the imagination.'

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