“Great,” said Jack, and he caught himself hoping it was the good-looking girl busy at her desk right next to them.

“Melanie, do you have a second?”

To Ryan’s pleasure, the girl with the chestnut hair stood and turned around. She wore a light blue button- down shirt and a navy knee-length pencil skirt. Jack saw a navy jacket over the back of her swivel chair. “Jack Ryan Jr., meet Melanie Kraft. She’s my newest star here at the op center.”

The two shook hands with smiles.

Melanie said, “Mary Pat, when I joined, you didn’t tell me I would get to meet celebrities.”

“Junior’s not a celebrity. He’s family.”

Ryan groaned inwardly at being called Junior in front of this girl. Jack thought she was stunning; he had a hard time turning away from her bright, friendly eyes.

Melanie nodded and said, “You are taller than you look on TV.”

Jack smiled. “I haven’t been on TV in years. I’ve grown up a bit, I guess.”

Mary Pat said, “Jack, I kidnapped Melanie from her desk at Langley.”

“Thank goodness for that,” Melanie said.

“You couldn’t work for a better boss,” Jack replied with a smile. “Or do more important work than NCTC.”

“Thanks. Are you here because you are planning on following in your dad’s footsteps in government service?”

Jack chuckled. “No, Mary Pat and I have a lunch date. I’m not here looking for work. I appreciate what you guys do, but I’m a money guy. A greedy capitalist, you might say.”

“Nothing wrong with that, as long as you pay your taxes. My salary has to come from somewhere.”

They all three laughed about that.

“Well, I’d better get back to work,” Melanie said. “It was nice meeting you. Best of luou.ed ck to your father next month. We’re rooting for him.”

“Thank you. I know he appreciates what you all do here.”

Mary Pat had just shut the door on Ryan’s Hummer, he had not even turned over the engine, when she turned to him and smiled. He smiled back. “Something on your mind, Mary Pat?”

“She’s single.”

Jack laughed. With a slight affectation in his voice, he said, “I have no idea what you are talking about.”

Mary Pat Foley just smiled. “You’d like her, she’s very smart. No, not smart. I think she’s damn brilliant. Ed and I have already had her over to dinner, and Ed is smitten.”

“Great,” Jack said. He did not get embarrassed particularly easily, but he was starting to blush. He’d known Mary Pat since he’d been in diapers, and she had never once even asked him about his dating life, much less tried to set him up with someone.

“She’s from Texas, if you didn’t notice her drawl. Doesn’t have too many friends around town. Lives in a little carriage-house apartment down in Alexandria.”

“This is all interesting, Mary Pat, and she seems nice and all, but I actually had another reason for coming down. Something a little more important than my love life.”

She chuckled. “I doubt it.”

“Just wait.”

They pulled into a strip-mall sushi bar on Old Dominion Drive. The little restaurant was as nondescript as any eatery in the city, stuck tight between a cleaner and a bagel shop, but Mary Pat promised the sashimi was as good as Ryan would ever eat this side of Osaka. As the first customers of the day they had their pick of tables, so Ryan chose a secluded booth in the back corner of the restaurant.

They chatted about their families for a while, ordered lunch, and then Ryan pulled the two photographs from his Tumi bag, placed them side by side.

“What am I looking at here, Junior?”

“The guy on the right is ISI. Head of Joint Intelligence Miscellaneous.”

Foley nodded, and then said, “And that’s also him on the left, younger and out of uniform.”

Jack nodded. “LeT operative named Khalid Mir, aka—”

Mary Pat looked up at Jack with astonishment. “Abu Kashmiri?”

“That’s right.”

“I was wrong, Jack.”


“About your love life being more interesting than what you wanted to talk about. Kashmiri was killed three years ago.”

“Or was he?” Ryan asked. “Rehan is Khalid Mir. And Khalid Mir is also known as Abu Kashmiri. If Rehan is alive, then, to paraphrase Mark Twain—”

Mary Pat said, “The rumors of his death have been greatly exaggerated.”


“I saw a digital image of a body, but it was after a particularly well placed Hellfire, so it could have been anybody. That’s one of the troubles with missile strikes. Unless you go in and get DNA yourself, then you never really know if you got the right person.”

“I guess we don’t havwe ine CSI Waziristan just standing by, ready to rush to every scene and swab for evidence.”

Mary Pat laughed. “I am so stealing that line.” She turned serious. “Jack, why don’t I know about this Kashmiri-ISI connection already?”

Ryan shrugged. Gerry had directed him to keep detail of Campus operations out of the conversation, so he couldn’t tell her that Dom and Driscoll saw this guy in Cairo and their photo actually made the connection in the recog software.


Ryan realized he was just sitting there.

Mary Pat said, “Let me guess. Senator Hendley told you to show me the pictures but not to reveal your shop’s sources or methods that discovered the connection.”


“No need to be sorry. That’s the business we’re in. I respect that. But you are here for some reason other than to just show me you’ve made this connection, right?”

“Yeah. This guy, Brigadier General Riaz Rehan. There was a sighting of him a few days ago in Cairo.”


“He was meeting with Mustafa el Daboussi.”

Foley’s eyebrows rose. “Well, that’s not good. And it doesn’t make a hell of a lot of sense. El Daboussi has a benefactor already; he’s Muslim Brotherhood. He doesn’t need the ISI. And the ISI has militant organizations doing their bidding right there, in Pakistan. Why would Rehan need to go to Cairo?”

Jack knew what Mary Pat Foley was thinking but not saying. She wasn’t going to come right out and mention el Daboussi’s work on the training camps in western Libya. That was classified intelligence. It was also something The Campus had intercepted from CIA traffic to NCTC, which is how Jack knew this in the first place.

“We don’t know. We are surprised by it, too.”

When the food came, they ate in silence for a moment while Mary Pat Foley multitasked, using her iPad to look at some sort of database. Jack assumed it was classified intelligence, but he did not ask. He felt a little uncomfortable knowing that he and his organization were, in a manner of speaking, spying on the NCTC and the work they did, but he did not dwell on it long. He needed only to look at this conversation here, where Jack and his colleagues had exploited intel derived from U.S. intelligence community sources, improved on it with their own work, and now fed the new-and-improved product right back to them, free of charge.

The Campus had been doing this for much of the past year, and it was a good relationship, even if one of the members of the romance was not aware of the other.

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