“I understand the basis of your question, Gary. But we’ve learned a great deal from the accidents you mention, and many of the people who helped determine what occurred in those instances are available for consultation — or even active participation — in our investigation. Also, while it’s true that the shuttle is a unique and advanced spacecraft, many of its systems and subsystems share a common baseline with the technologies used in other modern flying machines. Consequently, there’s a wide pool of authorities from government and civil aviation who can be of tremendous assistance to us.”

“Does that mean the FAA and National Transportation and Safety Board will be involved?”

Name the two agencies that nobody but nobody trusts, why don’t you? Might as well ask about the possible inclusion of former KGB operatives, or maybe Nixon’s White House plumbers while you’re at it.

“We’ll be working alongside those groups to get to the bottom of what happened, and may very well include representatives from both as part of our team’s composition. However, we’ve already had many specialists from the aerospace industry and other parts of the private sector volunteer their expertise, and we will certainly be taking full advantage of it. What matters to me is that the job gets done, and I’m inclined to engage anyone who can have constructive input, regardless of his or her professional affiliation.”

Gary Somebody-or-other paused a beat. Though Annie was looking directly into the bland eye of a television camera and had no video monitor with which to see him long distance, she suspected he was getting instructions from the control room.

A moment later her suspicion was confirmed.

“I’m being told we’re short on time, so some final questions,” he said. “We’ve heard from various sources that there’s been a break-in at an UpLink International facility in Brazil, where critical elements of the International Space Station are being manufactured. Several accounts indicate that a military-style assault force was involved. Can you tell us anything about this?”

Have to get back to you on that one. Soon as somebody gives me more than the Cliff Notes version of what’s going on over there. Which may eventually happen if I’m lucky.

“To be frank, I’ve spoken with Roger Gordian just once since my appointment as head of the probe, and didn’t have a chance to discuss the matter at length—”

“Can you confirm that there indeed was an attack on the plant?”

“Apparently a break-in, to use your characterization of the incident, did take place and was contained by UpLink security forces. That’s all I’ve gotten up to this point, but I plan to be in further touch with Mr. Gordian sometime today or tomorrow, and will hopefully have additional information to share with you afterward.”

“Any idea about the size of the attack force, what they were after, or who might have been sponsoring them?”

“No, none. I really do wish I could tell you more right now, Gary, but everyone needs to try and be patient.”

“Still, I must ask you — given the nearly simultaneous timing of the two incidents, and knowing that Orion’s primary cargo was a lab element of ISS — has a connection between what happened in Brazil and the shuttle blaze been considered?”

“I have no knowledge that would lead me to believe that, and don’t think we should go too far with that kind of speculation. NASA maintains a very close relationship with UpLink, and we’ll be keeping track of any developments in Mato Grasso that could impact on the program. I intend to be absolutely forthcoming to the press about whatever we learn, bearing in mind that we need to be careful about any details that might jeopardize the safety of UpLink personnel abroad.”

“So you’re not concerned about Roger Gordian suspending operations at the plant? If the stories coming out of Brazil turn out to be true?”

Huh? Suspending operations? Where’d that come from? Feel free to whip something up out of thin air, why don’t you, Gary?

“No, I’ve heard nothing at all to indicate that’s being contemplated.”

Another pause.

“Unfortunately, I’m being signaled that we’re coming up on our daily ‘Keep Your Lawn Lean and Green’ segment. Please accept our prayers and best wishes as you move forward with your investigation. I hope you’ll return to give us an update.”

“Thank you, Gary, I’m sure that I will,” Annie said.

Onward, she thought.

* * *

It was at her afternoon press conference that Annie detected an emerging thread to the coverage, one that was being gradually twisted through a journalistic hook with sales figures and ratings points as the intended catch.

She’d scarcely taken a breath after having completed her opening statements when an Associated Press reporter opened the Q&A by shooting his hand into the air and jumping from his seat in front of the podium like a kindergartner desperate for his teacher’s permission to visit the potty.

“In your appearance on a national television broadcast earlier today, you discussed Roger Gordian closing down his International Space Station plant in Brazil due to an attack on its grounds by armed militants,” he said. “Can you elaborate on that situation for us?”

“As I stated before, I’ve heard nothing whatsoever about any such closing, and have to point out that your categorization of the intruders as militants is incredibly premature—”

“But you confirmed that a break-in took place, am I correct?”

“Yes, though break-in was the interviewer’s phrase, not mine,” she said. “My purview is the Orion probe and that’s where I wish to keep my focus. In my prepared comments a moment ago, I explained that the shuttle’s remains are being transported from the launch site to the Vehicle Assembly Building for reconstruction, a procedure I’ve been busy coordinating throughout the day. The remainder of my time has been spent working out procedural guidelines for the investigation, selecting members of our team, and doing everything I can to let the press know what we’re up to.”

Annie motioned to another print man, Allen Murdock, a staff reporter with the Washington Post.

“To stay with the issue my colleague from AP just raised,” Murdock said, “when asked on television whether the events in Brazil could have been linked to Orion, you stated you had no knowledge of it — quote, unquote — but refrained from dismissing the possibility outright. Does that mean there may be signs that they’re related acts of sabotage? And if so, who do you believe might have been responsible for them?”

“Allen, I don’t think it serves me any purpose to parse words. ‘No knowledge’ means precisely that—”

“But it’s well known that Roger Gordian has been a steady proponent and financial backer of ISS for many years. If the reports of his company closing up shop in Brazil were to prove accurate, wouldn’t it be reasonable to conclude that the decision was precipitated by a serious threat to his employees?”

That makes, what, three qualifiers in a single sentence?

“You’re asking several questions at once, all of them hypothetical, and I’d rather stick to the facts. Again, I’m not sure how this notion about UpLink abandoning the program originated, though it seems to me it’s based on a supposition drawn from a misrepresentation of some remarks that were made on the air earlier, which I think everyone here would agree can really get things in a tangle.”


She pointed to a fresh face. A young woman swimming amid a school of combative males. Sisterly kinship. Feminine rapport. Her press pass identified her as Martha Eumans from CNBC.

Martha stood. “Should UpLink decide to withdraw its support of ISS, whatever the reason, how seriously would it impact upon the space station’s future prospects…?”

And so it went for another very, very trying half hour.

* * *

“Annie, I realize these are difficult times, but gotta say you’re looking magnificent.”

“That’s very kind of you, Mac.”

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